(*CANNAB((IS(zZ(!oi)]): Whole Spectrum IS THE W(*.(((hole)re))st Making Experience
FOREWORD this implied wholest making health (as an elctrobattery optimicall cell on cell nutrion(ion)) SOLU(soul to sole) u:you ...leecj? du dj dr one/One/ON/ONEerREST
why so serious? e.g. IRON age ING bored (BrianReganISHindex angle #CLIPIT SNIPpet 1 <%>vs 2
VIA smoke exhaled I'm so wasted ..what fun is that^ 1985? invention of propylene glycol and VAPE perfume (burning up the ozone 2.0 for u2 too??? three?!?! blue screen of dearth TPS reports
(calories etc KaliMoRE..chore 4 more vs saved on START (fsm hsm iz..IZ home ISH (ICARUS..T(#teamFuschia #TEAMFUS(ION|OF)F
I as patron saint of introversion, keep an internal scoreboard of whatever life experiences I have (top 10 best, top 10 worst, arc by attribute/ category as a compass to guide my efforts and a iron pipe measuring rod on how things measure UP <^>..>... Pos/\NEG (#teamTeal
As a (*(chr(on)ic pain patient (RSI from arms from heavy computer use & abuse) some days feel like this trapped in my body :/
(accompanying(THEME MUSIC (on hold?) Stan Kolev\
but Good armed me with tools to find & fight for better paths for all which I share here. Like as quite cranky frankly the only extractionist to bridge reinventing coffee, spice extractions like vanilla, pepper, cannabis...popcorn...each on a continuous stream of "try this" IS EXACTLY where these sorts of lists help guide my work, as compasses and guiding stars though best and worst of times, always with a curious eye looking to see how lemons of not so good life, can with a bit of plastic be turned into lemonAID
So "stay curious" is a GOoD motto, and despite accidents (a plenty) always looking for .0001% BEtter more accessible than before, that once dONE (truLY done and one no OR about it, NEVER need to be repeated, they have(haz) been overcome by love (*(can haz Badges?
Thus I'm/we're all all always experimenting with wacky wtf "hmm what if" ideas as they pop up anywhere in life, cannabis/spices/drinks being a rich rewarding and fun area of research can haz well Pac-Man(*(ned ...you betcha SPICE OF LIFE (staying kolev revolver vs Sasha Krister)
Cannabis is a pharmacy in a plant, serious medicine, and combined with proper herbs/spices is able to augment or replace pretty much any other "medicine" as it works on the underlying and very broad endocannabanoid system, in all mammals/animals (at a plethora of internal receptors)...it's that fundamental to all life, and only requires a butane torch, spoon or tube and some reasonable wine, drop of fat (MCT, butter) for anywhere anplace
[ ] pic of body networks ideally one representing the endocannaboid system (dr ?searl? youtube had one on a slide that was super complicated list)
Which is like if your body was an engine/car: cannabis & spices would be lubricating tuneup oil, antifreeze, super windshield wiper fluid, GPS antenna, on & on (till one whole), on on a long dirty dusty bug splatting road trip till we get hOMe again.
It can also supply a cruise control, a decent DJ, and sometimes rather vindictive but totALLly effective body mechanic.
Since I was working in coffee/tea/cannabis/spices initially as just normal drinks/entertainmetn, which almost all nice compliment each other in many different ways, I got into habits of experimentation (e.g. no 2 drinks exactly the same in a given week), constantly mixing things together seeing what good bad both or neither happens.
Scoring for each & all against:
- taste
- effect: speed, duration, intensity of experience
- ease/convenience (even small amounts of inconvenience make huge differences)
- utility making it (one off, few, batch, for everybody everwhen/where)
- Suitability for specific symptoms on specific protocols (e.g. 4:20pm PM'r 2 scoops before dinner hits in time for doing tedious cleaning of dishes/ kitchen to the standards desired.
Top scores usually make it to the next round of experiments in ALLways .001% better/ novel each time. Level UP in life continuously....eventuALLLly infinitly.
Along the path Many Many setbacks, but generALLy in ALLways MUCH better than before: Science! Progress!! Better Life!!! Huzzah!!!!
NOTE(rant): Throughout this article many (not all) images are missing with IMAGEMISSING instead. See rant at bottom if you want to know why.
I am an a bit of an odd duck in the cannabis industry, having best the very best so called extractionists (extortionists ahem...featured on HashChurch, many have very different public and private faced vile nastiness)
[ ] 2 faced politician image from nightmare before Christmas
yet still buying trying stuff when time(e.g. giveaways) fund$ permitted. e.g. I can do cryogenic extractions like $uperPricey "Genius" that are near clear (thc isolate), beyond the curiosity in if it worked (which it does and beats in EVERY metric the in$ane overcomplicated stuff) I NEVER use it cause it's not as GOoD as the simple stuff in any metric that matters.
As a polymath (one who gets good at getting good at whatever comes up, perpetually curious)
"Stay Curious..." - ME
I'm always curious about what's out there and what works good, better, best..ideally, compared to prior experiences, along the way I have tried inhalant, topical, oral delivery (oil, alcohol, dmso) to explore most ALL the possibilities, flavored and not, % of THC/CBD/CBN... across many different Sativa/Indica/Hybrid strains.
Inhalation is by far the most popular and I had the opportunity to try this during a holiday with my brother and wife, both enthusiasts, via vape pens, and it wasn't that remarkable. Giving my brother the PM'r drink I could see the shift in his mind but for whatever reason he likes the pen better.
I have never tried and have no interest in dab rig or bong, too imprecise for repeatable results([ ]Max of Trichome institute has a good rant on why dab rigs are bad)
Tried store bought: RSO [] link oils, baked goods, the cheeba chews toostie like rolls:
ASIDE" mixing cheeba chews was best for normal store, try buying different types (e.g purple and gold) 25% from CBD rest from THC(from any strain). as..CBD counterbalances THC's upper with paranoia/dark edge, and should generally allways be taken together. Indica vs Sativa have effects worth exploring but way less important for my needs.
eventually literally throwing away all the super fancy stuff being lead by the great/er/est possible GOoD to undeniably so simple and effective it becomes invisible to the daily routine (e.g. literally get a brownie bite, take 2 spoons try an oil or 2 in a few seconds, maybe 2 minutes of work 2x a day...brushing teeth takes longer.
