Can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em
Kyle Balmer
?? AI entrepreneurship || RISEN? prompt framework || International AI trainer || 60k newsletter readers || 8x best sellers || 200k audience || Forbes featured || Great eyebrows
AI is here.
What side are you on?
Playing defence — burying your head in the sand.
Or playing offence?
If you have followed along with me ‘AI and the future of work
AI is 100% coming for jobs and entire industries.
Some will fall quickly. Others will take time.
We can (roughly) guess that those at risk are roles that are non-physical, algorithmic and non-empathetic
This is true of:
Over the last couple of Parts we’ve looked at how to insulate and up-skill
Primarily it’s been defensive- trying to keep the status quo.
In this Part we’re looking at going beyond and carving our your own space.
Start with Value
My number one recommendation is to work out what value you can create and how to sell it.
This could be a product or service, freelancing or building a big business, digital or physical. It doesn’t really matter.
What matters is finding something that people value and they’ll be willing to pay you for.
Sounds simple. But that’s the basic foundation of business.
AI does not fundamentally change this. Here’s a video around this topic if helpful:
Why does having your own business protect you from AI?
It affords you flexibility.
You, as someone who sees the importance of AI, will be able to pivot and adjust as required.
If you are in a job this is much harder to do - there are always going to be limits to how much you flex.
With your own business though you are in control.
You are able to adapt and protect the space you’ve carved out because of this control.
You don’t even need to quit your job. In fact I recommend building something on the side and maintaining the job, at least initially.
Focus also on setting up multiple streams of income
One of these streams, initially, can be your job. It’ll be the largest stream at first.
Over time you supplement this - maybe with freelance or consulting work - and start to reduce hours in the 9-5.
And you build a wide base of income streams.
Why is this important? Again, faced with the uncertainty of AI we want optionality. Keep options open.
Prompt Entrepreneur right now has the following revenue streams:
And probably some others I’ve forgotten.
Take one away? Not a problem. There are multiple other streams that can be focused on to replace the income.
This is because we don’t know the future. We never can. And with AI in play this is doubly so.
Having a broad base allows for a more stable foundation. I assume one or more of these will collapse at some point! And we’ll deal with it!
A caveat here - don’t try and deploy all of these all at once. Instead lock each element in place, systematise and then move on.
My recommended order is:
All by social media for traffic
Obviously the exact application depends on your niche, audience and customers!
What about AI then?
AI can supplement what you build.
You still need to work out what the business is. And do all the normal things you’d need to in order to build a successful business.
But AI can accelerate everything.
Here’s a video we me ranting about this:
Which business to start then?
Big question!
I’ve written several guides on this before and in fact an entire Niche Navigator course.
Let’s use a quick prompt to get us started on this process:
This prompt pulls together what we’ve been discussing in the last few Parts.
Simply add a valuable expertise that you have. I recommend using one expertise here at a time.
I used “baking” as an example and ChatGPT created a long list of possibilities:
Plenty here to pick and choose from, all with a skew that means they are safer from AI.
This originally featured in my free daily AI Entrepreneur emails.
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