Capturing and Captivating a Mostly Distance-Learning Audience: Exploring Substance and Style – Part III
Part I itemized “Thirteen Ideas and Interventions” for “Capturing and Captivating a Mostly Distance Learning (or ‘Hybrid’) Audience.” Part II focused more on the first half of the phrase “Substance and Style.” This exploratory analysis involved the Stress Doc both as a presenter in the broad performance arena and as a Shrink Rap ? performer integrating substance and style through vocalizing, prancing about, and banging out (on a tambourine). The foundation for both analyses was The Three Basic Definitions of “Substance”:
1. essence or essential nature; a fundamental or characteristic part or quality
2. ultimate reality underlying all outward manifestations and change; part/whole relationship or system interaction
3. practical importance, that is, meaning, usefulness, and significance
Three Brief Ways of Looking at Substance: A Personal Perspective
As prologue, let me put some of my own flesh on the “substance” skeleton:
1. essence or essential nature; a fundamental or characteristic part or quality: three personal fundamental or essential qualities for being a “Psychohumorist” – knowledgeable, authentic, and comedic (especially using self-effacing humor). Actually, as has been previously highlighted and will be explored later in this series, when performing I try to bring a “Five ‘P’ Passion Power” essence – being Purposeful-Provocative-Passionate-Playful-Philosophical. And this essence is both substance and style!
2. ultimate reality underlying all outward manifestations and change; part/whole relationship or system interaction: sharing some of my own personal family history, as well as my underlying fears, flaws, and foibles; I’m presenting and sharing both the confident performer and the vulnerable person.
3. practical importance, that is, meaning, usefulness, and significance: sharing the value and potential of the concepts, tools, and techniques as they have been developed and applied in my own life; also presenting the learning opportunities and possibilities for the personal and professional lives of the participants.
And this flesh will be further brought to life in this essay. However, Part III primarily explores performance style. Though the two terms, at least for this page and stage word artist, cannot be seen in isolation. As noted, they have a yin/yang relationship – each can spawn and spur the other. And the distinctions and interrelations of “substance” and “style” will also be viewed through the analogous “compelling” and “captivating” frames. Let’s define style before further illuminating the conceptual and applied dance of “substance and style” and “compelling and captivating.”
Elements and Synonyms of Style
Akin to substance, I will outline Three Basic Elements of Style:
1) a distinctive manner of expression,
2) a distinctive manner or custom of behaving or conducting oneself, and
3) a particular manner or technique by which something is done, created, or performed.
The following synonyms certainly reflect and hopefully flesh out the somewhat overlapping yet nonetheless distinct definitions of style: approach, fashion, form, how, manner, method, methodology, recipe, strategy, system, tack, tactics, technique, way.
By way of contrast consider these synonyms for substance: concreteness, tangibility, shape, and structure.
In my mind, two synonyms for “style” bridge or have considerable overlap with the definitions and synonyms for “substance”: form and system (as in the organic relation/communication amongst the elements that shape and structure a whole potentially greater than the sum of its parts).
We will find other substance and style overlaps, but let’s illustrate the three “style” tracks:
1) a distinctive manner of expression (as in writing or speech); spec., a distinctive manner of putting ideas into words
Expression Illustration. As will be explored shortly, one distinctive Stress Doc manner of expression, is the love of acronyms for encapsulating ideas into words. Of course, acronyms do not necessarily form actual words, e.g., IMHO for “In my humble opinion.” (Though, over time and with sufficient usage, the Acronym, in fact, becomes the common descriptor or “brand name,” for example, GEICO – Govt. Employees Insurance Co). And the name can spark a marketing image or spokes-creature, i.e., the Gecko lizard.) However, acronyms may well have an added engaging impact when the acronymic concept evokes an idea or image that further elaborates the target concept. For example, my Stress Resilience program opening remarks let audiences know that my goal is to help folks “Get FIT”: this program will be FUN, Interactive, and Thought-provoking! In any manifestation, acronyms are a shorthand for highlighting a name or key points as well as supporting memory.