My top 3 using these stupid simple "cannabis for dummies & pros" approaches EASILY outperformed EVERYThing else in ALL metrics for my (and anybody like me)'s SUSTAINABLE ECONOMICAL needs,
as well as blending with extracts of spices herbs and various states of the hemp itself (green "inactivated" trim has medical effects (pain control, anticancer support) took it into entirely new areas unreachable by any breeder, simple mix and mashup.
Even taking hemp less seriously than a medicine. It is (e.g .hemp nuts) a 1st class food, quality fat (protein) micronutrients for the body.
These tips could have been worth millions in successful products/businesses (believe me I've tried) but instead it's here for you for free, as they don't cost anything really (just normal kitchen gear).
It's frankly shocking that these simple understandings/protocols aren't better known, and I shake my head thinking of the lives I could have helped/saved including my own family in the years that have passed :/
[todo] insert ice monocle/tear focus?
On the top 10 (in no particular order ALL are GOoD for somethings) in my Cannabis experiments/experiences (across ALL ALLs):
- Ancient Aged flower distillate from a good nutcase of a permaculture breeder friend that was straw colored that would never sell in a store, it was a highly complex/nuanced almost surround sound inner audio taken in predigested distillate form. I could write music albums in an month on this easy. I put it in a experimental distillation rig, similar to a vape pen misting into a ketchup/mustard/mayo small dish/cup, till it was concentrated (and protected from unnecessary heat/air/etc) enough, and the PM'r method below gets close enough for most use.
- "Holy Anointing Oil" v1.0 a biblical times mixture of cinnamon, myrrh, cassia (see wiki), kinda like RSO. The bible lists the recipe and ratios, and was used topically and inhaled with the oil burning on logs, in tents, used by ONLY the leadership under possible penalty of death..and after trying it I can see why it’s that GOoD.
- Holy Anointing Oil v2.0 is modernized for everybody as portable “punch out/escape chute “ I'll cover more on later.
- PM'er a *CBN*/thc/cbd focus (recipe below), typically taken at 4:20pm(ish) if dinner is at 5:23(ish) (when my grandpa's favorite show ends). Who's deep trips and body spiritual ones are most useful for me in the evenings as I focus on body work leading to a good nights sleep, totALLly best bang for the spiritual buck.
To help understand how blending nature with other parts of nature is such a good way to go, lets rewind 2k years ago...and about 4 years for me ago (my first real cannabis use)
"Getting Biblical on Pain's Sorry Ass" RECREATING HOLY ANOINTING OIL
The 'old' bible lists the ingredients
In Exodus, 30:23, God directed Moses to make a holy anointing oil composed of myrrh, sweet cinnamon, Kaneh-bosem, cassia, and olive oil. “And you shall make of these a sacred anointing oil blended as by the perfumer; it shall be a holy anointing oil.”
A perfumer being the closest to the far more complex modern arrangment of specialists: breeder, extractor, product maker/baker (food scientists on flavor/preservation)
Given the recipe was for a world 2k yearish ago, some thing are actually harder today, spices like myrrh were common place(ish), now they are just words people hear about in Christmas carols with no understanding of what they are or did, any more than many other spices that saved countless lives throughout the years to merit putting into song
"Tell her to make me a Cambridge shirt,...Parsley Sage Rosemary & Thyme" -Scarborough Fair Traditional Song
Thankfully they can be found online if you are willing to wait a week or so (etsy & amazon to the rescue), but compared to going down to the local health food store, some of these supplements coming from overseas, it took a few weeks/month to replicate it faithfully, but in the end was well worth it, markedly different from what I had tried from ALL/ANY the store and BEST of what my established industry pros/partners had given me to try (e..g BHO isolates), so made it easily made it onto the top 10 EVAH.
In this mix, the many spices (containing many hundreds of terpines) 'modulate' or steer the 'gas' like active effects of the THC/CBD/CBN.
sports car steering wheel (formula one like speed racer maybe)
So that should work for ANYthign from ANY source. Meaning take ANY cannabis, then try 'modulating' them with essential oils, and find ANY markedly different from taken the same unmodulated. Throw a terpine party with some friends, it's just essential oils/drinks.
[] light people image?
In pure isolates (dead, chemically toxically extracted) completely dead/devoid of terpines, the isolate produced a near panic attack/psychosis in me, that chewing on some pepper/mixing with these oils (FYI a good bad trip stopper), nearly instantly pivoted the effect to much nicer safer head spaces.
Properly paired with more strategic use of spices like Holy Annointing 1.0 (or 2.0), resulted in a powerful uplifting problem solving head space or any other place.
In old times this special annointing was reserved for the (high lol) priests as it likely could be used by unethical people for insights on how better to hack things in bad ways...or possibly more undermining laborers, making them realize war or pushing a slave wheel to nowhere, is a total dead end...certainly not worth dying for.
It was topically applied (head anointing) a very useful first approach to cannabis use as the skin slows and rate limits the absorption (well worth trying on back of neck for both a topical and contact buzz), as well as burnt in a smoke filled tent, probably not the most enjoyable way to go.
Unlike that/then this is primarily orally injested, and topically strategically (e.g. neck area)
Cannabis is safe enough that any animal or even child (dosed appropriately, possibly topically) could benefit from this knowledge, I feel criminally important given in not too distant past, we grew hemp as acceptedly as we did corn and wheat, the stock was fed to our animals as feed, and the raw cannabanoids both fed and helped them, and then when they were consumed as food, it was passed on into us, for all's great/er/est GOoD.
