Graham R W.
"From Beating Cancer Naturally to Building Successful Businesses: What Simple Mindset Strategies Made It Possible?"
Inflammation: The Root Cause of All Disease! If this 'CAUSE' is not considered it's likely you won’t achieve optimum health or fitness.
The reader is asked to suspend an opinion until they have reviewed this article in its entirety. Never make a decision until you know the whole story. IF you read this to the end you may personally decide to take some precautionary lifestyle changes and protect those you care for.
Most of those in the medical world may not necessarily have the awareness yet of how EMF (Electric Magnetic Fields) can impact our health but I believe we will see this becoming more of a consideration when they review the health of their patients in the future.
In this day and age folks, in general, are spending too much time on devices that emit electric radiation! A high percentage of people would be amazed at how much time they spend on social media.
Let’s remind ourselves of the problem with devices we need on the move that will continue to emit EMF as it's not practical to hardwire them. This includes cell phones, iPads, and laptops as examples.
The human body has its own EMF frequencies that radiate from the life of our cells and that’s how we internally communicate. The danger is when some devices radiate more powerfully than others and this can disrupt our cells and certain frequencies can break down DNA. This can affect our body's ability to communicate and repair and can lead to chronic disease. From personal experience seeing the effect on my own live blood analysis affected by EMF emitting devices was a wake-up call.
Warning Dr. Mercola stated in his article that 72 percent of industry-funded studies have failed to discern any biological effect cell phone radiation exposure where 67 percent of independent studies (those not funded by industry) did find biological effects. Draw your own conclusions after this guide as some of the peers researched papers have been provided in the footnote.
As stated by Professor Franz Adlkofer, Research Scientist, Verum Foundation Germany. "We are conducting an” uncontrolled and unplanned field experiment on humans”.
Where will EMF (Electric Radiation) fit into this chart?
Asbestos 1906 Complete ban 2005 EU 99 Years
Lead in Gasoline 1925 Complete ban 1997 USA 71 Years
Trans Fats 1958 To be banned USA 2018 60 Years
Smoking today 1949 First ban in public places 1995 Still going on.
EMF??? ?? 1998 ??First Ban French nursery schools 215 ?? Still going on
In the chart above it's clearly shown how tens of millions have suffered and died before legislation and policy could be put in place as profits shout the loudest. You cannot rely on your Government. Your best defense is knowledge and taking sensible precautionary measures in my opinion.
I get suspicious of anything vehemently opposed by an industry that is making HUGE profits and is usually defended by Government policy that is lobbied heavily in one way or another by an Industries focus on profits. It would not be a bad thing to err on the side of caution with EMF. It's not what have I got to lose but what have you got to gain as the stakes are your health!
Martin Blank, Ph.D. brings over 30 years of experience conducting EMF research at Columbia University and is a past president of the Bio electro magnetics Society. Martin Blank represented international scientists in an Appeal to the UN, UN Member States, and the WHO (World Health Organisation). Since then hundreds more have joined this cause. These 3 minutes might just change your view of EMF. https://vimeo.com/123468632
Please note there are thousands of compelling peer researched papers on EMF. When you read some of the research that has been validated by other scientists you’re want to run for the hills with a tinfoil hat on!
??EMF IS NO LONGER AN OPINION (validation of EMF) ?? – Beyond the world's experts that are independent warning of the dangers of EMF. Review the 4 points below!
- ?There is a REQUIREMENT for businesses in Europe to comply with safety measures to protect their employees from EMF. This is EMF Directive 2013/35/EU. Even if you’re not based in Europe - would this not give validation that EMF is no longer an opinion?
- Lloyd’s of London has excluded ANY liability coverage for injuries resulting in EMF. For example, school officials could be personally liable for exposing our children to microwave radiation in our schools. https://parentsforasafeschool.blogspot.com/2015/02/school-boards-left-on-hook-for-wi-fi.html
- Press Release 7th November 2018 - "Clear Evidence of Cancer" from Cell Phone Radiation: U.S. National Toxicology Program Releases Final Report on Animal Study. https://parentsforasafeschool.blogspot.com/2018/11/press-release-clear-evidence-of-cancer.html
- WiFi and mobile phones are banned in schools in a number of countries worldwide. The French Government banned WiFi & Cell phones for a reason from their nursery schools.
