Capital Gains Tax Solutions

Capital Gains Tax Solutions

Commercial property owners face a set of unique challenges when it comes to selling their appreciated assets. While the goal is typically to maximize profits from the sale, the process can result in significant tax liabilities that can eat away at the overall return on investment.

To combat this challenge, many commercial property owners have turned to the Deferred Revenue Agreement (DRA) as a way to defer taxes, protect their assets, and maximize the return on their investment.

The DRA is a legal agreement between the property owner and a third-party trust. The property owner agrees to sell their asset to the trust, which in turn, sells it to a third party buyer. The proceeds from the sale are then held in the trust, distributed to the seller over time, and taxed at the time of distribution.

So, why do commercial property owners use the DRA when selling their appreciated asset? There are three primary reasons:

Tax Deferral: The DRA allows commercial property owners to defer the capital gains tax that would be due if they sold their asset outright. Capital gains tax is assessed on the difference between the asset's sale price and the price at which it was purchased. By postponing taxes, sellers can keep a larger percentage of the sale proceeds, allowing for more investment opportunities and diversification of their portfolio.

Asset Protection: One of the benefits of the DRA is the protection it provides against potential lawsuits and creditors. When property owners sell their asset to the trust, it is no longer held in their name. This can reduce the risk of legal claims, judgments or other scenarios that could threaten the asset's value.

Investment Flexibility: Commercial property owners who use the DRA have more flexibility in how they invest the sale proceeds. Instead of being required to reinvest in a similar asset within a set time frame, sellers can use the funds to invest in other areas, such as stocks, bonds, or even additional properties. This added flexibility can help sellers create a more diversified investment portfolio while reducing risk.

Despite these benefits, the DRA is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Each commercial property owner considering the DST should weigh their individual circumstances carefully before making a decision.

For instance, sellers should be aware that the DRA is a complex legal agreement that must be structured correctly to avoid potential penalties or other legal complications. Luckily, sellers will have access to an experienced legal team to ensure that the trust is structured in a way that meets their individual goals while remaining compliant with tax laws.

Other factors to consider include the size of the sale, the seller's overall financial situation, and their investment goals. While there is no guarantee the DRA is the right choice for every commercial property owner, it has become a popular tool for those looking to maximize profits from their appreciated assets while minimizing tax liabilities.

In conclusion, the Deferred Revenue Agreement is a powerful tool that has helped many commercial property owners avoid immediate tax penalties when selling appreciated assets. By allowing owners to defer taxes, protect assets, and maintain investment flexibility, the DRA has become a popular option for those looking to get the best possible return on their investment. As with any financial decision, it's important to carefully weigh the pros and cons of DRA before making a final decision.


Don Tiegs is widely recognized as an expert in the area of the Deferred Revenue Agreement solutions. He works with business owners, real estate investors, and other high net worth individuals, helping them protect their financial assets and minimize their tax liabilities. By working closely with his clients to understand their unique needs and goals, Don is able to design customized Deferred Revenue Agreement solution that offers maximum tax benefits while also preserving wealth for future generations.

Engage Don and his team to learn how to not only defer capital gains taxes, but to also increase your clients' net proceeds from the sale. Act now and reach out to Don to discover how the Deferred Revenue Agreement can work for you and your clients!?Call / Text 952-222-8058 or Schedule a Zoom call at

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