P.S. cannabis helps make ALL life more blissful, I don't even know this kid but I can empathize with the joy and wonder he and the mother feel, I didn't have that much in my militant antitheistic/atheistic borderline autism/aspergers that ALL went away when regularly taking care of myself and having regular as needed use of cannabis/naps, respecing my inner child and 165# inner dog (who likes 2 be walked 2 times a day or starts chewing on the chair cushions lol)
But now, thanks to predatory practices in pursuit of profits over people, hemp has been stripped from damn near everywhere, so all suffer needlessly. Take a look at the number of conditions cannabis can help if not outright eliminate (akin to lubricating and transmission oil in a car, can stop any myriad of grinding noises all indicating ...stop, something is wrong (aka pain for us)
For the verison 2.0 the methods I use makes use of easy to find, inexpensive "modern" equipment (aluminum foil! ovens! mason jars oh myhr!) simply not available at the biblical times,
As well we collectively have a MUCH deeper understandings from these interwebs we collectively weave, to find optimal paths across vastly complex new possibilities e.g. aluminum foil is actually a VERY recent and given it's precision/ubiquity to be thrown away, a remarkable invention, as are stoves with reasonably accurate heat control (vs open fire/smoke burning out), to think that an oven and aluminum foil can outbest the very best vape pens with no pricey disposibles tickles me pink.
But before I got there, I was trying what parts I could find easily (e.g. cinnamon leaf/stick oil) down at the local "health" food store, and whatever else in easy access ("indian food stores etc"
To my delight I did find noticeable useful effects! just with normal spices and aromatherapy oils (not labelled for eating/drinking but as spices generally safe).
Starting effects were immediatley useful to quickly inconspicously dim the seemingly endless crappy chores/tedium/bullshit WTF!?!ness that ISness of this messed up world/universe requires.
I found life easier and more productive, despite having every inclination even right to go postal, I instead continued to choose to be a good as possible in vile dark dismal times ever seeing the light, overcoming the obstacles/confusions/etc placed in my way
[] pic of looking at giant seemingly unsurmountable wall
but with good inner music driving me on, distracting me, a upbeat detachment "whistle while your work/spoon ful of sugar" chores quickly got done, and I moved on. Even the trauma of yesterday that would haunt me would quickly fall away, feeling like it was days or weeks aged vs a fresh scar, though it happened all yesterday.
Generally lifted and gifted with a higher driving philsophy:
ALL tasks we are given are within our abilities in time, and serve a great/er/est GOoD.
ALL tasks can eventuALLly be completed. Once TRUEly done, they are TRULY DONE (dead stay dead! death is forever)
Just BE GOoD as possible/practical given the situation/constraints, damn near everything I've ever done has come from tiny seemingly insignificant .0001% better than prior change each and every moment I can. In time (not even that long) these are the mist condenscing to form drops that shear mountains in 2 to make a path for you and those who follow you.
This works for ALL at ALL levels, once pain of ignornace is replaced by kNOwledge of light/love/truth. Once avoidance of needed change is overcome and integrated into a GOoD routine, it IS DONE (and a facet of the great/er/est GOoD's WILL BE DONE)
e.g. a clean place stays clean(ish). So too for self, home, neighborhood/community, etc. While we can't fix the entire world tomorrow we can make a clean spot and work outwards till we can do ANYTHING. start local, think global...galactic.
.0001% at a time for each and ALL things drawing your attention (eye sores, pain etc) MAKE IT BETTER for you/each and for ALL. Eventually ALL level UP and the game changes completly
Collectively we have immense power if we work together for a common goal that benefits all, even if it seems trivial like picking up 3 pieces of trash on a daily walk around your neighbor hood
Sooner we get these done, sooner we can ALL move on/up, go back hOMe. GAME OVER. Just GOoD times ALLL the Times.
Back on the extractions/experiments on Holy Annointing Oil 1.0 got me into "what else is possible/migh work" into 2.0 a step up in several areas.
Having had very positive experiences from those store bought oils/simple spice extractions while waiting on the Myrrh, it then occurred to me that those ingredients in the biblical Holy Anointing Oil, spices/ratios/delivery may have just been what was available/accessible at the time (they would have done better if they had the option, not like there was an Amazon/internet etc)
Certainly not what represented the ideal, and modernly possible/practical ideal especially given the range in symptoms cannabis and rainbow of spices can tackle ... some everywhere accessible things might work as well or.... even better, and they did.
ALSO BESTING the BEST of the store bought CANNABIS ANYWHERE. which is not magic, just simple math, every plant has 1000's of compounds, add 3 or 4 you may be into 10K unique compounds that a breeder could never replicate in a single plant that can exist in nature...especially given there is no need, essential oils are relatively cheap ($10ish)
Plus to make things even better if you know how and where to look pretty much *everything* is accessible online these days to play (etsy "myrrh oil" & amazon "cinnamon oil/etc" ), enabling (say 3 drops from 3 different oils) nearly endless possibilities for who knows how many specific symptoms known and yet to be found/ID'd
This could be YOU finding a new path to overcoming pain forever to a sustainable gain.
Eureka I've found it!" (if I only had words to describe it!)
These delightful enlightening movments, can happen to anybody with these approaches. So try being open minded, play with it, you never know what you'll find, and what will benefit ALL.
But with so much out there, just a normal dude in a kitchen, where was I to start? we are talking about hundreds of spices, each spice/oil/extraction variation containing who knows how many hundreds to thousands of compounds many identical to the terpines in specific cannabis exotic bred strains shown by searching google for "terpine wheel"
plus MANY that can't (and won't ever) be found in any cannabis plant however bred
but in all my search for reductionist precision, the RIGHT ANSWER to what was BEST was SIMPLY elegant, the body's innate intelligence (like digestion vs elimination) knows what it needs (once cleaned..ahem) and ONEce you get out of the way, and give your all ALLL it needs, it will intuitively choose wisely (Nature has been at this game a long time) it's optimal path/fate, not using what it doesn't need. No magic bullet/gear.
No matter what oil I've tried, vs what cannabis caffeine I've tried, ALL have noticeable effects, even if in the ideal flow state, I barely recall the specifics, I just have say an article like this with another few passes ironing out the mess.
So I keep a bunch of oils at hand on a rotating caddy like this, along with a 1/8th tsp serving spoon, the oil and grounds from the PM'r approach (below) as well as green trim for anything (on left in back)
Spin the wheel Russian roulette if you want, or be more systematic 3 oils x 3 drops each ideally getting Fizzy (wink/nudge), snack, nap etc.
