Cancer prevalence and incidence in the UAE

Cancer prevalence and incidence in the UAE

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Based on GLOBOCAN?report in 2020, there were?4,807 newly diagnosed cancers in UAE, with 1,869 cancer-related death in the same year.1

The most frequent cancer type was Breast cancer in female population (1,030 = 38,8%) and Colorectal cancer in male population (14.5%). Prostate cancer in the male population is the second most frequent cancer. (12.5%).

In 2017, a review published by Al Shamsi et al.? reported?a total of 4,299 new Breast cancer cases (36.67%), as the most frequent type of all cancers in females, colorectal cancer in the male population(13.67%), thyroid cancer (9.99%), leukaemia (7.62%), skin (5.04%), non- Hodgkin’s lymphoma (4.17%), and prostate cancer (3.76%) as the most common types of cancers in UAE.2?

In 2017, cancer-related deaths in the UAE reached 955, about 10.82% of total deaths, with breast cancer ranked first (110 deaths) and colon cancer and lung cancer ranked second (98) and third (80) deaths.

Comparing the two reports mentioned above, there has been an increase in the number of?new cancer cases from 2017 to 2020 by 508. The percentage of breast cancer in females increased from 36.67 to 38.8%, colorectal cancer from 13.67% to 14.5% and prostate cancer from 8.28% to 12.5%.

THE LIFEGENHEALTH TRUCHECK solutions for early breast and prostate cancer detection have been approved by FDA with a BREAKTHROUGH DESIGNATION.

1- Global Cancer Observatory

2- (Clin. Pract. 2022, 12, 118–132. A Proposal for a National Cancer Control Plan for the UAE: 2022–2026, Humaid O. Al-Shamsi, Amin M. Abyad and Saeed Rafii )



