Car insurance (uk)?

Car insurance (uk)?

If i buy car insurance as a learner driver then pass in less than a year do i need to change my insurance to full driving license or wait untill it needs renewing and then change it?

ANSWER: I might suggest that you try this site where one can compare rates from the best companies:


How much does insurance run for a 16 year old in North Carolina?

My Son gets his Licenses on August 17 of this year. So i am trying to figure out about how much its gonna run for him to have car insurance



Car insurance coverage?

 Will the insurance of a driver pay off for a non family member's vehicle that was totaled if he has total coverage for his vehicles? The vehicle that was crashes has a lien against it & only has liability insurance. However, the driver that wrecked has total coverage for both of his vehicles. He has USAA insurance which looks like good insurance?  There is GAP insurance on the wrecked vehicle.   My question, how do I get the ball rolling on this? I live in Oklahoma, the truck is sitting at a savage yard in Killeen, TX , the primary driver (a soldier) is in a military camp in Virginia, the soldier that wrecked the vehicle is living in Killeen, TX. I signed for the loan, my name is on the title. I haven't ever driven this vehicle.   The salvage yard said they sent registered letters to the Oklahoma motor vehicle department. This sounds like it could take months and months to settle.  Meanwhile, I need the primary driver to continue make the payments. They are not agreeing on who shuld""



Why is my insurance 850$ a month?

I got into a car accident about a year and a few months ago and my insurance randomly shot up to 850$ why is that? How do I get my insurance lowered to within reason?



What is the lowest car insurance for a Kia?

I need insurance for just 1 vehicle a 2002 Kia Rio valued at $2500 How can i get an insurance policy that would pay for repairs and the other persons medical bills for under $300 a year Is there any plan that offers car insurance at this rate or less



What does a Auto Insurance Representative do?

What does a Auto Insurance Representative do?



Will I be covered under my moms car insurance?

 Alright I am 18 and I live with my mom. My car recently stalled out and there is something wrong with the engine. So my mom has AAA auto insurance, and I am covered by state farm which is my dads insurance. We are in California, and I wanted to know if I would be covered if I were to drive my moms car until mine is fixed. I know that if you live in the same household that you wouldnt be covered, but my insurance has my dads address under it. So do you think I would be covered?""



California: Smogging an older car?

I have a 1983 Datsun 280zx, and I just got a letter in the mail saying I have to smog this vehicle. I thought there was an age bracket for classic cars that didnt need to be smogged and I was in it? isn't 1983 in that bracket now?  or does this bracket even exist?""



Can an insurance company unregister your vehicle?

I was told that my vehicle was unregistered due to it being registered under my name but insured under someone else's name is that possible



Car ownership and insurance?

If car is on my wife's name, she got pervisnel licence and i have fully com insurance and i m driving without her. Is that any offence in UK?""



To HOLD a California Drivers License is it required to have insurance?

Argument with a coworker



I need a student loan?

 true enough i made a mistake and got a felony however, i am trying to correct this , because of my felony i have had a time finding employment which is causeing my credit to be negative and fafsa said i make to much money to get a grant and i cant afford a loan, can someone help with my colleg funding please? i need books and tuition ?""



""Car insurance was cancelled on me, can I fight against this?""

 so basically my car had tinted windows and when i renewed my policy i wasn't given the option to write on about car modifications. So, I wrote to Direct Line to explain this to them and they wrote back saying they were cancelling my policy as tinted windows made me impossible to insure (obviously...). so now I'm stuck ticking the 'yes' box for my insurance renewal this year for having insurance cancelled in the past. this is sending the premium up sky high. Is there anything I can do about this, surely it isn't fair on me? and also are there any companies that don't ask about past cancelled insurances???""



How much would car insurance cost if you have two tickets?

 So I just got my second speeding ticket today... -.-  My first ticket was going 58 in a 35... (reckless driving)  Ironically my second ticket was 58 in a 35 too... (reckless driving)  I am 18 and live in the state of Virginia... I own a 2005 Nissan Xterra SE... Can anybody estimate how much my car insurance is gonna go up? Like how much my insurance will be every month now?  I have state farm insurance by the way...  If anymore information is need please ask me so I can get the estimates... I'm actually very scared to tell my parents... So I'd just like to know all this information before they do...



