Capture One Pro - Conclusions
Stuart Taylor
~ PHOTOGRAPHER ~ #highlanderimages #documentary #photojournalism #environmental #landscape #wilderness #travel #industrial #urbex
I recently moved my entire Aperture image library over to Capture Pro One 10 as described in detail in two earlier postings; From Aperture to Capture One Pro and Let There Be Light. I moved over around 150,000 images, albeit in smaller catalogs due to Capture One Pro’s inability to handle the complete Aperture library in one large catalog. I have now had the opportunity to run this system and fully evaluate its performance and functionality on my complete portfolio.
It is always difficult to make change, especially as you get older and more set in your ways. Like an old pair of slippers… they are comfy and fit well … and you don’t want to try any new ones. I have used Aperture since its first version in 2005 so am deeply settled in the workflow to process and edit images. I have always liked the non-linear nature of the processing workflow within Aperture which made editing a fluid and intuitive process. When I evaluated Adobe Lightroom as a potential replacement for Aperture I did not like the rather rigid and compartmentalised processing workflow that this application had.
Using Capture One Pro required me to learn a completely new but I feel this has now paid off …. and I’ve got to say I really like it. I have been diving in and exploring all my old images, re-processing them and I am usually very delighted with the results. It’s certainly throwing new light on these old images.
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