Can’t Nod Off? 3 Ways Hypnosis Could Help You Sleep Better
Can’t Nod Off? 3 Ways Hypnosis Helps You Sleep Better

Can’t Nod Off? 3 Ways Hypnosis Could Help You Sleep Better

March is National Sleep Month. We all know that a good night’s sleep helps keep us mentally and physically healthy. But according to Mental Health UK, one in five of us isn’t getting enough sleep. Luckily, hypnosis can help. Here are 3 ways hypnosis can help you sleep better.?

Tried everything to nod off and it’s not working.

You lie awake in the dark, staring at the ceiling, tossing and turning. You turn over and glance at the clock. Another hour has gone by, and you still can’t sleep.?

Most of us have an odd night like this, whether it’s a cough or cold, pain, or worry that’s keeping us awake. But what happens when most of your nights are like this?

Maybe you’ve Googled it and you’ve tried all of the suggestions. Drinking a warm milky drink. Wearing an eye mask and fitting blackout curtains. Maybe you’ve even visited your GP and you’ve been given sleeping tablets. However, you were either too scared to take them or you didn’t like how out of it they made you feel the next day.?

So what next??

The good news is, hypnosis helps you sleep better and it’s a perfectly safe and natural remedy.?

Hypnosis for better sleep-what can I expect?

If you have a hypnosis session for better sleep, it might involve:

Deep breathing?,suggestion, affirmations and imagining positive imagery?

Being guided into a state of very deep relaxation

When you meet me at our initial meeting, I’ll explain what you can expect and you’ll be able to ask me any questions or concerns before we start. ?

3 ways hypnosis helps you sleep better

A 2018 US study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine found that sleep hypnosis could be “a promising treatment” for people who wanted to sleep better. Wondering how it might work for you and how it could help you get your forty winks? Here’s why it’s effective for sleep.?

  1. Hypnosis bypasses the conscious mind

Hypnosis delves into the subconscious and it can clear away any unhelpful thoughts or behaviours around sleep. By bypassing your conscious mind, you are also more open to suggestions. Negative or unhelpful beliefs around sleep can be replaced by positive suggestions and affirmations.?

2. Hypnosis can stop those racing thoughts

If it’s racing thoughts that are keeping you awake at night, using visualisation techniques learned in hypnosis can take your brain away from analytical thought. This can stop the runaway train of worry and help you get into a more dreamy state so you’re primed for sleep.

3. Hypnosis can improve the quality of your sleep

Had your eight hours but still feel tired? When it comes to sleep, quality is more important than quantity. Research has shown that hypnosis can increase the amount of time you spend in a deep sleep so you wake up feeling refreshed and restored.?

Are there any risks of using hypnosis for better sleep?

With clients who have sleep problems, I often give them a recording to use in between sessions. Obviously, because it’s intended to be used at night and is deeply relaxing, never listen to it when you are driving or doing any other task that requires your full concentration.?

If you think that you may have a sleep disorder or you’ve been diagnosed with one, hypnosis is not a substitute for medical treatment. Talk to your doctor first and ask if they agree to you giving hypnosis a go as part of a holistic treatment programme.?

Want to be able to nod off as soon as your head hits the pillow? Are you sick and tired of feeling too exhausted to make it through the day?

Contact me today and make sleepless nights a thing of the past.?

Tel: 07955356731


Email [email protected]


Mrs B Hypnotherapy Dip.Hyp的更多文章

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