Carbon Capture as a Part of Natural Gas Value Chain

Carbon Capture as a Part of Natural Gas Value Chain

Natural gas is a valuable resource, not only as a clean fuel for power and heat generation, but also as a key raw material for the petrochemical and chemical industries. Once cleaned of its impurities, natural gas can be separated into its major components—methane, ethane and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)—and used as pipeline gas, liquefied for export or converted to liquid fuels or synthesis gas (syngas) for the fertilizer industry, as illustrated in the Figure. Natural gas also is a major source of ethane and LPG for the production of olefins via steam cracking.

The furture challenge in natural gas processing is floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG).The concept of FLNG is now seen as a leading solution to monetize remote types of gas resources. Shell was the first company to invest in FLNG, for the development of its Prelude field offshore Australia. Today, practically all major oil and gas companies have launched FLNG programs. The development of FLNG technology has built on the combination of expertise gained from large oil ?FPSOs, the latest developments in liquefaction processes, experience with production on floating platforms and LNG storage, and innovation in new offloading technologies. 

GTL is new emerging crucial part of the gas value chain.Fischer-Tropsch (FT) conversion process is a technology for the production of long-chain paraffins from a syngas mainly composed of H and CO. The liquid products from FT conversion can be processed into high-value liquid fuels, lube oils and specialty waxes. The syngas feeding the FT conversion unit can be sourced from any carbon-containing primary feed, such as solid feeds (coal, coke, biomass, etc.), heavy hydrocarbon liquid residues from oil refineries or natural gas.GTL diesel features an extremely low concentration of hazardous substances and impurities such as sulphur and toxic aromatic and metal compounds. Combusting this fuel also produces significantly fewer polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), which are a health hazard. GTL diesel is thus the preferred fuel in large cities, as its low sulphur content promises to improve air quality in the future. GTL diesel complies with all international emission standards.

Developing technologies to mitigate the emission of carbon dioxide from power plants and other flaring post-combustion is challenging. The Post-Combustion COCapture Unit - an original development - captures the carbon dioxide using a chemical solvent and then utilizes a regenerator to release the carbon dioxide.The developed mechanisms to hold captured carbon dioxide for reuse in industrial applications for uses such as enhanced oil recovery and permanent sequestration. The multi-step compression and dehydration process, in which the carbon dioxide is compressed to supercritical conditions, allows the carbon dioxide to be successfully transported. 



Ahmed OMRAN 艾哈迈德-奥姆兰的更多文章