Like UP "put on your Game Face" Family
- vanilla oil
- Sweet orange "brightening"
- Tangerine "cheering"
- Germanium "comforting"
- Frankincense "meditative" transcending/myrrh
Second FORWARD chai tea-like (and great with tea) contemplative productive family
- Lemongrass "invigorating"
- Clove bud
- Cinnamon leaf
Third DOWN "chillax" family
- Winter mint/green
- Peppermint
- Spearmint
- Lavender
- Bergamot
what works best will depend on your individual situation, including when you last took something.
Start of with 3x3 of the familes above, then expand outward if you have need to what you have in easy proximity (wildcrafting try identifying herbs in wild or grown your own (e.g. a community garden), some more mechanical/kitchen mind learning simple (steam/alcohol/..)+extractions (not that different than fresh coffee/ice cream), start by searching youtube on those terms italicized)
Create lists/mindmaps of your own, against attributes you care about (specific pain/insight etc) contrast & compare, share with others of like minds.
Collectively (e.g. google docs) keep track to see what works *and doesn't* for whatever is needed.
BE systematic and super curious epecially at first, as these steering oils tend to last a few hours vs much longer 6+ of the CBN heavyy PM'r and spices act quickly (near instantly) so you can see
- stimulus (e.g. I am depressed/angry)
- action (e.g .I take 3x 3 drops of UP first time, DOWN next time, etc)
- response: (I feel ok, forgot I was feeling depressed, got sh!t done)
The essential oils being more flexible as they have shorter duration in body and stack in cloud like waves over consciousness/perception that can be as pronounced as stepping through a portal to being washed over with a moody cloud practically indescribable other than it can be experienced, just not particularly in words. Consider it a side goal to develop a vocabulary you can use to describe the complex things you are experiencing (e.g. if it were a song/color/movie star what would be the closest to what you are experiencing).
Some up portals to see inside self, travelling without moving, showing entire cities/skyscrapers of thoughts/abstractions (some needing revision if not outright demolition), revealing entire zoo of exotic new creatures/insights both in you, in others and in side nature.
At end of a trial of a few, score them on what worked and didn't work, rank them, remember for next time, strategically think where else could it easily go next, variate it/isolate it further, more drops, less of another, they like CBN vs THC may have preferred ratios.
Keep in mind, Some things might not repeatedly work the same way everday (understand Tolerance/adaptation)
some offer much greater access to great/er/est SELF good and the ALL that is ALL and ever will BE for ALL of eternity... and this as a part of built in GGPS (great/er/est GOoD positioning system can be a real life 'autodrive' intuition aid, so BE on the lookout for things in the real world to happen too.
e.g. combining situations and spice of life (that cute/crazy guy/girl you keep “randomly” meeting in the street ..checking you out with a smirk possibly thinking the same monkey mind like thing..which if it were ‘true love’ (Buttercup & Westly style)...might BE
a passionate kiss for what you love best and loves you back for all and for ever.
vs iocane powder and messing with cicilians with (certain) DEATH on the line:
Both of which WILL BE if it is meant to be (HIS WILL BE DONE till All as one are ONE)
Defining who gets what IS (ing...vs end./gristle/bone) what judgement/end IS a bit like QIX in regards to paradigm exploration and exhaustion (which needs it's own article)
But extension to this as applicable to cannabis (and rambly) found in addendumbelow.
Also see bottom comment linking to a google spreadsheet for a list of some spices/symptoms to try
Ideally find others (e.g. online symptom support groups) who have similar symptoms as you, work together report back, share what works and doesn't, everybody wins this way. TOGETHER *IS BETTER* (and ONLY way forward from here)
As a compass to guide my efforts, as both a chronic pain patient & a skilled extractionist I've found in damn near everthing/ALLLways (e.g. Coffee brewing, topicals, infections):
Whole/Full spectrum extracts + protected against degradation + optimizing delivery in ALLLways works BEST....WAY BEtter than anything less...
basically as a formula:
BEST EFFECT = ((Whats in Plants - cellulose) x Varieties of Plants/Spices with known history with humans for a symptom) x bio-optimization
First: extract as close to Nature intended for use inside cells, which makes sense, is what these chemicals are primarily used for, and are meant to work together for cell metabolism
Second: protect these fragile compounds from unnecessary air/acid/etc...that cause spoiling, part of the reason all life has cell membranes, and separate bodies.
Third: optimize delivery as much as possible. You are not what you swallow but what you actuALLly digest/absorb/metabolize at a cellular level. Some routes (e.g. Brownies vs Smoking) hit different pathways and have VERY different effects/strengths (oral can be 2-5x longer, and 7 times stronger per dose), but to happen need different things (e.g. fat in brownies are processed in liver vs lungs as in inhaling)
I call the above when combined "Cell2Cell communication", which is intrisic to all life, and continues for while even when damaged/missing like this leaf 'remembering' where it was cut (as well as the intent!)
if you think about it, if you eat naturally it goes directly from cells in fruit/vegetable directly into your body's cells, with little to not contact outside, that IS how nature was designed to work best, regardless of the age or species. MOTHER NATURE kNOw's BEST :) :D
Of particularly note, this WHOLEistic philosophy is the exact opposite of the heavily reductionist (e.g. BigPharma) and lossy/distorted, BHO/Co2 type rigs popular in industry. e.g. Google search for Co2 extraction saw $600 to $120K setups, needing special permits, rooms/rent, installation (particularly explosive BHO)...vs just common house/kitchen gear!
None of it would be safe around kids or elders (including ingestion)
These fancy rigs often aim for 100% THC isolate, which is silly/unsustainable, too much power no nuance or direction...and like opiates do over time, actually backfires, it quickly overload the receptors, which can't recover without going the opposite direction/rest
(which operate like fuses/firewalls adapting to average "tolerance") so eventually nothing works well, and there is no fallback ..so things crash hard.
like I know of a few proud "Dabheads" that carry $1K rigs in their car and need to plug in...what if there's no power? butane?, etc. while mine fits invisibly on a keychain
To summarize what's ALLLways worked best:
"The closer I get to Nature, and more of Nature I capture, ... the more it captures me" - me
here's the actual how to make these, just recipes! as easy as cookies & coffee & tea. Do it Try it, you'll probably like it.
