Cannabidiol – a Safe Therapeutic Option for COVID-19 Related Stress Disorders
The Evils That COVID-19 Has Given Birth To!
COVID-19 has been all about death and loss of wealth. Life has been restricted to quarantine and bio-bubbles for the last year and a half. It was only a matter of time before the quarantine life got to our nerves. Surviving through a pandemic is hardly child’s play. Fears of every kind can get the better of anyone. Those who have made it to this point are still fighting with the anxiety of evading the new variants that are emerging everywhere in the world. And the current approaches of fighting with stress disorders e.g. post-traumatic stress disorder are hardly working as far as calming down the nerves is concerned! Something magical is needed desperately right now!
The Conventional Approach of Fighting Stress
Typically, low levels of serotonin are found in people who are a victim of anxiety and depression. To boost serotonin levels, drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) are used. More often than not, these drugs are used in combination with a type of therapy called cognitive-behavioral therapy. Some common examples of these drugs that are approved by the FDA as well include Citalopram, Escitalopram Fluoxetine, Paroxetine, and Sertraline.
CBD, Anxiety and Related Disorders
In recent years, credible scientific evidence has surfaced which suggests that CBD can be quite effective in alleviating symptoms of stress-related disorders. A study conducted by National Institute on Drug Abuse suggests that CBD is effective in reducing stress in the rat animal model. Its efficacy in improving the situation as far as symptoms of anxiety-like accelerated heart rate shows that CBD can be used for conditions like generalized anxiety disorder. CBD was found to help improve situations where the patients suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder, insomnia, and social anxiety disorder. CBD is a substance that is still under research. Some studies suggest that it can help with disorders like schizophrenia as well. A lot of guesswork still forms the basis of CBD research, but the emergence of facts that support CBD’s use as an anti-depressant sure has scientists thinking about this amazing substance’s hidden potentials!
A Word about CBD’s Interaction with Body
Findings from credible research studies suggest that CBD acts as an anxiolytic drug in many anxiety-related disorders. This means that it has the potential to reduce anxiety, many biomarkers have been linked with CBD’s anxiolytic properties. It is pertinent to mention here that the therapeutic ability of CBD in anxiety and stress management is not reliant on a single molecular target. Rather, it is an intertwined phenomenon featuring many signaling molecules and pathways. Further translational studies that can dispel ambiguity in the air regarding CBD’s interaction with the human body are the need of the hour.
What’s In The Future?
CBD has potential for sure. What it needs right now is a market in which players are more concerned about quality than quantity. What we have seen in the last few years is a dramatic increase in the number of CBD products. Do all of these products fulfill the standard quality prerequisites? One can never be certain about that, but if resources in vendors who pay attention to quality, one can be saved from disappointment later. American White Label CBD is one fine example of such vendors, purchasing popular CBD products that can be easily consumed e.g. CBD gummies, flowers from such vendors can save a customer from many known and unknown complications. If more players like the American White Label CBD join the CBD market, its future looks bright for sure!