??NOTE - This guide is in sequence BUT reviews the content below in the order that MOST interests you and then read the rest of the article. This is a wake-up call.
Preview your area of interest and fast forward from point (1) to (9)
(1) My short story will 'SHOW' you the hidden and silent enemy that initially impacts on you immediately! This is from everyday devices that you are using and this impacts those you care for. Why EMF got my attention more than 10 years ago. ?? Watch the live 2-minute video in this section then you understand.
(2) EMF (Electric Radiation) the basics of how electric radiation starts at the cell level. WHAT MOST HEALTH, WELLNESS & FITNESS COACHES DO NOT UNDERSTAND ABOUT EMF. Why most are doing their members, clients, and patients a disservice in my opinion - especially if your recommending supplements and focusing on fitness your missing this vital point, and your client may not benefit from your guidance - watch the video with Martin Blank in this section.
(3) How could EMF from electronic devices impact our well-being? In this section, Dr. Devra Davis Ph.D. has served as an appointee to President Clinton and is internationally known for work on disease prevention and environmental health factors. This is an eye-opening 6-minute video with examples. After watching this you may think of how children accessing mobile phones should be done with some caution.
(4) Why hundreds of scientists from 41 nations appealed to the United Nations about the danger of EMF! What made them collaborate?
(5) Cell phones is the danger all in our heads? Find out more in this section.
(6) Why Protect our Children - because they have thinner skulls with a bone marrow that absorbs EMF 10 x more than adults! Why a number of countries our barring or controlling the use of Wi-Fi and smartphones in their schools?
Dr. Barrie Trower is a former Royal Navy Microwave Weapons Expert stated that EMF is going to cause more death and suffering than the entire world war 2. Listen to his views on how this can affect our children and for those during pregnancy in a 2-minute video.
(7) What can we do to reduce our exposure to EMF? ??EMFs Need Not Be Harmful – Know How You Can Protect Yourself and your loved ones.
(8) Be aware of EMF blockers and radiation shields that are recommended to block EMF. They give more cause to increase electric radiation! Find out more here.
(9) Summary by the author.
(1) Why I personally researched EMF - This was a journey that started for me in 2008. My research established that there is a hidden and silent enemy that impacts you instantly! Those you care for won't recognise the danger they place themselves in unknowingly. This video shows what happens to your living cells after short exposure to a mobile phone and a computer. THIS IS A MUST WATCH VIDEO BECAUSE THIS IS HAPPENING TO YOU if you don't take precautions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iv-HkTV4Gys ??
My life changed for the better in 2008 when I was diagnosed with cancer. Only I did not appreciate that at the time. ??
I was the last person to have cancer, in my opinion, I was a coach in martial arts - I had competed in a Tri-marathon and came 8th. Yet I got cancer...This was the start of a journey that would change my life for the 'better.
My experience of the suffering of both my dear parents, family, and close friends passing away from cancer, diabetes, and heart disease had given me an abhorrence of conventional treatments.
I was fortunate to be in a position to be able to take time out and took nearly 18 months to leave to research intensely health, fitness, mindset, and technology. I traveled to health clinics in my search for answers to establish how we get ill and how I could work my way back to health. I learned so much from the famous Gerson Clinic in Mexico about how the body wants to heal but sometimes needs support as we can compromise our immune system with poor lifestyle choices.
My research at that time revealed how complicated it was to work yourself back to health. It was so much more difficult at that time to seek answers but I recognised there was a big initial challenge. There was no one fit for everyone. What worked for one person may not work for someone else.
We are all individuals! Personal DNA testing available today reveals that even healthy foods can cause inflammation in some people. We all react differently to food, supplements, medication, and exercise. At the time for me, it was trial and error I did not have the advantage of DNA testing that's available today.
At the root of nearly every disease and health issue is inflammation. Here is the key IF inflammation is constant (we may not even feel this internally) it is the start of chronic disease and this destroys tissue!
My research guided me to go right back to basics to have a live blood analysis so I could see where I was at a cellular level. This would enable me to work my way back to health from the foundations up. A local microscopy specialist Pam Layfield recommended Dr. Young who specialised in research at the cellular level in the USA.
