Capture & Add Leads to your CRM Pipeline with Make

Capture & Add Leads to your CRM Pipeline with Make

Add leads onto your CRM and into your pipeline with this Make automation.

A few days ago I made a basic automation from Google Forms to Google Sheets, adding contacts while avoiding duplicates. Here I'm adding to that same automation by capturing those leads in Capsule CRM.

The last article ended with 2 scenarios. The scenario will update the contact (ending below) if it's an existing contact and only add the person (ending above) if the person doesn't exist.

If you would like to test this scenario for yourself then consider using my Capsule CRM affiliate link in my Featured tab.

1. Adding Search Rows

Let's start a new automation by creating a new scenario and add the module "Google Sheets", "Watch New Rows".

In the popup screen we need to select our Google Sheet by doing the following:

Search Method: Search by path

Drive: My Drive

Spreadsheet ID: / Test spreadsheet (same Google Sheet as previous)

Sheet Name: Sheet 1 (The tab on the spreadsheet where the data can be found)

Table contains headers: Yes

Row with headers: Leave as is

Limit: 1

Hit save to complete this step.

2. Add the rest of the modules

Add a router.

Find "Capsule CRM" and select the "Create a Party" module.

Click on the module to add it to your scenario and if you haven't yet connected Capsule CRM to your Make account then you need to do so by using the subdomain created for you by Capsule CRM.

Setup the rest of the module as follows:

Type: Person

First Name & Last Name: Click into the field a select "First Name (A)" and Last Name (B)" so that Make knows where to find the contacts names.

You can leave Title, Job name, Organisation ID, and About blank.

Email addresses, Type: Select "Home"

Email addresses, Address: Select where this data can be found in the popup menu.

You can leave Addresses, Phone numbers, and Websites blank.

Tags, Name: Select where this data can be found in the popup menu.

Tags, Description: I just put down "Category of business".

Now you can save the data.

Congratulation! you should now be able to add new contacts into your Capsule CRM.

Now we need to setup the last module.

Click on the router to add another module. Search for "Capsule CRM" and then select "Create an Opportunity".

Make sure your Capsule CRM is connected and setup the rest of the module as follows:

Party ID: Select the person responsible for this

Name: Select "First Name (A)" and "Last Name (B)" and add a space between them. (This is the actual name of the opportunity)

Milestone ID: Select "New (Open). (This is the beginning of the pipeline)

Description: "Category (E), "First Name (A)" and "Last Name (B)" and add a space between them. (This is short description for the opportunity)

Value, Amount: This is the potential financial gain.

Value, Currency: Select your currency.

Duration Basis: I left this as "Fixed". (In the below picture the financial gain for a new contact is fixed at 1000 GBP.

Save your changes and run the scenario to ensure that it's working correctly.

3. Do some testing

You're all done now so you might want to run a bunch of scenarios to make sure nothing is broken.

If you found this helpful or if you feel like you have a better idea of what can be done with automation on Make, then feel free to follow me and/or share this article with someone who might find it interesting.

If you would like to test this scenario for yourself then consider using my Capsule CRM affiliate link in my Featured tab.


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