""Is claiming a fake buisness to reduce insurance on your buisness car"""" cosidered fraud?""""""

Say you own a car but don't want to pay the steep insurance. You pull some strings and claim your car is part of a fake pet walking business. You get cheaper insurance, but is it fraud? How Illegal is it?""



Can you transfer car insurance from one person to annother?

if you have paid upfront for the whole year and then you can no longer drive due to health reasons could you transfer your insurance policy over to someone else?



How do you determind how much the car is worth?

 I bought a car from a trusted dealer. They had told me the odometer wasnt working since they had it. Well I knew the odometer wasnt correct. Well I sold the car ( I have a lein) the car was totaled. Now the insurance company is saying they dont know the exact miles on the car so thier not going to pay but 2400 for the car. I did a Carfax report and it showed 70K miles, then 17 K mile when I bought it. I am trying to come up with a way to reason with the insurance company to get the most out of the car. What would be the best way to go about doing that. Taking the average fort he year? the mileage on the car? I believe the car is worth at least 3K.""



What's the difference between term and whole life insurance?

What's the difference between term and whole life insurance?



How long do I have to report an accident to an insurance company in California?

For instance if it has been less than a week?



Who knows about car insurance?

How much would it cost for a teenager to have car insurance on a Mustang?



""Lisa Mona, the owner, invested $80,000 cash, office equipment with a value of $6,500, and $60,000 .....?""

 Mona Engineering completed the following transactions in the month of June.  a. Lisa Mona, the owner, invested $80,000 cash, office equipment with a value of $6,500, and $60,000 of drafting equipment to launch the business.  b. Purchased land worth $77,000 for an office by paying $20,200 cash and signing a long-term note payable for $56,800.  c. Purchased a portable building with $35,000 cash and moved it onto the land acquired in b.  d. Paid $1,500 cash for the premium on a three-year insurance policy.  e. Completed and delivered a set of plans for a client and collected $8,100 cash.  f. Purchased $15,000 of additional drafting equipment for by paying $4,500 cash and signing a long-term note payable for $10,500.  g. Completed $30,000 of engineering services for a client. This amount is to be received in 30 days.  h. Purchased $3,950 of additional office equipment on credit.  i. Completed engineering services for $12,000 on credit.  j. Received a bill for rent of equipment that was used on a recently completed job. The $1,050 rent cost must be paid within 30 days.  k. Collected $24,000 cash in partial payment from the client described in transaction g.  l. Paid $2,400 cash wages to a drafting assistant.  m. Paid $3,950 cash to settle the account payable created in transaction h.  n. Paid $125 cash for minor repairs to its drafting equipment.  o. Lisa Mona withdrew $1,480 cash for personal use.  p. Paid $2,400 cash wages to a drafting assistant.  q. Paid $3,300 cash for advertisements on the local television station during June.  Required  1. Prepare general journal entries to record these transactions (use account titles listed in part 2).  2. Open the following ledger accountstheir account numbers are in parentheses (use the balance column format): Cash (101); Accounts Receivable (106); Prepaid Insurance (108); Office Equipment (163); Drafting Equipment;(164) Building (170); Land (172); Accounts Payable (201); Notes Payable (250); Lisa Mona, Capital (301); Lisa Mona, Withdrawals (302); Engineering Fees Earned (402); Wages Expense (601); Rental Expense (602); Advertising Expense (603); and Repairs Expense (604). Post the journal entries from part 1 to the accounts and enter the balance after each posting.  3. Prepare a trial balance as of the end of June.""



Will getting a speeding ticket affect my insurance rate?

 I was going 71 in a 55 zone which is 16 over. I am 18 and still on my parents insurance and want to know if and how much my insurance rate will go up and if there is anything I can do. I got the ticket yesterday and haven't told them yet. I really want to just pay it and get over with it but if my insurance goes up I am looking at a whole other problem! Thanks for all your help in advance.



Will a insurance company that claims to cover Sex reassignment

 or genital reconstruction, also cover top surgery?""