And when an acronym is paired with humorous expression along with an element of surprise (also having an aggressive edge), it really packs a punch. Consider this illustration: When reviewing stress smoke signals, I’ll ask if anyone knows the jaw-clenching symptom TMJ. Invariably a number of hands are raised. I’ll then declare, “We know what TMJ really stands for… Too Many Jerks!” Did that get a reaction? It certainly does with live audiences.
Finally, I like being poetic. And as many have demonstrated, including Dr. Seuss, poetry and humor make a highly engaging and memorable pair. (One of my goals is to be the Dr. Seuss of Stress for adults and children of all ages. ?? ) Returning briefly to my Part II Shrink Rap “Substance and Style” analysis, how about these pithy lines as a bid for idiosyncratic and punchy expression?
When it comes to feelings do you stuff them inside?
Is tough John Wayne your emotional guide?
And it's not just men so proud and tight-lipped.
For every Rambo there seems to be a Rambette!
And I believe these uncommon or distinctive methods of expression, while effective with in-room audiences, are particularly engaging for the unseen masses in the electronic ether. Any communication that brings to life, memorably fleshes out, or playfully or poignantly humanizes, the vital purpose and passion of a concept has real value. This is especially true for an audience that can’t see a presenter’s facial expressions and body language. Voice and words (sometimes accompanied by music) should strive to provide a window to the soul of the presenter and the heart of the matter. Distance learners basically rely on words, vocal expression, Power Point, as well as Q & A for grasping message and meaning.
2) a distinctive manner or custom of behaving or conducting oneself
Behavior Illustration. Sometimes a picture is really worth a thousand words! Yes, that’s me Shrink Rapping an audience of 150 mostly military spouses and some soldiers during a pre-deployment “Stress and Humor Program” at Ft. Hood, TX in 2005. However, the impact of Shrink Rap appears to be timeless and universal. I just received a strong request from the Director of the Association of Nepalese Nurses, who witnessed her first Shrink Rap ? at their community health fair in 2018. She definitely wants me to come back in two weeks to do my “Stress Dance. People loved it.” Perhaps some didn’t get all the witticisms, but folks could tell when a performer was not afraid to be a “little wild and crazy,” having a ball, definitely modeling playful joy and bringing a little stress relief.
[The “En-Rap-turing” Effect of Shrink Rap ? at Ft. Hood, TX; photo by Laurie Dunlop]
Fashion as Style
If “fashion” is one synonym for style, my Shrink Rap costumery – Blues Brothers hat, dark sunglasses, and black tambourine – certainly reflect individual style, especially as subject matter expert. (Alas, the tambourine is hidden by the woman’s head.) I suspect that most folks would say that as a Shrink Rapper ? I have uncommon style. Now whether it’s a good thing or not… I’ll let audience members decide. (I suspect my confident and comedic manner throughout the presentation helps make my transition to Shrink Rapper surprising without being off-putting or too jolting. (Okay, there are some groans from the audience. My immediate reply: “Groan now… we’ll see who has the last groan!”) In fact, the audience soon becomes part of the performance, often clapping and swaying rhythmically. Not to mention, once “the shock subsides,” all the smartphones that come out.)
To Rap or Not to Rap?
While a distance-learning audience does not get the full verbal and visual impact of the Stress Doc performing a Shrink Rap, I have just added the above “one of a kind” picture to my Power Point Slides. Recently, I haven’t performed the Shrink Rap with a hybrid audience, both because of time constraints and my concern that folks would not be able to see me in full regalia. (Also, I wonder if the small numbers in the confined space of a conference room will feel overwhelmed by my “larger than life” Shrink Rapper persona.) However, with picture in tow, I’m ready to do a multi-audience experiment. I’ll be curious to: a) see how the in-roomers react or respond and b) hear/read the feedback of virtual attendees upon viewing the “en-rap-tured” photo while I’m rapping up.
