Can't Hurt Me
Can’t Hurt Me.
David Goggins, author of the book, Can’t Hurt Me, is one of the toughest persons ever.
The author’s life reads like a Rocky story.?He grew up with an unbearable father who beat him and his mother, and while they escaped, poverty and racism followed their path.
Growing up, they lived pay-to-pay check; he had a stutter, his hair fell out.?He struggled to read.
He finally decided to do something with his life and joined the Air Force.?His dream was to be pararescue which required a skill he had not learned, swimming.?When his fears got the better of him, he used a test for a predisposition to sickle cell anemia to leave the military.
Life then turned to less than stellar.?He spiraled to 300 pounds living on shakes and donuts and earned a living as an exterminator.?
Then things changed.
One day, he watched a documentary on the Navy SEALS.?It was so inspiring; he decided to give it a shot.?But, there were some setbacks and requirements.?One being he needed to lose 100 pounds to make the qualifying weight to join the SEALS.?
He got on it.?He spent hours on end on an exercise bike, two hours in the pool, and intense circuit training.?When in shape, he added running.?
While there were setbacks, after a few years, he became a SEAL.?Becoming a SEAL turned him on to ultra running.
Goggins became a badass of ultra running and chose to compete in the most outrageous ultra marathons in the country.
For his success, Goggins attributes his 40% rule.?More than half is on the table when we give up after only 40% of our potential effort.?To achieve the remaining balance, we need to continue telling the world, “Can’t Hurt Me.”