Capital Letters-
marie rava
I am a self taught freelance writer, lyricist, copywriter, I can do ads, I am creative and witty. I develop products.
When I use Capital letters I use them stressing a point as when I use the F_ck word, for me it describes how I am feeling! A lot of people in and out of the business world live for this world, I do not, I live for the world I was meant for and long for, I know there will never be any real goodness in this world but for myself I will be the best I can be in my humanness. There are great people who lived and stayed in the goodness of self, the two I can think of are Helen Keller and Martin Luther King, I grew up loving them and admiring them and I still do. So yes I might use my Capitals and I might say the F_ck word but my point is important because this life is short and where we end up is forever and how you treat others says a lot about the kind of person you are, I hope people remember me as one of Gods people-