3) a particular manner or technique by which something is done, created, or performed
Creative Performance Illustration. I suspect the entire prelude to the “rap” performance – the surprise transformation into my Shrink Rap costume, the initial bantering with the audience; e.g., my mentioning that I am pioneering the field of psychologically humorous rap music, calling it, of course, Shrink Rap Productions!; then, in response to the audience groans and giggles, confidently, if not provocatively, retorting, “Groan now… We’ll see who has the last groan,” all are part of the creative gestalt. And prelude becomes launch platform for prancing about the room, banging on the tambourine, while belting out some clever lyrics…
Well the boss makes demands but gives little control
So you prey on chocolate and wish life were dull.
But office's desk's a mess, often skipping meals
Inside your car looks like a pocketbook on wheels!
I believe three words that might capture people’s perception of my performance style: quirky, gutsy, and outrageous! (Actually, these are words that have been shared in verbal feedback and written testimonials.) And it’s here we clearly see the interrelation between style and substance: when quirky, gutsy, and outrageous appear consistently in one’s personal and/or professional repertoire, perhaps this reflects a personality trait. And the public expression of such traits may enable this individual to be a role model helping others find and develop their own passionate energy and unique voice.
In addition, you are delivering a covert message: “don’t be so afraid to look or be silly”; that perfect image is way overrated. Actually, you have sufficient confidence to laugh at your own flaws and foibles. People appreciate a show of “comfortable in your own skin” courage. You may even project an authentic if not commanding presence in your own and in another’s eyes; even be a bit “larger than life.” In fact, one attendee stated that the reason I could get away with the outrageous personae and actions was “because people believe you are authentic.” In other words, the success of my iconoclastic “style” was based, paradoxically, on my “real self-substance.” When developing and embracing your own style and voice, this evolution becomes part of your essence or essential nature, the first definition of substance!
Performance Style Springs from Substance and They Become Dance Partners
For my way of thinking, one’s style – that is, manner of behaving, manner of expression, and manner of executing or creating – especially in the performance arena, should spring from the three tributaries of substance – essential nature, connection to underlying reality, and practical importance. (FYI, Part II provides a three-part definitional analysis of: a) substance in the performance arena, b) Shrink Rap substance, and c) the intimate connection between Shrink Rap substance and style.) In fact, I believe “substance” and “style” have a Yin/Yang relationship, each spawn, spur, and transform the other. And, this flowing interconnection can yield a compelling and captivating whole greater than the sum of its parts!
Substance Is to Compelling as Style is to Captivating
Actually, might we further clarify or shine an uncommon light on “substance” and “style” by looking for analogous properties in the quality of being “compelling” and “captivating?” And in my mind, both sets – “substance” and “style” and “compelling” and “captivating” – have the aforementioned yin/yang relationship: their flowing interaction becomes a paradoxical yet synergistic dance of information, insight, and plan along with image, inspiration, and possibility. Such a performance whole is greater than the sum of its parts… and may also magically transform parts into partners!
Three Definitions Each for “Compelling” and for “Substance”
Basic definitions of “Compelling” and “Substance” are provided for comparison purposes:
Three Basic Definitions of “Compelling”:
1. very interesting: able to capture and hold your attention
2. capable of causing someone to believe or agree
3. strong and forceful: causing you to feel that you must do something
The Three Basic Definitions of “Substance”:
1. essence or essential nature; a fundamental or characteristic part or quality
2. ultimate reality underlying all outward manifestations and change; synergistic potential of part/whole relationship or system interaction
3. practical importance, that is, meaning, usefulness, and significance
In particular, the third definition of “compelling” – strong and forceful – reveals the link with substantial, as in the solid, vital, or significant aspects of “substance.” Though “capturing and holding attention” and “causing belief or agreement” also touch on substance’s three keys – essential nature, underlying or non-obvious reality, practical importance.