""If someone is a beneficiary on a life insurance policy and he/she dies, does the policy holder get the money?""

I know that a policy holder can cash in on their insurance policy, I am just not sure if they can gain anything in the case of his/her beneficiary's death.""



What to do when a car insurance company refuses to pay?

 My vehicle got slammed into while parked at my house. Two older ladies were driving and they took out 3 mailboxes, my neighbor's old truck, his tractor, and then my car. The older lady claimed she didn't know what happened and went to the hospital for an evaluation. We talked to her after and she said they found nothing medically wrong, and it was the car that made the accident happen. I filed a claim that day. The adjusters came and checked out my vehicle saying they are going to total it. I've been calling to find out how much I am getting for my vehicle so I can look into a new one. My inspection is due at the end of the month and it will never pass with the damages. it's drivable, but the back end was smashed and the tail light and drivers side is caving in so it is appearing to be unsafe. The lady's insurance company are very rude, and keep telling us they aren't paying because they need the medical records to prove nothing went wrong and that this takes a long period of time so I'm not sure why you keep calling"""". I'm a college student""



What's the most & best but reasonable/affordable Health Insurance??

in/for Indiana



Need help with car insurance!!?

i am new with the whole car insurance thing so i need help.  how much is car insurance for an 18 year old just got my licenses and with a 1996 pontiac sunfire do you pay for car insurance  please help thanks


Car insurance (uk)?

If i buy car insurance as a learner driver then pass in less than a year do i need to change my insurance to full driving license or wait untill it needs renewing and then change it?

ANSWER: I might suggest that you try this site where one can compare rates from the best companies:"

What are the different types of life insurance available and what do they cover?

What are the different types of life insurance available and what do they cover?



Insured Profits is this a scam or not ?

Insured Profits is this a scam or not ?



Cheap reliable and low INSURANCE!?

OK im 17 monday after next and im a bloke, hence very expensive car insurance. I want a second hand car in the UK which is cheap and likely to keep running. Also low insurance because i am a cheapskate.""



Insurance on a Ford Mustang?

I want to get a Mustnag between 99-04 with cloth seats and V6 engine..Will the insurance be alot if im 18?....Also which one will insurance be higher on a convertable or a coupe??



Do Americans really believe democrats & Obama want to give affordable insurance and not socialist medicine?

 ndmagicman, I guarentee you the gov will curb and derail the other two within a few years and force everybody into a huge gov HMO in order to cut costs. of course, then healthcare will be rationed and wait lines will develop. couple that with doctors and nurses who leave the profession or the country when their income suffers, hence making wait lines even worse. This has already happened in Canada and England, which is why many of them come to the US to get speedy and quality care.""



Dual car insurance?

 In feb this year i sold a car and called up to cancel car insurance they told me i would have to put this in writing which i did and as i pay in full i was also told i wouldnt receive any money back as it would cover my cancellation costs. I didn't think anymore about the issue however today i got a call saying after i had sold the car it was involved in a crash and i was liable for half of this as i had car insurance, i explained i emailed and cancelled as they asked they say they do not have this email and even though i have shown them the email sent months ago they still claim that i am liable to pay for someone elses crash off my insurance! Someone plz say this isnt so?""



What is a fast car for a teenager that still has good insurance?

I am looking for a car and was wondering what the insurance was like on what. this is mostly for guys who own fast cars and pay insurance on them i was looking for mostly imports but i do also like some american cars. was thinking VW jetta/passat thanks



Will a cracked windshield raise my auto insurance rates?

 well i am going to get my windshield repaired. it has a crack the size of a dime. it happend about a month ago and i worried that it will get bigger with the hot weather. anyway, i called my insurance company. they are sending someone out to repair it. i am 18 years old but i am on my parents plan. i also have a gpa over a 3.0. my family and i have no record of any accidents whatsoever. my parents just bought me the car on the end of march :( do u think my rates will go up?   almost forgot!  my insurance company is geico and i live in california""



What should I do about the quote i got from our home owners insurance?