Following discussions with Dr. Young, a flight was booked for my wife, baby Jack of 6 weeks, and me to spend nearly 3 weeks staying at Dr. Young's avocado ranch in San Diego. This was the start of my journey to see where I was with my health challenge at the cell level. This started as soon as I arrived with live blood tests that were administered by extracting a few drops of capillary blood from my fingertip. The blood is then placed on microscope slides to be observed through a high-powered microscope and was blown up to 27,000 times so I could see my own lifeblood on a screen. Today this can be done up to 65,000 times! You can see inside the cell ...
This was an amazing experience as I saw the shape of my own blood cells - they were out of shape not resembling anything as they should – they were sluggish and hardly moving. My live blood was blown up in real-time so I could see everything moving, my red cells, white cells, T cells, B cells, toxins, bacteria, crystals, heavy metals, parasites, and the speed at which my cells deteriorated, and so on.
Dr. Young took my blood tests every few days and I could see amazing transformations taking place in a short period depending on my stress levels, social surroundings, physical activity and overall lifestyle all contribute to your DNA expression - or how your cells respond to their changing environment. What you eat is no exception. The nutrients in your food interact with your genes our overall lifestyle all contribute to our gene expression changing and how that affected my cells which are essentially the building blocks of life.
Nice to see my son Jack of 6 weeks has healthy-looking blood cells but Jack was not impressed with having a few drops of blood extracted...
I noted that there was one area that adversely affected my cells regardless of where I was with my lifestyle. Most folks are not even aware of this and it can cause chronic inflammation. This was an influence OUTSIDE of my body and thinking stress this was digital poison caused by man-made electric radiation radiating from devices that I carried around with me! Think mobile phones - I had a Nokia phone in regular use and a laptop ??
Most people take a rather cavalier attitude towards something they can’t see, hear, touch, smell, feel. The same could be said of oxygen and gravity - would we not treat these two areas with respect? That’s why you need to watch this 2-minute video and you begin to understand the dangers that are unseen that is impacting you and those you care for from electrical devices that you are using now. This video shows what happens to your living cells after short exposure to a mobile phone and a computer. IF YOU HAVE NOT WATCHED THIS @ MIN VIDEO WATCH IT NOW _VIDEO 2-minute video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iv-HkTV4Gys ??
Research has shown that when exposed to EMFs your red cells lose their negative charge and they stop bouncing off each other instead EMF makes them mutually repellant and they stack up like coins. This is a pathological process that stops them from doing their function and carrying oxygen correctly.
This confirmed I had to rebuild my health from my foundations and that was at the cell level. Reducing my exposure to EMF (Electric Magnetic Radiation) became an important part of my journey back to health. I had to be sure that my nutrition could be fully absorbed by reducing my exposure to electric radiation otherwise this could cause inflammation at the cell level. INFLAMMATION can stop or reduce the ability to absorb nutrition effectively.
Here are some images as captured by Luis Hernan who has produced a series of photographs that show the strength of wireless signals according to colour. He’s also produced an app that can be downloaded to a smartphone which can act as a very basic EMF detector. https://www.collective-evolution.com/2017/04/01/electrifying-images-of-wifi-signals-show-the-invisible-world-of-emf-bombardment/
This was an interesting statement by Samuel Milham, MD, MPH, author of Dirty Electricity: Electrification and the diseases of civilisation. “Most of the twentieth-century diseases of civilisation, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, malignant neoplasms, diabetes, and suicide, ARE NOT caused by lifestyle alone….
"Chronic diseases are now increasing in direct proportion to our exposure to high technology electrical devices.”
NOTE FOR DOCTORS & GENERAL WELLNESS & FITNESS COACHES if cells can have inflammation due to EMF stimuli - check to see if your client regularly carries around with them an EMF emitting device. This can be a mobile/cell phone or laptop for example - devices like this can cause inflammation. This can inhibit the cells from absorbing nutrition - if this is NOT checked out this could influence the benefits of any nutrition that's recommended or an exercise program. This will be expanded upon further in the guide this is an important point to understand before we get to section 9)
2) EMF (Electric Radiation) the basics of how electric radiation starts at the cell level.
