A Canvas greater than The Sky...
Gourab Banerjee
Top Voice 2.0 | Employee Relations | Start-Ups | Talent Acquisition/Management
Just a few hours left before we gonna celebrate the greatest possession one can have,yes the greatest of all possessions it's nothing but Mother.Lucky who're along bit ill-fated who had.And as far my believe exists I can't even imagine one could have a greater possession than a Mother.
A very personal belief although but whenever I try to pen something on Mother unexpectedly I lost my words and I think it happens to all whomsoever great Writer one can be.Some things are lying undefined ever before us and the most of it I think deserved by a mother,a mother is beyond gender,a mother is beyond classes,as she's the resemblance of God herself.The nature who creates us and the nature who destructs,but the only & only Mother who gives birth and takes the immense pain for.
And,the reason behind my today's article is a tribute to all those who're & also to be because they deserve it and the only compliment compatible for those is none the less but "A Canvas greater than The Sky".
We often take instances for the limit of sky but when it comes to a Motherly affair I believe the only limit is up to the infinite.
We crack jokes saying a women is ever undefined but rather I'd say there's a Mother in every woman,and that's the reason enough that she must be treated as a Princess in whatever state or form may she comes to us.
May the blessings be with all,stay healthy,have a nice weekend.