 We had water damage back in January that is covered under our home owners policy. The problem is I'm into my 2nd month of this and nothing is close to being done. My floors have buckled and could fall in at any time. One bathroom is completely ruined. Monday I received a letter from the insurance company. They estimated damages at $3900. I have to pay my $1000 deductible and they will only give me $1300 up front. They said if I can get a general contractor to do all the work they listed for that amount they will give my back $900 more after the job is done. So I have to put out $2600 of my money to fix this. Well I talked to several contractors, one told me if they could get someone to to all the work for their quote""



How much is average health insurance in London?

I am a 19 year old female moving to London to be an au pair. I will need health insurance since I will not be living with my parents. About how much will it cost? I have no major illnesses.



I want my own car but my parents wont pay for insurance?

 They say that they can't afford it"""" but I know they can. They just don't want to pay for something that they think isn't necessary.   Since they won't pay for insurance""



Which company has the best term life insurance premiums for a 47 yr old healthy man?

Which company has the best term life insurance premiums for a 47 yr old healthy man?



Is there such thing as Bicycle Insurance?

When I say Bicycle Insurance, I mean that the insurance company will pay for repairs.""



How can my husband open a life insurance policy?

 We recently found out we are expecting a baby and need to open a life insurance policy in case something would happen to him so we'd be taken care of. We have insurance that is paid for by his employer. How do we go about getting life insurance? Is it added to our existing medical insurance, or can we get it separately?""



If i make 550 to 600 a week how much house can i afford with or without a 20percent down payment can i afford a 140 thousand dollar home?

If i make 550 to 600 a week how much house can i afford with or without a 20percent down payment can i afford a 140 thousand dollar home?



Should I get health insurance?

 I'm going to be 18 in a few months and I'm trying to figure out if it'll be cheaper to get health insurance or not get health insurance. I'm on 3 prescriptions, every 3 months I have to get an MRI and CT scan, and every 6 months, I visit my eye doctor. Would it be cheaper to have health insurance and pay them monthly or just pay the doctor bills on my own? Sources?""



What is Difference Between insurance and assurance?..?

What is Difference Between insurance and assurance?



How can I find affordable health insurance in Florida?

How can I find affordable health insurance in Florida?



Non-credit based car insurance?

i saw a commercial on tv about a car insurance company that bases your premium on your driving record, not your credit score. but i cant remember the name. anyone know? thanks!""



""My father has been here in the usa for 25 years and has diabetes, obviously he cannot get insurance because he""

 my father has been here in the usa for 25 years and has diabetes, obviously he cannot get insurance because he wasnt born here on usa but he has diabetes really bad and serious, does anyine know how i can help him get medicine? some type of program maybe? or how much does the top diabetes medicines cost? i would appreciate any kind of help.""



Penalty points and insurance?

if i take out insurance with no points on my license then a couple of months later get 3 points for a ts50 do i have to contact my insurance company to tell them or not?



AAA driving insurance questions?

my cousin is 16 and he wants to know how much driving insurance cost if you have AAA. he's a high school student, good grades, and etc... how many discounts will he get and how much does he have to pay each month?""



Range Rover insurance for a young new driver?

 A friend and I where having a debate about whether or not, a new young driver could actually get insured on a brand new Range Rover? We decided to do some research on the subject and we have seen many cases where for example Andy Murray paid 100,000 to insure his Ferrari shortly after he passed his test. Can anyone provide and examples or rough estimates on how much it would actually cost to insure a new young driver on a Range Rover or if its even possible?""



Affordable health insurance in florida?

im 17, will be 18 in november, and i need to find health insurance. i need it to cover dental (orthodontics), prescriptions, and mental health services (depression, bipolar disorder).  i am a non smoker, and i have no kids.  please help!!!""



What health care insurance I can get that is affordable?

I need health insurance. And I can't afford it with my pay checks. I work part time. I have research over and over for health insurance. And nothing that I can afford comes up. So please help.



Visitors in USA - no medical insurance?

He does have a visitors insurance, bu that does not cover pre-condition(he has had BP and heart related issues since past 7 years )""


Car insurance (uk)?

If i buy car insurance as a learner driver then pass in less than a year do i need to change my insurance to full driving license or wait untill it needs renewing and then change it?

ANSWER: I might suggest that you try this site where one can compare rates from the best companies:


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