Most folks have no idea how EMF impacts our living cells and because they can't see electronic radiation - we get blasé about what we hear about EMF. As mentioned we can't see oxygen and gravity either - but it is there you just can't see it as it influences your own body's communication.
All electronic devices create different frequencies of EMF that we are exposed too. To underline the point, it is not just mobile phones that emit EMF, its laptops, printers, computers, hairdryers, fridges, baby monitors, etc. We are surrounded by EMF that we can’t avoid BUT we can reduce the exposure and the effect.
Some devices radiate more powerfully than others and this can disrupt your cells and certain frequencies can break down DNA. This can affect your body by creating inflammation that can lead to chronic disease as research has shown by eminent scientists.
Everything has its own electromagnetic field. The human body has its own EMF frequencies that radiate from the life of our cells. That’s how they communicate we are essentially electrical beings. We have enough electricity in us to light up a small light bulb!
Let’s look at what we do know; the human body is composed of trillions of cells. They provide structure for the body, to take in nutrients from healthy food and appropriate supplements that go on to help repair and convert those nutrients into energy to carry out specialised functions. Cells are essentially the building blocks of life.
It has been PROVEN that EMF in simple laboratory tests can cause our cells to react to EMF as harmful stimuli. If EMF as a stimulus can be CONSTANT then this can lead to chronic inflammation.
We have learned that harmful stimuli that is constant can be a real problem if our cells are under consistent stress. So how could EMF be the cause of constant stress? Do you have a mobile phone, laptop, iPad, computer for example, could they be within your reach at any time? Your Wi-Fi, after all, can penetrate walls!
Microwaves only travel a short distance the main reason is that microwaves are absorbed by water vapor! Water is an incredibly good absorber of the microwave. We are 60% plus water – our babies are 78% water!!
Research has shown that once you become sensitised to electric radiation the EMF effects are cumulative! If our cells have inflammation this may reduce our ability to absorb nutrition and this can have a domino effect throughout the body. This is not like comparing temporary inflammation from an injury or a cold were talking about what effects this can have when we can be constantly stressed at a cellular level.
Martin Blank world-acclaimed scientist confirms in this short video that EMF is harmful stimuli at 2mins 40 seconds into this short video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qj_QgFIqAdE Constant stimuli can cause inflammation. Constant inflammation is the root cause of disease!
This is further reference following the world’s largest study that EMF has a cumulative effect!! The $25 million Interphone Study, the largest and longest study on the link between mobile/cell phones and brain tumors. Found a link between cell phone use and gliomas, a particularly deadly type of brain tumor. In the conclusion, the study’s authors stated - “regular use of a cell phone by adults can significantly increase the risk of gliomas by 40% with 1640 hours or more of use (this is about a one-half hour per day of cell phone use over ten years).”
Dr. Devra Davis Ph.D. is internationally known for work on disease prevention and environmental health factors and has served as an appointee to President Clinton. This is an amazing eye-opening video that’s just 6 mins long especially if you have children https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYDmIq-nTn4&t=6s
According to the Worlds Health Organisation (abbreviated to WHO) state that electromagnetic fields affect us because our human bodies have their own electric and biochemical responses (e.g., nervous system, digestion, brain function, heart function).
KEY POINT Our body uses low frequencies (0-30 GHz) for internal cell communication. Devices that emit low frequencies of less than 30 GHz will not interfere or cause damage to our own internal communication. THAT'S KEY!
So exposure to EMFs can interact with your body in adverse ways. For example, the frequencies that our smartphones emit in this range continuously interfere with our cell communication. If you check in your owner’s smartphone manual, it will state in the very (small print) not to have your smartphone within approx' ? inch of your body. How many hold their smart-phone to their head or in a pocket or an article of clothing?
EXAMINATION OF WATER CRYSTAL. When we examine water crystals we see that the water is characterised by a hexagonal structure. Test results show that (EMF) caused by active mobile phones destroys the structure of water.
This is a concern as the human body is around 60% water and babies are 78% water! Expectant mothers should err on the side of caution with laptops and mobile phones on the lap especially.
There have been simple experiments that anyone can do to establish the effects of EMF.
EFFECTS ON GROWTH OF WATERCRESS. In May of 2013 a team of Danish 9th-grade girls class at the Hjallerup School in North Jutland, Denmark did a scientific study on Wifi and found watercress seeds would not grow near a WiFi router.
