Captain Bob's Chinese Corporate Flying Adventure!
Bert Botta
Aviation [email protected] ? Aviation Writer ? Former Airline and Corporate Jet Captain ? Former Licensed Professional Counselor #aviationwriter #aviationcopywriting #airlineandcorporateaviation
Captain Bob's Chinese Corporate Flying Adventure is live!
He gives insider tips to pilots and other adventurers about the Chinese culture in ways that you'll never see in travel magazines!
If you've ever thought of flying in China, or you just want to know what it's like living and flying there you gotta listen to his podcast here:
When you get there you can subscribe to Everyday Heroes podcasts so you won't miss some very cool interviews already there and more that are coming up.
His tips and tricks for getting hired in China will not only come in handy for anyone who's laid off but his fascinating description of how he navigated the Chinese culture and his "let's get it done" attitude will inspire anyone!
You'll also love the way he negotiated his wedding on 12/12/12 as part of the deal!
Very auspicious to the Chinese...
#collectingcopilots #airlinepilots #corporatepilot #fractionals #privatejetpilots #bertbotta #professionaljetpilots #PJP #flyinginChina #Chinaflyingjobs #buzzsprout #womenaviators #flightattendants #linkedinpilots