Illustration of Compelling-Substance Link
My popular article, “The Four Stages of Burnout” – 1) Physical, Mental, & Emotional Exhaustion, 2) Shame & Doubt, 3) Cynicism & Callousness, and 4) Failure, Helplessness & Crisis – has “substance”: it captures both the essential and underlying nature of the “erosive spiral.” (See link: ). It also engages with the meaning-laden “why,” as in “why was I compelled to pursue a doctoral dissertation that was destined to devolve into when academic flashdancing whirled to a burnout tango.” I had to drop out of the doctoral program for good. But there was a silver lining: I turned an academic lemon into professional lemonade!
Tell Your Compelling Story
Actually, the entire process was compelling. At the onset, a mystical-like experience in psychoanalysis, then four months creating a universal, spiritual/meditative symbol or mandala (for me, initially, an unknown concept) – The Octagonal Vision: Creation of a Pathway and the Pathway of Creation. Then several years trying to turn my spiritual epiphany/artistic creation into a traditional doctoral dissertation. I was using the model to erase a lifetime of feeling like a cowardly underachiever, especially in grade school and college. Perhaps as sad was my decades long need to deny my mostly hidden yet, thankfully, only hibernating artistic nature.
The Subterranean Rise and Fall… and then Rise Again
I intuited (and then understood) that some unprecedented primal/passionate/artistic energy and archetypal (Jung’s collective unconscious) creature was emerging from my psychic depths. However, it could not be framed in or tamed for traditional academia. I was holding on to this model, this experience, as I would a lover with whom infatuated, alas, more likely obsessed. Hence, to give up on the doctoral quest not only confirmed the stigmatic label of “failure” but also left me empty, staring into that existential void. This void is a dark hole mirror in which no remnants of any enduring self-identity are reflected back. (However, it would a Mandala Mirror, allowing me to discover an unexpected path beyond academia.)
In a very meaningful way, burning out was a necessity when lacking the courage to “fail” in this arena, that is, to consciously choose to let go of formal academia as my path of direction and affirmation. Though immediately floundering in a feeling of helplessness, hope did emerge from this Academic Pandora’s Box. Yes, there was the initial burnout-dropout shock, shame, and collapse. However, after more than a decade of growing pain skill-building in different arenas – from Army basic training and professional social work and doctoral level study – the perceived burnout void itself was an illusion. Cognitive and, especially, emotional muscles developed proved resilient. Over the course of three months, having sufficiently grieved my doctoral demise, a Psychic Phoenix was on the rise: a part-time clinical practice would help launch full-time imaginative pursuit. I would now be compelled, once again, to “fly boldly (if not a bit wildly) out of the creative closet.”
Creative Burnout
Perhaps some mix of historical worthlessness as well as a hypomanic-like energy or force, along with a determination to prove my identity as a “word artist,” increased my readiness for novel undertakings. Life was now a blank canvas: the emptiness and uncertainty are scary; the emptiness and openness are exciting! I was determined to find and express my idiosyncratic voice (for example, by writing and delivering short and witty educational “Stress Brake” segments for radio and TV. The ground was being laid for my future “Motivational Psychohumorist ? style). The real foundation: a gripping drive to prove myself a “Creative Type.” Maybe a more accurate description would be having the courage to finally release and evolve my “Inner Creative Self.” Either way, you might say an academic lemon transformed into professional lemonade. I soon was generating a new identity as the multimedia – radio, TV, speaking/workshops, university teaching, article writing, even a brief stint at stand-up comedy – “Stress Doc” ?.
As I once penned:
For the Phoenix to rise from the ashes
One must know the pain
To transform the fire to burning desire!
Become A Provocative Role/Model
And others, too, find my burnout experience and the burnout model (and, perhaps, my passionate manner of delivery) compelling. While living in New Orleans, during a break in a Stress Workshop, a gentleman approached. I had just completed outlining “The Four Stages of Burnout.” He suddenly asked, “Have you been travelin in North Louisiana?” I was perplexed and shook my head, “No.” His immediate reply, “Cause you’ve been lookin in my window!” Clearly, the man was startled that someone somehow had understood his painful condition. This gentleman experienced the stages as compelling (able to capture and hold one’s attention; capable of causing someone to believe or agree) and, in turn, felt compelled to approach me. As the third definition of “compelling” avers: causing you to feel that you must do something!