Protocols are just recipies in time for optimal use of whatever (e.g best way to wakeup, get a second wind etc)
Again in no particular order
#1) The AM'enr(ah) (aka wake 'n unBake 2.0)
START the morning with a big glass of water, ideally add:
- sea salt/electrolyes (e.g elete ),
- half a lemon juiced or infusion of sliced lemons
- These will help rehydprate as you've not had anything for 10ish hours, thus are dehydrated (particularly starting day with coffee/soda which dehydrate you further)
NEXT empty stomach supplements, like: b12 energy packet, magnesium, plus ideally niacin to flush them in. dsmo/sulfur/collagen helps bypass digestion on empty stomach.
THEN a thc focused extract in pharma grade dsmo carrier, help with vitamin D + 2 squirts of primal essence chai spice held under tongue (sublingual), gargled ( for max absorption) then swallowed ..followed by the morning coffee + cream to desired/needed lifted level
IF depressed consider adding more citrus oil and juice in but not exact same time as the cannabis
EAT sensible breakfast and then take a 20 minute walk/movement, the food kicks the body (liver needed for CBN) on, and the movement helps digestion/circulation/elimination, making the effect stronger and quicker. allowing you better to clear out the MONKEY MIND chatter and get in the SPIRIT flow zone, particularly with a "Walk n' Talk" (just talk out-loud like you were talking to a best friend/therapist no holds barred emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, doesn't have to make sense (like speaking in scat/tongues /gibberish, just ...flow.
It totally doesn’t have to make sense, freedom of expression & unrestricted flowthrough is THE most important in however it comes out: text/pic/audio journal free form ANY & ALL thoughts good/bad/etc that come up as they come up, it’s the bridge to INsight, the path within (to get out of this man in mirror prison)
...THE KITCHEN SINK ( pm, typically around 8pm)
Years of these experiments...not overthinking it, putting everything and the kitchen sink, a WHOLEly non-ointing non-oil made it a new record. It even beat my anointing oil recreation experiments for taste and effect, taken like a shot o' espresso, like the AM'er above:
WHAT: 1/2 green trim + 1/2(ish) PM'r/ABV trim (already been vaped) + cocoa powder + black tea + chai spice + Mexican spice + graham masala spice + agave/honey + sea salt + cream in a hot (or iced) alcohol cocktail.
WHY: combined it has tens of thousands of compounds, each and all in whole spectrum, creating a positive synergies and network ensemble/entourage effect... like jazz,
which similarly the body can pick and choose what suits it's fancy/needs at time
Practically: it's easy to make, easy to take, cheap. Can be made with inexpensive trim, with no real fancy gear for epic experiences, or premade enough for a week or so, so it's like tea/coffee in ease.
- Get a small glass that can handle heat ( I use an espresso shot-glass) like above
- make sure everything is ground fine enough to drink (standard blade grinder works fine)
- 1/2-1 teaspoon of each of the above, + pinch of salt, depending on your tolerance, I use a half dose of black chai tea powder, though coffee also works (a source of caffeine).
- In a hot kettle boil a shot of vodka alcohol (adjust to your tolerance, aim for half to fully buzzed not drunk as it's not needed) TIP use a zero or britta filter for best (neutral clean flavor results)
- brew it like tea/french press for a few minutes Not picky.
- Add the FULL FAT cream/milk and sugar. I use whipping cream, the full fat is necessary for liver metabolism that gives the alternate pathway. Ice cream is also a good option.
- Stir
- Drink quickly,
- Walk move breathe
initial effects are fast for me and about 45 minutes later the deep trip hits smoothly, lasts a few hours and fades out equally smoothly.
If needed extended relief once you get a feel for how long the session lasts (we all metabolize differently) top up with a half dose about halfway in and repeat as necessary aka titration. keeping in mind multiple doses a day will diminish effects, and breaks of day or 2 off will increase effects/dose next time, both have uses depending on goals/needs.
Try to find 2 different doses that work sustainably/predictably for you.
- daily coffee/aspirin like dose (useful but still highly functional)
- punch out, deep dive dose (100% focus on healing/inner body, world turned off)
Despite so many ingredients, it tastes reasonably good, like spicy mocha chai or Mexican hot chocolate. Like Kava, it's best to be drink reasonably quickly for optimal delivery (called phamakinetics like bullet ballistics)
.... you can always have normal drinks for sipping:
TIP: if you need ABV but don't have a vape/distillation rig, aka PMer (next)
TIP: no filter? use a straw & wait, gravity will sort the grounds down, suck off the top
THE PM'er aka the unBrown!ie
where 2 scoops of this toasty sugar trim, and call me in the...
WHAT: the PM’R is a CBN "couch lock" heavy (but not debilitating), low THC (thc downstream forms cbn), intentionally degraded inexpensive (from commodity trim) baked in a conventional oven/hotplate without the allergies and calories...guilt. it's just the toasted trim/grounds vs recipies when combined with spices oil as in the Kitchen Sink above.
It can be technically used at any time of the day, though I try to make AM THC focused and PM CBN focused to avoid tolerance and maximize lift as needed through long complex days throughout the entire week if needed (pain/life doesn't particularly adhere to any schedules)
This can be made with anything you'd normally smoke/ingest, but I find particularly economical with GOoD quality trim/sugar trim vs whatever from wherever you can get it, "toledo window box..er closet"
just avoid mold chemical heavy indoor as common in store bought yucky (gross wtf coverup) tasting brownies. THOSE can rob you of any good that the cannabis/oils can bring.