The students placed six trays filled with watercress in a room without radiation, and six trays in another room next to two Wi-fi routers. Over the next 12 days, the girls observed, measured, weighed, and photographed their results. The cress seeds placed near the routers had either not grown or had deformed, whereas the cress seeds in the other room, away from the routers, thrived.
The experiment earned the girls top honors in a regional science competition and the interest of scientists around the world.
4) WHY HUNDREDS OF SCIENTISTS from 41 nations appealed to the United Nations about the danger of EMF.
EMF by leading scientists has referred to this as a disease of accumulation. Just like smoking a cigarette, you don’t get cancer from smoking your first cigarette perhaps it was the 32,000 cigarette that tipped the balance?
Decades ago those cigarette companies that profited from this along with the various governments said there was NO health problem. Even Doctors were supporting smoking with adverts promoting how smoking was not unhealthy. Cigarette smoking has been proven to be a disease of accumulation and now you have up to 4,000,000 people a year dying from smoking-related diseases – Both my parents died from smoking-related diseases.
The scientist's list of observed effects of EMF is well researched with thousands of peer researched papers: - Cellular stress, Increased cancer risk, increase in destructive free radicals, genetic damage, changes to the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being.
This is very real here is a list of professors, Dr. and Scientists worldwide that are appealing for governments to get involved to provide adequate protection and new policy. Check out who's representing your country. https://www.emfscientist.org/index.php/emf-scientist-appeal
5) Mobile phones is the danger all in our heads?
You may not know it yet, but your cell phone’s hidden antenna emits microwaves (though in much smaller doses)! This is similar to the type of radiation, microwave ovens produce, to heat your food. If this type of radiation is used to heat your food, can you dare to imagine what it would do to human cells?
- One of the main concerns associated with cell phone use is that the phone is pressed to the head. Since electromagnetic radiation shoots out—at the speed of light—in all directions, this radiation can penetrate up to two inches into your brain. More if you are a child with a thinner skull!
- When you get a hot head when using your cell phone, don’t think you can just ignore the symptoms. Research shows that once sensitized to EMFs the health effects are CUMULATIVE. That's to say if you continue using your cell phone, even only a little, the long-term health effects can be very profound. Err on the side of caution!
- It is very likely that twenty-thirty years from now, people will be wondering how we (in this decade) had placed such high-frequency radiation sources (cell phones) to our heads! If you and your family don’t inform yourselves on cell phone radiation dangers now, today’s knowledge (which if unheeded becomes useless), could become tomorrow’s nightmare!
Many specialists with independent research have been claiming that brain cancer is on the increase and tumors have been shown to grow more on the side that you use your cell phone! I fear that this will be on the increase in time.
Did you know that two-minutes cell phone use, or sitting near a WiFi router or cordless phone, is sufficient to disrupt the blood-brain barrier (BBB)? The BBB is a membrane that prevents toxic materials from the blood from entering the brain. It was first discovered in 1975 that radio-frequency radiation causes the BBB to leak since then at least a dozen laboratories around the world have corroborated this effect.
Surprising but true - In the sixty’s, a biologist named Allan Frey working at General Electric’s Advanced Electrics Center at Cornwall University he clearly demonstrated that radiation can open up the blood-brain barrier. In Radiation Nation Allen explains “After my work appeared and others supported some of it, effectively everything in the US on these topics was shut down. Today you can’t get funding to do anything of consequence”
Who would have believed this? - In 1993, Dr. Carlo an epidemiologist and pathologist were hired by the Cellular Telephone Industry Association (CTIA) to research—and hopefully forever silence—claims that cell phones cause cancer.
Later on, Dr. Carlo disbanded his company Wireless Technology Research (WTR), he was paid $25 million over five years to carry out the task.
After his research he sent an open letter to 30 chief executives of telecommunications companies, urging them to launch a public awareness campaign to warn about the potential dangers of wireless telephone technology. This would be especially relevant and true for children, who will be exposed to a lifetime of potentially DNA-altering or life-threatening radiation.
In 1999 Dr.Carlo started getting attacked and discredited by the very industry that hired him.
