Can't remember Your Passwords? Worried about getting hacked?
If you’re like me, you are always resetting passwords because you can’t remember them and you certainly don’t want to write them down. I was looking for ways to simplify my passwords when I came across a site that showed how to create strong, yet easy to remember passwords.
It works like this. Create a sentence, using song lyrics, but not the one you sing in the shower, or an event, anything that you can remember that is not common knowledge. Then use the first letter of each word, exactly as it’s written, upper and lower case. Here’s an example: LinkedIn is a great resource for networking. Liagrfn. You don’t have to remember the password, just the phrase so make sure it’s memorable. In the article, they use a wedding date as an example. Don’t use something that is easy to figure out: a wedding date, a child’s birthday, or anything a hacker can easily discover. Whatever you use, the longer the better. The article didn’t discuss that most sites require a special character and number. There’s an easy fix for that. Use the date the song was released or special event happened then use @ or # or any special character you can remember, and add the year afterword. If you’re like me and tired of getting hacked, this is one way to makes it more difficult to access your accounts. I just remembered! I need to change my Hulu password.