Eat a bit (tsp of oil seems enough) whatever fatty/sugary/cheesy desert with this, e.g. a brownie bite, as some fat is needed for the proper metabolism of CBN which compared to THC has 7x the impact of normal inhalant,
WARNING! DO NOT assume that your tolerance from inhaling is the same as ingesting, different pathways/receptors!!...GO EASY or truly find out what the bottom of a couch ..or kitchen floor feels like lol. for overdoses chew on black pepper and hold under tongue ASAP
METHOD 1: use an
- oven safe glass (e.g. mason jar (OPEN while baking! do NOT seal tight, co2 gases can explode!), pyrex measuring cup, etc)
- aluminum foil folded to make a vent on bottom and sealed on other 3 sided, via simple crimping to keep trim dry for ez removal and reuse of foil many times, an envelope of blissfull mainline to insight & beyond
- scoopful (about a week worth shown for me) of ground (cheap coffee grinder) trim/flower depend
pour mct, coconut oil or other high smoke temp oil to cover tip of foil by about 1/2 inch, which will bubble into the oil CO2 gas and some distillate (decent for massage oil, but not concentrated enough ina single session, for needed for physical therapy, but this can be improved, using smaller container/straw for bubbler and reusing the oil for multiple session till a amber(ish) color ( or feels right)
428–446°F canola oil is solid first choice, common in all stores and inexpensive, 30ml in a oven safe shot glass to better concentrate for injuries (e.g. neck, thumb, joints)
in my test this bubbler into oil open to oven, produced NO smells, and can be done at same time as seasoning cast iron/steel skillets which can be used as an excuse/scapegoat for what is going on in the kitchen should someone walk in.
goal 1/2” ish of oil height to act as trap/filter, passing co2 gas safely out, keeping good stuff
in this shot I stably and precariously but good enough tilt the pyrex & mason jar inside a small skillet, to get the inner borosilicate glass (not required, just minimal oil most concentrated) so aluminum tip is down/deepest immersed, longest bubble travel (most interactions with the oil, think brewing tea agitating bag)
OR great at same t8me making brownies & season8ng cast iron pans (basically only can smell chocolatr vs old school pot smelly hempy meh “this tastes wicked weird” brownies
most anything else is great at 400F degrees(ish) in 20minutes(ish): bread toastopen, brownies, cookies, coffee roasting, potatoes tomatoes or this bread cannabis toast8ng,
Once done, you can speed cooling (also further reduce smell once open (measuring out)) by putting the aluminum foil part into the freezer, fridge, in a cup of ice, or outdoors till laterz when allz iz ready
it can also be used to funnel into the salt/pepper shaker container.
this is the output, part of the trim (accidentally) soaked/wicked up the canola oil, lighter is dry, both are good usable:
the oil by itself in single 'brewing' session, was decent as "punch down/out" 1-2 hr 1/2 tsp orally, then quarter sized dose massaged into the affected area topically (e.g. joints/forearms)
The oily part +trim works well (45 minutes is typical for max effects)...could be put into gelatin capsules for portable/convenient pill form to dose at any time anywhere (but no big pharma poison), plus in that you can tailor the essential oils for terpines for specific conditions). 100% wholest spectrum)
TIP: if ground fine it and oil can easy to put into pills or oral syringe
TIP, once done store the (oxidized/shelf stable) powder, in a salt and pepper shaker, get a small 1/8-1 tsp measuring spoon, learn your optimal dose.
If stealth is needed, put a piece of foil in cap with pepper, so that shaking it works as expected, few will look deeply into the contents, pair with a matching salt shaker (most people use salt only anyway at tables
)TIP 2: if on the road, the trim can be mixed with melted cheese (or put into center of cut block, 144C can 'glue/melt' together): cheese fonDon'!t George carlin "Toledo widow box" https://youtu.be/5F63qFfgEG0
or into nut butters like almond, and ..pairs well with chocolate anything (2 spoons and a brownie bite glass of milk or whipping cream in coffee)
METHOD 2 (bigger batches, higher smell...less recommended): use 2 pie tins/nestible pots & 3 metal binder clips (aluminum foil gasket optional), sprinkle ground trim on bottom, (optional) cover in ghee/clarified or MCT/coco oil & mix into a paste. THEN cover with second plate.
Bake (preheated) at 375-475Fish for 18ish minutes (toasted brown not black/charcoal)
Cool covered outdoors or in freezer with a silicone/etc trivet. Store paste in mason jar in fridge.
TIP for smell leaks
- make sure bubbler is 1/2 inch under the oil
- use an spray that neutralizes the odors (shown above)
- make some popcorn for camoflague,
- run the air system and open windows
DOSE of PM'r (or Kitchen sink base):
Start with 1/8-1/4th tsp for serving, double until you figure dose right, again keeping in mind 2x a day will diminish effects, day or 2 off will increase effects/dose.
EFFECTS of PM'r For me:
which differs from the THC focused oil as base
Effects last similar to edible as in for several hours, but via this liquid edible vs heavy food, faster and more predictable in when it takes effect.
I find it great for an eve or AM & PM formulas. As a chronic pain person needing sometimes all day coverage, I find this works well still having to work vigorously through the pain yet not overdoing it and losing effect.
Usual cannabis stuff, insight, dimming pain, focused zoning to get stuff done, good writing, particularly on spiritual or tedious technical stuff. Particularly find the pain alteration coupled with hopeful optimism, useful as most else modern life is sucky, and I have a solid Death Vader inclination when so much in the world could easily be so much better.
and indeed using the living force to choke hold your pain into submission IS possible via channelling your inner vader & luke..."let go"
"DJ pain miner, deep diver" this is particularly trippy half alert half flow state, that can take down the perceptual firewall (where problems are dimmed to be "not the droids you are looking for",
deepest problems which are like tow cables wrapped around our inner miserable walker.
First part deeply clearly audible inner music like being at a concert that my expert inner DJ mixes like a lucid dream. Just enough out of control to make it mesmerizing.
If I could record this I'd compete easily with any DJ...it covers the entire range of music I like (world, techno, glitch, classical) and morphs smoothly between them. This last time had a higher frequency, like switching from a piano in a noisy bar, missing the top 2 octaves, to a same song on a full grand piano in a orchestra hall with good acoustics.
Like approaching a rave from a distance, it comes and goes, who's immersion/volume is directly proportional to the inner insight into the inner mechanisms, presenting a mirror of our self as we want to see vs actually is (like evoL out of control Clu)
Once inside the 'tent', the deep bodies innate intelligence takes over enters "maintenance/diagnostics repair mode" normally found in deep sleep (a mix of Tron & Clue well behaved), but actively aided by a half awake & pain desensitized/altered you who with pain greatly altered/dimmed can see into and through it and underlying problems,
With an active bidirectional dialog open from mind to body, the body's innate intelligence can bottom up, leverage situational awareness (what's in proximity, bed frames, balls, any tool of possible use) use the body position awareness, center of gravity and gravity to do the really heavy lifting/leverage on pressure points, sometimes needing your entire weight and awarenes on the issues nested and stacked several layers deep, actively colluding and protecting themselves
These hidden relationships, becomes visible with innersight (INsight & op|posight) and once visible, understandable eventually manipulatable & manageable,
they are YOU after all...
really see, understand the pain for what it is (self defenses running amok), dig into them, defuse them,clear out the backlog of pain even when fully conscious again.
