Carbon Tax $1.02 Heating Oil/Diesel, .89 Cents Gasoline and .58 Cents Propane/Natural Gas
Edward S. Gilbert Jr
Gilbert for U.S. Congress 2020 VT at Green Mountain Republicans, Inc.
The Socialist Democrat/Progressive Super Majority promises to raise the cost of living for all Vermonters by implementing Carbon Taxes $1.02 Heating Oil/Diesel, .89 Cent Gasoline Tax (on top of the .45 Cents already on present gasoline taxes) and .58 Cent Propane/Natural Gas Taxes. Vermont has scene a dramatic increase in the homeless populations across all 14 Counties of Vermont under the 8 years of President Obama, Former Democrat Governor of Vermont Peter Shumlin, Former Vermont House Speaker Democrat Shap Smith and Former Vermont Democrat Senate Pro-Tem John Campbell.
Former Vermont Democrat House Speaker Shap Smith, Former Vermont Democrat Governor of Vermont Peter Shumlin and Former Vermont Democrat Senate Pro-Tem John Campbell. The Vermont budget has grown to an estimated $3.2 to $4.6 Billion Dollar Deficit (completely dependent on tax revenues being paid) and OVER $300+ Million LOST on the failed Vermont Health Connect which has missed every single deadline, consistently gone over budget with every single update along its development life cycle. After the first $50 Million, the first missed deadlines in its development life cycle in the private sector there would be a major change in leadership with in the project. Yes, the management team would be fired, there would be promotions among the team for Project Management Team members whom can deliver without allowing project creep to destroy the viability of the deliverables of the Software/Network Engineering Development Life Cycle.
The Socialist Democrat/Progressive Super Majority destroying the affordability of Vermont for all Vermonters and anyone who wants to visit the Green Mountain State has a suffered a HUGE set back! Over the past 2 Election Cycles, the Socialist Democrat/Progressive Doctrine has suffered HUGE loses nationally in back to back repeat defeats in the 2014 Mid-Term and the 2016 Presidential Election Cycles. Vermont put all of its Apples in President Obama's Green Energy Policies. The Industrial Wind Projects destroying the ridge lines to appear like the Green Mountain State was using FREE energy in the eyes of the environmentalists by filling open fields with layer upon layer of Solar Panels, destroying ridge line after ridge line for Industrial Wind Turbine at great costs to the environment while NOT supplying the amount of energy to the grid as advertised.
The Socialist Democrat/Progressive Super Majority destroying the affordability of Vermont for all Vermonters and anyone whom visits Vermont. Rather than implementing a strategy utilizing all of the energy portfolio, they shutdown Vermont Yankee (Nuclear is still the most efficient, cost effective energy source) picked up on President Obama's Tax Payer Subsidies to go totally Green. Vermont allowed its ridge lines and open fields to be sacrificed for the Industrial Wind Turbine Farms, huge fields of Solar Panels and unique tax incentives for Vermont Tax Payers to jump on that bandwagon. However, now that Vermont Tax Payers are far better educated, the money offered for the small towns as green mail, sacrificing a few neighbors homes close to the Industrial Wind Turbine Farms seemed like good business!
Now Socialist Progressive/Democrat Senator David Zuckerman from Chittenden County promises to pick up where 2016 DNC Presidential Candidate FEEL THE BURN from the Bern Socialist Democrat (I) Vermont U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders whom almost knocked off 2016 DNC Presidential Nominee Hillary R. Clinton. Yet, it was a landslide victory in the Electoral College across the country rejecting the Socialist Democrat/Progressive Doctrine electing Republican President-Elect Donald J. Trump. Vermont elected Republican Governor-Elect Phil Scott to the Executive branch of Vermont. Can Republican Governor-Elect Phil Scott implement the changes to reverse the last 8 years of Socialist Democrat/Progressive Doctrine destroying the affordability of Vermont for all Vermonters? Or will the Socialist Democrat/Progressive Super Majority continue to deny the mandate by American Voters across the country and Vermont Tax Payers maxed out by the present most complicated Tax Code in Vermont and U.S. History?
Stay tuned! Stay engaged and watch out America! The Socialist Democrat/Progressive Doctrine of Vermont want you all to pay $1.02 Heating Oil/Diesel, .89 Cents Gasoline Tax and .58 Cent Propane/Natural Gas Taxes!