Cap rate on sale
The most significant portion of your total return on capital will be driven by how low you're able to drive the cap rate at sale and your ability to drive that cap rate down will be as a result of your ability to generate the highest level of investor demand. In order to generate higher investor demand the investors first need to be aware. First aware that your property is in play and secondly aware that in order for them to succeed in buying it that they'll need to compete with other just as motivated and well capitalized investors as themselves. takes a scientific approach by providing the seller along with the brokers or advisors of their choice with the most advanced online tools that are necessary to first ensure that all the qualified investors are made aware and secondly to provide the most efficient way for the approved investor to access the confidential financial and other critical due diligence files. Investors will look to discount any perceived risks derived from missing or incomplete financial and other information needed to conduct their own evaluation and underwriting. Acquisitions is typically a team sport where you have individual experts from financial to property management who will all need unfettered access to many of the same files and that's why the virtual data room or VDR and one that's simple, and secure but fast for these multiple professionals to do their work. For instance if all of the documentation is online but you first need to download one document at a time or if they're difficult to find then these highly compensated professionals will be there all night and now you've just made things more complicated and frustrating rather than what you had been trying to accomplish in the first place which was smooth, fast and seamless. Unfortunately it's all too often the case that someone who was looking to save a few dollars on what seamed on the surface to be less expensive technology only to find out when it's too late that they just stepped over a one hundred dollar bill so they could pick up a nickel. It never ceases to amaze me how stupid and short sighted some people are. Over these past 16 years it's been an incredible challenge to break through the noise, and fear, and encourage deal makers to do the same kind of due diligence on their online marketing strategy as they would on their next acquisition. Doesn't that seam sensible? If your career of choice has led you to commercial real estate we'd like to invite you to open your mind, be a little forward thinking, and find out for yourself if what the truth is and the best way to discover the truth is by doing your homework as it relates to what your alternatives are as it relates to what properties and/or loans you'll be responsible for marketing and selling each quarter. We'd encourage you to invite along your entire team and to suggest to us a few times when we could schedule a brief online demonstration and we'll walk through exactly how works and answer any questions. All of your competition is likely hoping that you'll ignore this and keep your head in the sand as it relates to I know because I did acquisitions for nearly 20 years and I was always hoping that hardly any other buyers would really know that the deal was even available for sale. I was hoping that even if they did that they'd move too slow and that I could get in there and move faster than all the others. The only reason why I would up the price we were willing to pay was if we knew that we weren't the only smart buyers looking at the deal. Buyers are only going to stretch and pay more when they don't want to experience that sense of loss when another buyer has beat them by paying more. With you're going to drive all the qualified buyers immediately to your exclusive listing. Instantly all of the qualified buyers, all of the investors who have been the winning bidders who closed every other deal just like your deal over the past decade are going to be fighting over who gets to own your exclusive listing. It's going to be a bidding frenzy and your seller and their investors are going to be the ones that win.
If you have a newly signed exclusive or you're just about to sign up a new exclusive on any commercial income property or developable land or any loan sale you can hire RCM1 to provide you with the best online marketing and distribution. You can decide in advance whether you'd prefer that we run a confidential sealed bid or for when you want the deal to trade fast place it our next online auction event. With RCM1's online auction all of the bidders must first agree to all of the terms and conditions so that the only variable left to be decided upon is the price. The winning bidders are required to put up non-refundable earnest money equal to 10% of their winning bid and close in under 30 days so there is no faster or more transparent way for any seller to maximize their sales price and have liquidity with transparency for their commercial real estate or commercial loans.
Thank you for your consideration and business,
Steve Alter CEO , [email protected]