In time with .001% better daily FINALLY breaking the cycle of pain
Issues like muscles close to the bone spasming that need deep digging to release the trigger point, but are hidden "ringer muted" and invisible when conscious.
for practical and novel tips & techniques to gain leverage on pain...
ANYWAY..cannabis+ etc helps drift smoothly though this at times shitty pain is the path crap..
channeling an inner MacGuyver meets Andy Dufrense a spirit guide
For overcoming not evading adversity/obstacles/inner objections/etc on the path of the great/er/est GOoD the prison of this life/world and it's presently sh?t warden(s)
I’ll be integrating with and communicating with you on the other side (in reasonably clear headed ways as I am here, just no(bride/body of Christ) left Here&now.
this is the end of the article. safe to stop reading.
for more medical evidence
see these 2 doctors talk about the pathways/receptors/etc
BELOW IS SUPER MESSY/ugly/ belongs in other articles, etc,
I can normally tell 'ambiently' these issues exist as they build up over time, I get increasingly grumpy and miserable/sore/stiff all over..typically around a week...as the rest of the body is working hard, trying to cover it up, to focus on survival, work around it maintaining illusion of normal life when it's not, which is exhausting.
This is akin to noise cancellation while trying to have a conversation, in a construction zone...hard continuous work to separate them apart.
Third once those 2 things are perceptible, a 'alternate identity' DJ Diver becomes active, he/it is non-verbal, capable of going deep into the body infrastructure like a underwater mechanic, with a full tool chest of tools...the body has innate intelligence on how to attack these problems using gravity and body position plus whatever is around, (hard-coded likely from evolutionary heritage, just moving through the world and through countless injuries)
so even when it hurts like hell, or is wacky, I've learned to just let the body do it's thing...no questions asked...in the end it's always worth it.
stretching the fingers tendons that get so tight, from so much use keyboarding/mousing
like above, I find myself in odd yoga like positions (this is stretching the left leg quadricep) I'd never be in normally and using massage tools to gain leverage on problem areas, that when hit ring like a bell, radiating pain. Bing Bing Bing like a jackpot.
There are so many patterns it could easily fill a few hours of video, and be a new form of tool assisted yoga+tai chi.
Often hitting this 'jackpot' releases emotional stresses, our body's are stress batteries and 'meat mechs' that hide some details from our conscious 'pilot' awareness so we can focus on surviving in this dark, toxic combative predatory world.
In modern insane life, we are so busy we never have a time to 'decharge' this stress battery, or worse escape it or cope with it, our escapist consumer habits (going out movies/being busy neglecting the body)/dimming drugs (only alcohol) just add to the pile, so we end up the opposite of intended, exhausted and miserable.
Religious or not, this is one reason why scheduling downtime like having Sundays to fully focus on spirit and checking in with body, particularly as we age is I feel increasingly important to schedule into our lives.
Combine the music sensitivity and body repair cycles I find sometimes 'self dancing' in wacky tribal ways, as it tries to restore balance out the fast/medium/slow twitch muscle balance and full range of motion. Something I find spinning poi also helpful with.
Most of us staring at a computer sitting at a chair all day are dominated by slow twitch holds, not fast and have large gaps in our range of motion, even blocked off from lateral inhibition
We think we are fine but we are actually locked, way out of alignment/proper posture., true for body, mind (left brain and right), spirit. I've heard it said that some people are shocked taking a long driving or day swimming/diving to hear themselves for the first time in ages.
To experience this dark/blackout zones, try moving your head or arms through out *entire range* of motion AND speed, to see this hidden prison. It's like grime in a crevice of a sink tends to build up over time, and similarly needs constant vigilance to stay open.
To correct, the anti-patterns the body generates the inverse motion and tempo .. to help retrain what should be a fluid range of full motion and speed. (and mine even requests the best music from my dancing days (e.g. On YouTube) e.g. I'm in the mood for a danceable track from 80's)
This is likely the original point of dance...literally unwinding the work we've tying ourselves up in.
Done regularly the "part time job" of hours of mindful positive thinking, taking care of self and getting healthy stuff done, can help alter long term behavior to be generally more optimistic and more proactive about pain, leading to less of it, and can lead to a positive feedback spiral in total quality of life. I find being more accepting of my own pain makes more tolerant and helpful of others too.
In heat and air, THC naturally gradually degrades into CBN over time, with who knows how many isomers and cousin compounds in-between, so a full 'all ages' show, a rainbow from THC to CBN plus a myriad of other compounds with it doing similar things, was a particular breakthrough, it would be like eating both the bananas above to get the whole experience of what a banana fully is.
Plants being organic material have a 'cloud' of related compounds, in various states, that typically in aged products have say so like in that banana picture we see different green to yellow to brown, that as we all know taste and feel different from starchy to sugary to mushy. This progression happen across 100, to 1000's of compounds, that like the tines in a key work together to unlock things.
This is the opposite of most pharmacy drugs, which seek to like a lever pry and force the effects, bringing the body out of balance. Full spectrum cannabis promotes like oil in a engine, promotes smooth running, called homeostasis, take as much as you need the body's tolerance and intelligence takes what it needs and just stores/passes the rest.
Spices: raw cocoa powder, Mexican spice and graham masala spices, probably tens of thousands of compounds, that mix in complicated ways. again in various different aged states, that mix in complicated ways with the alcohol (itself 2 powerful solvents, ethanol and water), actives, and fats.
Again thousands more teeth on they keys to unlock and activate the complex biological and mental pathways, creating a superposition of harmonious overlapping effects, like a cymatic pattern.
