Can't Keep Calm...
I recently found myself overwhelmed and scrambling about trying to get an appointment with my therapist and the next available slot was 40 days away. What’s the point I thought… I’ve buried myself under the blanket, numbing out and anxiety’s grip on me is getting tighter and tighter. It got harder faking it and I could tell that people around me could tell. I often joke that one way to utilise well-earned and well-inherited money is to be able to unload all that you are feeling and get a professional to help you figure it out. This is in no way undermining anyone getting or not getting professional help. Just me on a dark day.
What I often do wonder is, well before we had and were “ok” to talk to trained professionals willing to help you “declutter”, “unlock” and “figure” we had friends, family and well-wishers. A few years ago and maybe even today a Facebook post makes the rounds, that goes something to the effect of “You shared your laughter with me, it's unfair you cry alone” and goes on to say “I always have a pot of tea boiling if you ever want to come by and share, please do, your life is precious, don’t be sad…” so on and so forth. I truly appreciate the emotion and goodwill here, however, I would not put out a post like this or keep a pot of tea boiling. When you invite someone, especially a friend or family member to unload on you emotionally, you don’t know the form their emotions have taken, you may be expecting vulnerability and tears but what you may meet is anger and self harm. You owe them sage and unbiased, non-judgemental advice and insight to tools they can utilise, we don’t need constant cheerleaders or random critiques who are shadowed by biases and conditioning. We need skills to dig through our emotions and hopefully see the light at the end of the tunnel. Sure talking helps but what about YOUR mental well-being after? who are YOU unloading on? how far can this be passed on? As a rule I’ve stopped myself from talking about my “feelings” with friends and family, I’ll tell them I am going through a rough patch but no extensive detailing. I save that for whom it's a job and will equip me with ways to work through them. Well, what helps me when the next available appointment is 40 days away is something I call the “Note to self” method, as bizarre as it sounds I will write myself a note as advice, love and compassion I would give to a person I deeply love and adore, I will chart out next steps for recovery, I will promise myself a check-in and I will self soothe with the kindest affirmations and I will breathe and I will repeat all of the above over and over again. It doesn’t always work, Come day 40, am calmer, I will report, I may or may not be overwhelmed but the journaling has helped me understand that what I am feeling right now is temporary and I am in control and am able to change it. On a lighter note my therapist gives me a gold star when I report such behaviour. I do strive for those stars. ??????
No points for guessing, this edition is all about finding happiness. Find happiness in irrationality, and lies and make better decisions with Dan Ariely in a person you must know of. Let me walk you through my own experience of finding happiness in the little things in a beautiful 2000+ yr old village called Rusi Rani in rural Rajasthan, in “A Place You Must Go to”. Lastly, I have for you some groundbreaking music to boost your brain and strengthen your mind that’s been put together by grammy award-winning composer Barry Goldstein and Author Daniel G. Amen and then there life beyond death with Grief tech - You, Only Virtual.
The Upside of Down with Dan Ariely
Finding happiness is serious business, the most inefficient way is to complain, whine, bicker and let Jesus take the wheel. Efficiency and the way to finding happiness in pain is when you are given the control to lead the way.
Dan Ariely was a victim of an explosion that burnt more than 50% of his body, through his 3 years of healing you will see his reflections on some of the irrational behaviours in managing pain, starting from having control over how quickly or patiently you rip off the bandages to the traumatising bath ritual with ways to work around, if its the one thing you will read today, please read his essay Painful Lessons and learn more of Dan Ariely, my favourite happiness chaser
An abode for the disappointed Queen
Ok, I’ll be straight… I am overwhelmed easily, you could say a kind word and you’ll find me mildly tearing up, make me a meal I like and I am overtly grateful. Why? you may ask, honestly am not ashamed of my overwhelm, I celebrate the little things along the way to the greater joys. I’ve found my own pot of gold and rainbow in gratitude and celebrations. As part of a recee with Unventured Expeditions, a company I co-own, we were bicycling through Rajasthan chasing some lesser-known experiences. One of those gems I stumbled upon is the Rusi Rani Village, a 2000 yr old village closer to Sariska. History has it, a Queen of the kingdom at the time was rather disinterested in the Queenly extravaganza’s and craved a life of minimalism, the life of excess disappointed her and hence “Rusi Rani” translating to variations of “Disappointed Queen” or even quiet literally “A red Queen” “ she made this quaint village on top of a hill her home and lived her life along. What we experienced in the village was nothing short of surreal. Ruins of a Shiva temple that dates back to the time of the Mahabharatha, Jain monoliths that followed after and the most kindest hospitality from our hosts residing in the village. Find out more about this quaint little gem Here
Dr. Daniel Amen wants to end mental illness and that’s music to my ears.
A mission to end mental illness seems far-fetched, but well someone’s dreaming of a day when we know what we feel and we can address it, as we would an ache in the body. The one thing I turn to for an immediate mood booster is music. Anything from meditative music to curated playlists consisting a medley mixture of pop, rap and alternative rock, diverse emotions…diverse music. The one playlist l deeply enjoy is the “Your Brain is Always Listening” music program, my go to on a rough day. If you want to read the one book that will help you change your brain everyday then read “Change your Brain Everyday” by Daniel Amin.
Grief Tech - You, Only Virtual -
Death and Taxes are inevitable but we can most certainly cheat on both. With generative AI in the mix there is a fair chance your beloved parent, partner or loved one will continue to converse, text and be that virtual presence you’ve wished for to feel a little less lonely, a little less sad. Letting go is inevitable but would you choose to let go at your pace, decide when you will let a person go? Personally, am not someone for grief tech, well, let’s play it safe and say “Not yet”. I personally haven’t tried You, Only Virtual (YOV) and heard about it on my ever favourite podcast The Hidden Brain, as part of their series on grief. The founder lost his mother to cancer and created a Versona (Virtual Persona) by uploading giga bytes of voice recordings and text messages of his mother and as she transitioned, Justin Harrison (Founder YOV) continued his virtual connect with her. I couldn’t get myself to register or upload a loved one’s voice, something about it didn’t quite settle for me. However, to know is gold.
Thank you!
I hope you’ve enjoyed this edition, its a tad dark for the holidays but did you know you appreciate joy a lot more when you are aware of sorrow, you will love the person next to you a little more when you know of life’s impermanence, so there…let that be your silver lining. I recently got myself on an intense retreat learning about Vedic Astrology and that took me on a tangent to Astrocartography and that on another loop into tantra and am buzzing with information that my head can barely contain. Look out for all that maybe next week or maybe 2024. Until then, Here’s Wishing you Happy Holidays and to another beautiful beginnings of times riding on a speck of dust rotating around a giant ball of gas.
PS: All the "Art" in the posters are symbolisms of happiness from different cultures.
Chairman and director QUADRAGEN Vet health pvt ltd
1 年Well said
Creating safe spaces for voices that often go unheard
1 年Love this!