Basic definitions of “Captivating” and “Style” are provided for comparison purposes:
Three Basic Definitions of “Captivating”:
1. capturing interest as if by a spell
2. to influence and dominate by some special charm, art, or trait
3. have an irresistible appeal or allure
Three Basic Elements of “Style”:
1. a distinctive manner of expression (as in writing or speech); specifically, a distinctive manner of putting ideas into words
2. a distinctive manner or custom of behaving or conducting oneself
3. a particular manner or technique by which something is done, created, or performed
Next, the semantic connection between “captivating” and “style” extracting key phrases from the two definition sets: an irresistible or alluring charm, art, or trait as well as the “distinctive manner of putting ideas into words or the distinctive manner of creative performance.”
Illustration of Captivating-Style Link
As noted above, I have been evolving a “Psychohumorist” style since the early ‘80s, though the term itself sprung from my head a decade later. For example, a title of a radio segment on “burnout”: Breaking out of a Hell of a Shell or Don’t Feel Too Sorry for Humpty Dumpty He Needed to Hit Bottom. Or the unconventional way I open a program:
a. Warm-up with Wit. Begin with the aforementioned “Get FIT” acronym (Stress Doc programs are FUN-Interactive-Thought-provoking),
b. Relate the Triple “A” Method: “we’ll grapple with some anxiety, act out a little aggression, and engage life’s slings and arrows with some playful yet purposeful absurdity,”
c. Geographical Diversity and Destiny. Affirm that “This methodology likely reflects my geographical diversity and destiny: originally from New York City – Brooklyn and Queens; sixteen years in N’Awlins, ‘The Big Easy’; then this inexplicable urge to move to the DC-area: If NYC and New Orleans had a baby it would look like Washington, DC. I still can’t tell if it’s a love child. Though now having moved around this BWI area, recently my expanded quip: If New York City and New Orleans got it on, they would likely have twins – DC and Baltimore. I’m still not sure which offspring is the little angel and which the devil!”
d. Self-Effacing Humor. Or remind folks that my compulsive use of Get FIT and Triple “A” acronyms, means they know something about me: “I’ve been living in DC way too long. I’m convinced if you’ve been living in this area for over a year, or especially if you’ve been working for or involved with a government agency, you should be mandated to my new 12-Step AA group – Acronyms Anonymous!
e. Ego-Deflating Humor. Finally, “warn” the participants that “we’ll have fun; but it’s not all fun and games… I can be tough.” I then share a story about a somewhat pompous State Dept. Manager who challenged me during a stress program: “What do you call it if you don’t have any stress?” My immediate reply: “Denial!”
And the audience is wondering: what will this guy do or say next?
Clearly, this is a signature way of jump-starting a program and capturing an audience: let’s call it a witty, rapid-fire style that’s infused with a conscious use of psychology as well as artful and provocative language and imagery. And the impact: Consider these two quotes from a Hampton Roads-Virginia Beach SHRM program; they appear to reflect an immediately compelling and captivating program atmosphere, one of substance and style:
Great presentation!!! I was motivated the moment I entered the door. I walked out very energized!!
Tay Lane, PHR
Dear Mark, We laughed, we learned and we connected! Much valuable information wrapped in humor and humanity!
Kelly Lane, SPHR, SHRM-SCP
Human Resources Director
Or, this observation from a former IBM Manager, now Virginia State Government OD Consultant and Trainer, who has had me deliver several Guest Lecture programs. Commenting on my content and delivery: “I’ve never seen someone so quickly move an audience from the funny to the serious… and back again!” Might we say what’s being highlighted is an uncommon “style and substance” reflecting humor and humanity: that irresistible or alluring charm, art, or trait as well as the “distinctive manner of putting ideas into words or the distinctive manner of creative performance.”
And, finally, to the point feedback from a West Palm Beach SHRM presentation:
Mark's presentation was both insightful and engaging. He has a way of captivating the audience and makes them want to hear more.