Add in a dash of caffeine and alcohol, sugar, fat, and sea salt to amplify and expand the inner 'portal' it opens up. Caffeine as a stimulant, elevates the 'good' patterns, Alcohol as a mild depressant to suppress other 'bad' patterns.
Alcohol enhance delivery of all the compounds, meaning less is needed for a given effect, so this cost less (though is compatible with) than sugar trim, flowers, or concentrates.
ASIDE: in a pinch (out of milk) I had a tsp of ABV a pump of chai spice and put it in 1tbsp of the pharma grade DMSO and it also works quickly (minute) as well brewing like tea can work in camp..just slower update.
this infographic bubbled up from my intuition
I find it useful to keep a journal near for capturing stuff during deep trips, for later conscious re-inspection. Like the photos above documenting something that worked, I can try again later when fully awake, E.g. Stretching that leg again in a similar pose.
On left: up showing the primary relationships, actives in foreground, supporting alcohol beneath and a cloud of the many thousands in the spices.
In Middle: the corresponding biological pathways, the primary pathways are CB1/CB2 by the THC/CBD/CBN, with the Caffeine, sugar and alcohol lifting those up. The surrounding cloud is the support and steering (aka modulation) the spices bring to the metabolization upstream and downstream of the primary force.
On Right: is the path of life/light/love from sun to plant, to seed, to extract, to brain or our lifes, a bridge of light through matter.
Our Sun Continually radiates it's love/light throughout space and time to evolve life on this planet from humble chemicals to walking animals and everything inbetween across all life, across all lifetimes. All life depends on it. The farther we remove ourself from this light leads to darkness, disease and ...death.
Plants capture this light and each species does unique and remarkable things with it, to create the flavor and sensations we like. Cinnamon, Ginger, Pepper, Chili pepper, Chocolate, Nutmeg, Cardmom, Vanilla are all shrub like plants, with markedly different flavors and effects, that as we know from cooking pair wonderfully together like color.
These condensed that sunlight and life into fruits and seeds intended to carry on it's species life, but we also benefit from as food (inexchange for often carrying it farther than the wind), so in that regard they are concentrated life, a drop of sunlight, and like a wedding ring a promise of continuing life (though health, legacy, kids).. because life comes from life.
Respecting Nature condensed into that tiny seed, also expands when 'planted' in our bodies to give us, rather than the seed new life.
Helps open the inner eye to see the truth of things, yourself, others, and the world around.
So try it, it's worth it, and if you do report back your results.
PS. Here's a table based version of the terpines in the title graphic , symptoms and spices, copy them into an excel or openoffice calc spreadsheet. Sort by what your interested in e.g. symptom or by spice, will try to add as I find more if you want to target specific symptoms. If you find ones that work well, please react out so I can add and share with others.
PS linkedin rant
LinkedIn's crap platform (since rewrite a year ago) and tech team lost ALL the images on this article (and others of mine & others as well), were unable to assist (they didn't know there was a problem, did nothing for me or other users, couldn't tell what happened from logs, and HAD NO BACKUPS!), which as a CTO really pissed me off, as it was never fixed, intrinsic to the rewrite, can happen again at any time. For a startup first release, this might be acceptable losses but this is a Billion dollar publicly traded company WTF!
As a user (RSI chronic pain) given many images were one offs, created on mobile (which is it's own headache crashing), representing hours of work/hassle, I cannot easily recreate/refind months after writing it, so sadly have left mos placeholders :/
Having learn suggest printing out in PDF paper etc anything n the webz
(video of game play here) between the collaboration and competition through influencing you to exert your free will choices
to exhaust the search/possibility/probability in local proximity of what makes your ideal you...well you by the sequential successive choices you/each & all make, including strategic alteration, by substances pain gain work etc
From the meta physical Quix like a side of a rubicks cube meets powered massager that once the side is solved, and the whole is solved the pain (inflated don’tfully kNOwthing needing a NO*iT*thing<!-(?! Can literally pop into nothingness that is truly is, the ?? remains, no symbols/worlds/users needed, but...like a projector, where these 2 scenes are the same basic underlying meaning.
Yet the ALL they see, was ALLL they (N)ever truly were.
But this arcade level is about to decommissioned as fun and quaint as it is for something much much BEtter (in serving a great/er/est GOoD that works for ALL ALL), that benefits ALL ALL’s that reALLLy are, among a mixed up mess...
in ways that even they might not know socioempath like a white ram in sheeps clothing, which also happens inside our mind body relationships or rather equally messed up bodies/minds, sexual gender/relationships related to a legacy and world at large, that alteration and wholest making (following a path of preventable pain, but not necessarily head on or at least with out some ARChitectural awarness and situational awareness as orchestrated by the wholest making spirit like the wireframe transparency in a 2.5D game
the blueprints of which as waypoints on the plot arch, ALLL’ll WILLbe helping cowright
the WAYz out toGEThere.
engineer monk
7 年Also 1TBSP of kava has been really interesting to mix, completely turning off that ‘prevocalization’ “reading aloud sounding it out, like what is done for speed reading ‘photo reading via quick glimpsing) Where just as saying “cat” seeing the word “cat” and understanding it’s your cat wet/cold, young/old and what to do for it’s/your greater good. Stripping these layers of ‘self”/training wheels as stair steps to higher self, lets us go “bare metal” and work more directly with the bundles of experienes tied up with that word as semanti twine and bow. Then the world inverst rather than struggling to over come self in pursuit of a better self past reach via short cuts or too risky of a jump the flow takes over, you grow at pace that you love so much you can’t feel it, doesn’t feel like work even though looking back it wasn’t exactly “fun” but rewarding and insightful to self so a greater good that ends up accelearting the more of these pistols of synergy production you can wire up, and connect by cross pollinating and interelating/jutaposition (much as these images I put in these trees support a story dependingon what nodes are visible and not.
MD @ Julian's landscapes
7 年Had we been allowed to evolve naturally Eden and love would have been more than enough for those who could survive its majesty x
engineer monk
7 年Matthew King Steve DeAngelo wrote this canna article you or your readers might enjoy.
engineer monk
7 年Sarah Stenuf you or your fellow canna buds might enjoy this
engineer monk
7 年Diana Eberlein wrote this canna article you or your readers might enjoy