WHERE IS THIS GOING - A salesman from the UK who suffered a brain tumor is suing Nokia for “significant” compensation which could hit £1million – in a case that could cost mobile phone firms a fortune. Father-of-six Neil Whitfield, 60, claims heavy mobile phone use in the late 1990s caused a deadly growth. There are other cases that have been proven in Italy and other cases tied up in red tape. It only takes one big case to set a precedent and it will implode. EMF has an accumulative effect like smoking. https://www.emfsa.co.za/news/mobile-phonesbrain-tumours-court-cases/
DID YOU KNOW? Since 1996 Telcom companies in the US are protected by the Telecommunications Act (TCA) - this was after the industry spent $50 million lobbying this Act!
Two points from this bill:-
1) Telcom companies cannot be held accountable if a cell phone antenna or a tower EVER causes negative health effects. They have total immunity!
2) No one can tell Telcom companies to remove any kind of wireless service based on health issues IF they stay compliant with the FCC guidelines.
According to a recent scientific study published in Fertility and Sterility as highlighted by Dr. Mercola in a recent article, published in May 2007, this study investigated the effect of cell phone use on semen quality. 361 men were divided into four groups according to their active cell phone use, ranging from ‘no use’, up to ‘more than 4 hours’ per day. They found statistically significant changes in sperm count and health of the sperm, based on cell phone use.
Their conclusion? “Use of cell phones decreases the semen quality in men by decreasing the sperm count, motility, viability, and normal morphology. The decrease in sperm parameters was dependent on the duration of daily exposure to cell phones and independent of the initial semen quality.”
6. It would be wise to err on the side of caution to protect our children they are vulnerable in our homes and at their schools.
In fact, according to the International Agency for the Research on Cancer, when cell phones are used by children, the average RF (radio frequency) energy deposition is two times higher in the brain and 10 times higher in the bone marrow of the skull, compared with mobile phone use by adults.
The main focus lately seems to be on WiFi and smartphones, as a number of countries around the world have set severe limits with regards to the use of WiFi and cell phones around children in schools.
In this Daily Mail article top cancer, expert Professor Anthony Miller says wifi is as dangerous as tobacco and asbestos. Prof Anthony Miller of Toronto University couldn’t be blunter, saying: WiFi should not be allowed in schools.’
Professor Miller – who was Director of Canada’s National Cancer Institute’s Epidemiology Unit, and has held top posts in the World Health Organisation and the German Cancer Research Centre – is not alone in his fears.
The French Parliament passed a law to completely ban the use of WiFi routers and use of cell phones in nurseries, and to dramatically reduce the use of them in primary schools. Phone operators must offer handsets that only allow text messages.
In addition to that, the law states that Wi-Fi must be turned off in all elementary schools when it’s not in use. An air tube connection hearing aid, if possible, is preferred. When it comes to mobile phones in France, all advertisements must recommend headsets to reduce the phone's radiation exposure to the brain. Furthermore, advertisements directing cell phone use towards young children are banned.
The French National Library and many others in Paris, along with several universities, have completely removed all Wi-Fi networks, and it’s also banned in many municipal buildings. Based on their research, health authorities in France are saying no to Wi-Fi and cell-phones.
Around the world, countries are taking strong action to reduce wireless radiation on children. Countries like Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Austria, Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, Israel, Russia, and China have acted and taken a strong stance against wireless technology. For more information on whose taking action. https://www.parentsforsafetechnology.org/worldwide-countries-taking-action.html
Schools, teachers, and parents are taking action to ensure a healthy school environment for students and a healthy work environment for students and staff. See below a list of schools worldwide that have removed wireless networks or taken action to reduce exposure to children. https://ehtrust.org/policy/schools-unions-and-pta-actions/
Why are Children and the Developing Fetus More Vulnerable?
· Children have smaller heads with a shorter distance to brain centers.
· Children’s skulls and ears are thinner allowing radiation to penetrate further.
· Children’s brains contain more fluid and absorb more microwave radiation.
· Children’s nervous systems and immune systems are developing at a rapid rate.
· Brains are maturing through the early twenties.
· Children have more active stem cells which are shown to be more impacted by microwave radiation.
ADDICTIVE BEHAVIOR - recognise the signs.
Children and adolescents especially are increasingly displaying addictive behavior in the use of their cell phones and other online game devices. Some parents won’t see their children for hours usually because of online games or social interaction.
