Capitol Rioters
God Bless the Capitol Rioters aka the Oath Keepers! Front line soldiers much like JOHN BROWN THE ABOLITIONIST and His Army. Sure! Brown was hung to death and his army killed. BUT the same US Army that killed John Brown defended Browns demands that Blacks be set free from Slavery!!! Will the Oath Keepers be exonerated in the same or similar manner as Brown & His followers? It's clear that the 2 party system is in failure as Democrats have shut down Free Speech and have rigged the election system. If not rigged by the count then it's rigged by a Democrat Open Borders System that has allowed millions of illegal immigrants to enter the US and are given Voting Rights almost immediately, as they will vote for Communism as they are told to do. We "May" or Might be" on the edge of civil war and when/if it comes the Capitol Rioters will be remembered as Hero's to the Millions of Right Wing Conservative Christians in America. BUT Remember the Communists started the war in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and communist aggression is nothing new. So expect the Left to make the 1st Move to force this country to war!!!!! Communists may have ordered the assassination of JFK as they are more willing to kill than us of Christ! So many stories of communist violence that cannot be written in one comment. Atheist Communists have no fear of our God and His Promise of Life Everlasting. Armageddon is upon us, so prepare for the worst!