Tanya Vaughn-Patterson, HRPBC Program Chair
Diversity & Inclusion Consultant, NEXTERA ENERGY
Final Looks at Compelling and Captivating
The first column of associative polar terms is more “instructive or analytic,” perhaps more left-brained; the second more right-brained; perhaps more emotive and fueled by imagination.
Elaborating Compelling and Captivating
Compelling moves from behind: the past is a standard or stimulus (from positive to aversive) that may be feared, matched, worked through, and/or run from or overcome. Compelling may be a survival springboard for the new, to escape or surpass a stifling or underachieving past.
Compelling may be “strong and forceful,” but instead of causing you do something, it may have you shut down and be afraid of trying. As a child and young adult, my anxiety was compelling, actually more overwhelming. It had me believing, especially in school, that I could not sustain concentration nor handle the task at hand. And I procrastinated or engaged in escapist behavior, lacking confidence in my ability to tackle cognitive problem-solving tasks. There’s another negative side to compelling: sometimes “the compelling” can be a mostly authoritarian voice or rigid tradition; a fearful presence or incontrovertible past that threatens any deviance, is closed to any reimagining or experimentation. Has the once compelling now become “tried and (not so) true” tradition… or, merely habit, perhaps a compulsion?
Captivating pulls from potential and possibility: a future vision captures or, at least, stimulates the desire and imagination of not just heads but, especially, hearts; it begins to touch if not tickle souls and spirits. Of course, “the possible,” too, may be double-edged. Does it inspire hope or foment false illusions or incessant worry? For both the chronically anxious and inveterate optimist, “anything is possible!” Sometimes an element of reality, perhaps an existing boundary, becomes the captivating, the motivating spur. Fantasy infused with a necessary dose of compelling reality may, in fact, challenge and arouse that daring leap, whether into the unknown or toward the stars.
Personally sharing “the hero’s journey” – for example, from traumatic past to enlightened or expansive present – is both compelling (information-driven) and captivating (imagination-driven). Such an engaging and enlightening story may provide a foundation for inspiring another’s curiosity, courage, and exploration.
Closing Summary
As noted earlier, one’s style – that is, manner of expression (especially ideas and images into words), manner of behaving, and manner of executing or creating – especially in the performance arena, should spring from the three tributaries of substance – essential nature, connection to underlying reality, and practical importance. For me, “substance” and “style” have a Yin/Yang relationship, each spawn and transform the other. And, this flowing interconnection can yield a compelling and captivating whole greater than the sum of its parts! Finally, performance illustrations of “Compelling-Substance” and “Captivating-Style” have been provided.
And Part IV will focus on The Art of Inspiring: Being Compelling and Captivating. The Five Keys:
1. Use Memorable and Novel Language and Images
2. Be Courageous and Open, Authentic and Unconventional,
3. Be Surprising and Provocative
4. Apply Real World Concepts
5. Employ Self-Effacing Humor
Mark Gorkin, MSW, LICSW, "The Stress Doc" ?, a nationally acclaimed speaker, popular webinar educator, writer, and "Motivational Psychohumorist" ?. Mark is a founding partner and Stress Resilience and Trauma Debriefing Consultant for the Nepali Diaspora Behavioral Health & Wellness Initiative and is a Cross-Cultural Diversity Training Speaker & Consultant for numerous Federal Agencies. The Doc is also a Leadership and Life Coach as well as a Clinical Therapist for Inner City Family Services, Washington, DC. A former Stress and Violence Prevention Consultant for the US Postal Service, he has led numerous Pre-Deployment Stress Resilience-Humor-Team Building Retreats for the US Army. Presently, Mark does Cross Cultural Facilitation and Presentations for organizational/corporate clients of HR Consulting Firm PRM. The Doc is the author of Practice Safe Stress, The Four Faces of Anger, and Preserving Human Touch in a High-Tech World. Mark’s award-winning, USA Today Online "HotSite" – – was called a "workplace resource" by National Public Radio (NPR). For more info, email: [email protected].