How many hours are they on these devices at home and at school daily??
Dr. Barrie Trower is a former Royal Navy Microwave Weapons Expert stated that EMF is going to cause more death and suffering than the entire world war 2.
Below are 2 min extracts from an interview with Dr. Trower to be warned he has some very strong views on EMF.
Microwave Radiation and Girls Ovaries - Genetic Mutation https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=16&v=6J-Z0HkqIfk
Microwave Radiation Is Not Safe for Children https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKF_5H89T7M
Prof.Hugh Taylor, MD, Ph.D., Chief of Obstetrics/Gynecology at Yale University Medical School, 2013 stated: "As a research scientist and physician who studies how microwave radiation affects the outcomes of pregnancy, I am deeply concerned about growing exposures to cell phone and other wireless radiation." -
Dr. Klinghardt stated that whether you can feel it or not, the disease rates are the same! We just don’t see the effects yet. “Out of sight, out of mind'' causes many folks to overlook the problem. Note that Dr. Klinghardt points out cell phone radiation in one cubic inch of air is millions of times higher than it was ten years ago.
Most will find the following 'inconvenient' to consider. BUT what could be the consequences of not...
1) Have you ever read the fine print with Apple and Samsung it tells you never to hold your smartphone against your head or any part of your body. You should never hold your phone pressed against your ear, in any pocket held in your pocket or in your bra otherwise you will get exposed to radiation outside of their guidelines.
2) Warning as reported by the Environmental Working Group using a phone case can increase the amount of radiation absorbed by your head by up to 20%-70%
3) Warning there are those who that think because they wear earphones or headphones they have created some safe distance from their cell phone. If this is wired, then you’re just transferring that radiation straight to your head.
The way forward is to use an air tube headset. The crucial difference is an empty, air-filled tube that connects up to the earpiece. The tube has no speaker, so there is no associated audio-frequency magnetic fields or microwaves and so the voice sound is generated by a tiny loudspeaker at the other end of the tube. This massively reduces the amount of radiation striking the head of the user.
4) Ensure that you keep laptops and other devices off your lap. Even if you are using an ethernet cable rather than Wi-Fi, as the electric and magnetic fields from the laptop can be very strong. Ensure you have the earthnet cables as far away from you as possible.
5) Most cordless phones use DECT (Digital European Cordless Telephone) technology. The handset and the base of the phone emit pulsed microwave radiation - continuously. Unplug your corded phone as much as possible and remove the handset from your sleeping area. Better still use a corded phone. More on this later as even some landline phones are unsafe!
6) WiFi in the home – WiFi installation exposes you to radiofrequency (RF) radiation 24/7. This can travel through walls and roofs with hardly any signal strength reduction. Studies show that RF radiation of this type has adverse health consequences. The solution is simple. Replace your WiFi installation with wired Internet. Wired routers are faster and safer (in terms of data transmission) than wireless ones. At the very least switch them off at night or put them on a timer to go off every night.
7) Wireless Games Consoles- consoles like the Nintendo Wii, Xbox 360, Sony Playstation emit significant levels of RF radiation the transformer units on these devices emit high electric fields. Prefer wired versions of these consoles (possible with the Playstation) and switch these units off when not in use.
8) Electric bedside alarm clocks- or worse don't use your mobile phone as an alarm clock unless you put it in airplane mode! Many smartphones give off high levels of magnetic fields at the time when you are most vulnerable.
9) Electric radiations from some cell phones can ramp up 1000 fold when the signal is very poor as your cell phone strives to get a signal. It is best to use your cell phone with optimum reception as each signal bar that is missing can increase your exposure hundreds of times. Try to use your phone outside or near a window.
10) Radiation levels are highest at the beginning of a call. If ringing waits until your contact has picked up your call. When your phone rings - accept the call and wait a few seconds before putting the phone against your ear.
11) Wireless baby alarms- your baby that’s crying can’t tell you why it’s distressed. This could be wind, hunger, or EMF. Replace your DECT version with an analog model or better still go for a wired version. Think of baby’s in front of baby monitors for hours with their thin skulls and being up to 78% water at that stage in their lives with an immune system not yet fully developed!
