Car Washing Fraud and Other Dirty Dealings

Car Washing Fraud and Other Dirty Dealings

The Sly-Shady and cunning Art of Car Washing is alive and well in the land of Dirty Dealership Duplicity. In South Africa used car stock that ages is often washed via a middle man or corrupt wholesalers, this article shares how ageing used car inventory is deviously dealt with inside car dealerships.

I wrote this article to shed light on this car chicanery by illuminating the fraudulently dark and nefarious practices that are taking place within the confines of some corporate car companies. The brain drain in automotive environments has seen operationally inept and often totally inexperienced executives come to the fore within automotive sales structures. The truth is that they often miss many things that appear as normal on the surface. The risky reality is that scams and theft are far from normal and often do not make sense as motoring malpractices or monetary misappropriations take place right under the very noses of management. Swindling is often just smoke and mirrors however bilking or scamming is a bespoke way of stealing by building a bullshit baffles brains ill gotten asset base.

The sad fact is that many automotive managers do not have the sales smarts , experience, common sense or business wit to see what is actually going on as their crooked colleagues keep them confused by steering their fiscal focus in the wrong direction often wasting time by auditing honest and above board business areas.

The surreptitious strategy is called Dealership Deflection as the distracted drone is sucked in and misdirected to scrutinise well run, decent dealerships often mistakenly targeting good people along the way as a slimy starting point. Honesty and Integrity are the enemies of corrupt car cretins, costing them money as they know that keeping anyone that is above board around runs a high risk for them to be caught out red handed.

The Motto of Devious Motoring Men , "When in Doubt Get Honest People Out."
A great quote from John Lennon sums it all up rather appropriately.

These thrifty thieves sow bad seeds as they create an evil persona of star performers and dealerships by cloaking and choking them under the dirt gathering corporate car covers like a Thugee cult. Their modus operandi is usually blanketed or smeared in anti-social practices that a small child could pick up on as they fuel their foul skulduggery with subterfuge and dramatics drawing attention away from their deceit and dishonestly driven dealerships.

The benefit for Car Washers and Fraudsters is that this best bad practice keeps the spotlight off their corrupt dealership as they sell cars off to the trade lucratively lining their pockets with impostures of ill gotten gains. The scary part of this story is that this is normally only the tip of the iceberg of deception, as what lies beneath the ebb of the icy waters of embezzlement has still to surface ,often sinking sales ships with Titanic unseen Treachery.

The strategy is well know to real motoring men and is called ..................

Dealership Deflection amongst many other Dishonest Double Dealing Deceptions found in the Encyclopaedia of Dealership Dissimulation. 

A true car dealer and sales gentleman can never condone the activities of a wicked and criminally organised car syndicate.

How Does Car Washing Work?

The car industry in South African has perhaps accidently supplied the water solution and solvents creating the flow of liquidity for slippery sponges to absorb soaps of cash creating the Sham-Poo for Car Washing Success.

A Scam- Poo that is uncovered is a dirty, corrupt mess and it is not always easy to remove the excrement.

Senior Executives inadvertently and incompetently allowed absolutely inexperienced people to create a crazy policy of selling used cars off to dealers at 90 days lathering a lascivious practice of panic. The mismanaged motoring mine created an orifice of unsafe opportunity that was self engineered by so called operational experts. The cavernous crater left an operational obstacle that they fell into as well as creating a gold mine for unscrupulous wholesale dealers to practice the sharp art of shafting, swindling and cheating car companies. Motoring magnates sat behind their desks on mahogany row obliviously happy and negligently unaware of the security risk and pitfall this posed as a pillaging of profits took place. The rotten economy of fraud loves to soft soap rashes or infected areas generally leaving the cancerous polyps and clingons that should have been washed away firmly adhered onto the anus of the automotive industry.

The car washing process is a simple one and ingeniously evil, please allow me to detail how this Machiavellian Motoring Methodology rinses out in the wash.

1. Prime fully reconditioned 90 day stock held in a corporate car companies stock profile are sold off to dishonest dealers let's call the evil entity, BAD Motors. These cars are disposed of way under the trade or book value, alternatively cars that owe  the wrong money are also taken up or bought by BAD Motors as part of the parlous parcel.

These aged cars usually owe the wrong money or may stand in way over acceptable trade prices. However do not worry as the plot thickens as the replacement parcel of cars that the corporate company is purchasing from BAD Motors has a huge profit built into the purchase price to compensate for all and any pricing problems.

This misrepresented margin is the monetary amount required to write back the 90 day stock BAD Motors is buying from the corporate at the wrong price. This hefty mark up gets the 90 day stock reverted or written back to the perceived right price. The other amount that is often added on is the cash value to look after the person that bought the BAD Apple Motors Car-Sket of dead stock. I like to call these cars THE LEMONS.







2. BAD Motors then delivers the parcel of Lemons to the corporate dealer incorporating a mix of used cars, normally sourced and soured with slow moving stock like Citroen , Peugeot, Renault or Volvo or any other vehicle they are stuck with. The stock purchased by the corporate is ideally unpopular used units that nobody else wanted as stagnant sellers or cars that BAD Motors acquired way behind book value in order for the wash to work.

The stock sold to the corporate by BAD Motors as previously mentioned, has a healthy margin built in to compensate for the buy in of the corporates 90 day stock  so called generously bought by the "Brave Buyer at Bad Motors."

A portion of the profit taken by BAD Motors on the parcel of Lemon is the money that is used to launder, wash ,lather ,cleanse and polish the corporates stock back to a written down value that holds a pristine profit opportunity or an attractive wholesale opportunity. The wash is now complete and the corporates 90 day stock can now be sold by BAD Motors to the trade for a massive margin and big fat profit.

3. Used stock can do Circles in the Trade for years as the same dead stock is moved around via a hawker or middle man until somebody hopefully sells it or it is traded away. I tracked a particular luxury German vehicle over a 2 year period and each time it changed hands amongst a circle of car dealers, the same wholesaler was involved enriching his company, slipping a back hander to the manager and laughing all the way to the bank.

Some questions to consider:

Why would a multinational company buy cars from a small independent wholesaler?

Why would a multinational company sell used cars or prime stock to a small independent wholesaler ?

Why would a multinational company need the help of a small independent dealer to find stock for them ?

Why would a multinational company rely on an independent dealer to look after them when they have a massive network of their own dealers desperately looking for stock to buy, sell or move to other locations?

Operationally Nowhere Idiots are a dime a dozen in dealerships and have politically permeated and ingratiated themselves into the upper management echelons without a vestige of the earned and required basic common sense operational skills.

I can share that all car companies should be very careful as carrying a profile of profit pilfering people will continue to propel the industry to breaking point, eventually reaching a level that it will not be able to recover from. The prognosis for condoning fraudulent car washes combined with bad business practices that are plied with, an insane management of used car inventory are one of the lame reasons that are crippling the health and future of used car sales. 

The woes of management have raised eyebrows and corporate frowns are now  deeply lined with counter productive controls that have turned perceived professional people into car wholesalers favourite corporate clowns.

The expense to the invested shareholder is equivalent to being bitten by a rattle snake and slipping into anaphylactic shock as share prices and profits are poisoned. The busy business fool is generally blissfully unaware of their unique status in the trade as they obliviously propagate bad practices by bleeding potential used car profits, posting losses, selling off stock and generally losing opportunities, resultantly they are referred to and please excuse the Pun as......................................

The Laughing Stock of the Automotive Industry !


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