The first thing that comes to our mind when we hear the word "Solar Plant" is the rooftop solar plant. Isn't that? So, what's Captive Solar Power Plant?
Well, a Captive Solar Power Plant is the solar power plant that a specific organization implants for its own electricity consumption. This method of generating power is called captive power generation, and guess what; the best part is the company entirely owns power generated through Captive Solar Plant.
When did this Captive Solar Power Plant Start?
Captive Solar power generation came into the picture mainly due to poor reliability of power supply, power cuts, and frequent hikes in electricity rates by providers. Many industries are now being independent for electricity through the switch over to Captive Solar power plant- company's own solar power generation plant.
After 2020, especially in lockdown situations, companies realized the importance of Captive Solar Power Plants to be self-reliant for electricity and reduce their recurring cost.
What's the Tariff Rate?
The commercial tariff rate is around Rs.8-9/kwh, and the industrial rate is around Rs. 7/kwh. Companies can save this very high cost for energy to initial fixed cost and estimate payback of their investment in 3-4 years.
No worries about Space!
Most industries or companies do not have enough space to implant rooftops to generate the power they consume through the grid. Solar parks are helpful for such companies where they can actually install Captive Solar Plant and own and consume power generated through the captive plant.
Three Major Benefits:
Compared to the current and estimated future cost per unit grid electricity tariff, the per-unit cost of Captive electricity will be considerably low, enabling the company to cut its recurring electricity cost.
Companies that hold the asset on their balance sheet can also claim tax benefits through accelerated depreciation.
Companies are becoming independent for the power energy they require in their business even if they can sell the surplus energy to the government.
So, keeping all these in mind, we can easily conclude that Captive Solar Power Plant is the best and the most affordable way to go for fulfilling your needs! So, take action today without any second thought; as you know, installing and maintaining the whole process is hassle-free if you choose the right path.