Can't Get You Out Of My Mind
Have you ever heard or read something and you just can't stop thinking about it?
And every time you turn around the topic you can't get out of your head is there?
Well, I am about at my wits end because I can't wait to share this with you! A few months ago I did a little "experiment" for 2 weeks and I lost 9 pounds! If you don't know me -- by looking at me you would not think I needed to lose 9 pounds! Now I am not telling you that to brag but really just to explain how important this is. EVERYONE needs this! Even the person who thinks they don't!
You see WE are silently killing ourselves. You may have seen a documentary or two about our nutrition and thought it was interesting but not enough to commit to making a change. (I am talking about documentaries like "Forks Over Knives", "The Magic Pill" "Supersize Me"etc.). I took action and I saw the results and I need to tell you about it!
You have heard me talk about this before but SUGAR is killing us! If I told you that by eliminating sugar from your diet you could drop weight (quickly), have amazing energy, super smooth skin, better memory, and the list goes on and on, would you want to do something about it? What if you "tried" it for just 21 days to see what it was all about would you do it?
I can give you so many Medical reasons why you need to this but if you ONLY want to LOSE weight, you need to do this Sugar Experiment!
What is The Sugar Experiment?
28 Day "Course" with step by step instructions to get you off sugar. We start with a week to get you and your kitchen ready before actually detoxing your body for 21 Days. Every day you will receive daily emails from me with tips and tricks to get you through the day. Make no mistake this is NOT going to be easy!
- Recipes to get you started that I have personally tested
- 2 50-minute 1 on 1 Coaching Sessions to make sure all your questions are answered ($200 Value) - we will schedule the calls when you purchase The Sugar Experiment.
- Daily Emails with Motivation and Tips to Get You through your day.
- Email support throughout your 28 days.
- Journal
Don't Miss this -- Price Doubles January 1st!
You WILL not count Calories or feel starved.
This is not an experiment to see how little you can eat!
Actually, this is an experiment to SHOW you that being Sugar-Free is doable and FUN!
I am so excited to share this with you and your friends!
Kick Sugar GoodBye!
Heather Page is a Health Coach and Professional Network Marketer. Living everyday to its fullest and being thankful for the things we have are the beginning to living a healthy joyful life! It is never too late to start! You can be great -- BUT you have to start? Want to get clarity on your business and your life goals? Schedule your Complimentary Call to Clarify YOUR Dreams! Book Here!