Cannabiz License News - Issue #1421

Cannabiz License News - Issue #1421

Cannabiz Media News

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Have Cannabiz Media Create Targeted Emails For You

You’ve heard of do-it-yourself, but have you heard of do-it-for-me? Let us introduce do-it–for-me email marketing, available to users of the Cannabiz Media Cannabis Market Intelligence Platform.

Emerging Adult-Use Markets Update 2023 - green graphic with map of United States of America with pins on specific states

Emerging Adult-Use Markets Update: September 2023

This blog dives into the current program status in Maryland and Missouri and their evolving social equity programs, plus other upcoming opportunities the industry will see in the near future, notably in tribal communities.

Cannabiz License News

National - What Biden’s cannabis rescheduling review could mean for food and beverage

Analysts said the administration’s recommended update will not spur greater availability of items, even as demand for the products continues to grow.

National - Once a marijuana enemy, DEA now key to rescheduling

The most significant shift in U.S. marijuana policy is drawing closer, but one major obstacle remains in reform’s way: the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Alabama - Marijuana license awardees getting nervous as legal saga drags on

In June, a number of businessmen and women were awarded a limited number of medical marijuana licenses by the?Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission (AMCC). If things had gone according to plan, in July, those men and women would have gotten their licenses formally issued...

California - California bill that would allow for cannabis cafes heads to desk of Gov. Gavin Newsom

Legislation pending the approval of Gov. Gavin Newsom would allow marijuana dispensaries to transform their businesses into lounges where they can sell not only cannabis products, but food and drinks.

Maryland - Maryland Cannabis Administration Announces First Application Round For Cannabis Business Licenses

The Maryland Cannabis Administration announced that the first application round for cannabis business licenses will open on November 13.?

New York - Growers, Retailers Walk the Tightrope of New York Cannabis Rules

New York's adult-use market brimming with opportunity, but it is also showing signs of implosion. Profitable enterprises take time to build – but it continues to run thin in one of the industry’s most promising cannabis markets.

New York - New York To Open Adult-Use Marijuana Licenses To Multistate Operators

New York's adult-use marijuana regulators have decided to expand their licensing program, making it accessible to a broader range of applicants.

Rhode Island - Rhode Island Regulators Target Cannabis Cultivator Over Alleged Violations

State regulators are moving to revoke the license of one of the top marijuana growing businesses, alleging it failed to disclose an owner and had a significant amount of unregistered cannabis.

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