Capsicum - Let us repertorize the Bell pepper culture [Eng-ES-FR]
Dr Saurav Arora
Co-Founder The London College of Homeopathy UK, Founder - #isupporthomeopathy, Vivid Homeopathy & A Homeopath, Strategist & Independent Researcher.
Translational value
In this interesting study undertaken at Agroecology experimental farm in Brazil - the symptoms and signs of the disease of Bell pepper culture i.e. Capsicum were observed and subjected to symptomatic characterization (anamnesis) and repertorization.?
The following symptoms and signs were observed - Loss of identity, Lack of naturalness, Early reproduction, Growth delay, Lack of nutrients, Defoliation by insects, Aggravates with humidity. The most indicated medicines came out to be - Sulphur, Calcarea, Belladonna, Merc, Sepia, and Silicea.
The study concluded that it is possible to deduce the indicated remedy in plants on the basis of anamnesis and repertorization
Original Study Ref: Edaciano Leandro L?sch, Patrizia Ana Bricarello. Homeopathic repertorization in vegetables: a case study for the bell pepper culture (Capsicum annuum L, Solanaceae). Int J?High Dilution Res. 2021;20(2-3): 24-33.
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