Carbon capture and use with Omega Air systems
This technique, which can also be called "carbon valorization", is the process of capturing gaseous carbon dioxide (CO2) present in an industrial or agro-food process and further processing it, with the aim of reusing it in a local process or reselling it.
A CCU system must be distinguished from carbon capture and storage (CCS) systems, which mostly capture CO2?from processes (or even from the atmosphere) and direct CO2?to appropriate storage (mostly underground).
Both systems prevent the release of CO2?into the atmosphere and can therefore be a valuable benefit to the environment (as a higher concentration of CO2?in the atmosphere is the main cause of global warming). The main difference between CCU and CCS processes is that CCS systems do not include the treatment of CO2?and therefore the gas cannot be used afterwards.
At OMEGA AIR, we believe in the future of systems that will help reduce the share of CO2?used in industry, and are able to propose complete turnkey CCS/CCU solutions for CO2?valuation: from separation to liquefaction, through gas compression and purification.
Our turnkey container systems enable the end user to have a positive impact on the environment and at the same time generate profit.
The CO2?obtained in this way can - depending on the customer's request and further use – be either in a gaseous or liquid state, and of industrial or food quality.
CAPTURE OF CO2?FROM FLUE GAS (Shown in the image below on the left)
Flue gases contain a relatively high concentration of CO2, which can be captured using a combination of separation technologies. When separating with organic solvents (e.g. ethylene amide), in the first separation column, the flow of flue gases is washed with solvents that bind CO2. In the next stage, the liquid enriched with CO2?is regenerated (heated), and in the second separation column, CO2?in the gaseous phase is separated from the solvent in the liquid phase. The organic solvent is then cooled and re-injected into the first separation column, while CO2?in the gaseous phase is stored in an intermediate storage tank, where it is ready for the additional processing phase (e.g. filtration, compression, liquefaction).
CAPTURE OF CO2?DURING FERMENTATION (Shown in the image above on the right)
Alcoholic fermentation or alcoholic fermentation is a biological process in which sugars such as glucose, fructose, and sucrose are converted into energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), producing ethanol and carbon dioxide (CO2) as metabolic waste products. A high concentration of CO2?is captured at the top of the fermentation tanks and then stored in an intermediate storage tank before the further processing phase.
CCU system
When we want to reuse CO2?in a process, it needs to be additionally purified beforehand. The purification phase most often includes compression, filtration and drying. Properly purified CO2?is suitable for further use in the food industry or various industrial applications -> CO2?application