12) Your bedroom environment is the most important area to get right! Nighttime when you sleep is when your brain downloads the day events and starts to repair. So what happens in your body when it encounters the EMFs flooding into it? EMFs are perceived by your immune system as outside invaders, and therefore it creates stress hormones that flood your body and stress your nervous system. Do you wake up tired, perhaps foggy thinking during the day or a dull headache at times?
EMF has been stated by experts to impede melatonin production. The second you fall asleep your body follows a specific detoxification schedule you don't want this in being interrupted! Dr. Mercola stated that the hormone melatonin plays many important roles in your health, from helping you sleep better to strengthening your immune system, slowing down brain aging, reducing migraine attacks, protecting bone mass, and preventing cancer.
Be aware there is a lot you can do around the home, school or place of work to reduce your exposure and have more awareness. This is beyond this article - please contact me for more information if required.
(8) Be wary of EMF blockers and radiation shields that are recommended to block EMF as they can give more cause to increase electric radiation.
Here’s the problem in this modern age who wants to unplug everything and return to the dark ages?? Or it's not just practical to hardwire everything as we need to carry some of our devices around with us.
WARNING - Some of us buy into EMF blockers that we can attach to our smartphones for example so we can carry them around.
I reviewed blockers that are effectively a microchip in a sticker that can to varying degrees reduce EMF from where it's radiating. However, this can cause even greater problems as stated by the U.S. FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION
We are advised not to use the blockers and radiation shields that are being promoted as stated by the U.S. FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION as blockers could make matters worse!! As your Wi-Fi or mobile/cell phone tries to emit more Radiation frequency to stay connected!
The problem is that companies will demonstrate that their blocker works when placed on a device that emits electric radiation. They will use an EMF meter to demonstrate this right in front of their blocker.
However, the radiation still emits from the electric device like a mobile phone and may come out from the sides or the back. The electric radiation may just bounce around off walls for example and comes right back to you.
It's important to do your own due diligence and research to reduce your exposure to EMF.
This article is here to provide education with links to peer researched papers to validate that we need to be more mindful of the implications of EMF. More worrying is how this is going to be ramped up with the implementation of 5G review find out more below in Statements and references from the scientific community.
9) Summary by The Author
Generally, people have no idea of the dangers of electric radiation and if they do have a little knowledge are blasé as it's not seen but most will not feel any initial effects. Perhaps to begin with some foggy thinking, feeling tired when waking, or just a headache. However, there are thousands around the world that don't have any real build-up and are sensitive to EMF symptoms is usually past off by the doctors as something else. They don't even ask questions about your environment. There are thousands worldwide that literally have to live off the grid as there too sensitive to live close to EMF emitting devices.
EMFs like smoking it does not instantly cause real damage to you, or fry your brain — or else we’d all be dropping like flies. Initially, your body can handle this stressful exposure and is able to make the repairs. Most people even don’t feel any symptoms at this point.
But after being exposed to EMFs from EMF emitting devices for years, independent researchers have found that the human body starts deteriorating rapidly — triggering something they have coined Rapid Aging Syndrome (RAS).
- Most schools that are not working towards reducing EMF should be receptive with the right approach as they have a responsibility to children. They may be unknowingly exposing children to EMF in a place that should be a place of safety. (that’s why some countries have banned WiFi and mobile phones in their schools) Now we have Lloyd’s of London has excluded ANY liability coverage for injuries resulting in EMF. School officials could be personally liable for exposing our children to microwave radiation in our schools.
- Places of work want to be more efficient and this could be the case with EMF exposure reduced. How many people at work maybe be poorly, due to overexposure of EMF. Perhaps they are working near devices that radiate electronic frequencies. It might be that staff are just not working efficiently due to foggy thinking or fatigue that can be caused by EMF. In Europe, the EU deemed this serious enough so that all businesses have to comply with safety measures to protect their employees from EMF with Directive 2013/35/EU. Would that be worth investigating?
- Homes should be a safe place - you would be amazed at how people unknowingly subject their family to electric radiation and this could be reduced or avoided. What's going on while we're sleeping? Is the body actively trying to defend itself from EMF? Sleep should be when the body gets to work repairing and resting so we wake up refreshed not tired before the day has started.
BE AWARE the new generation 5G (5th generation) wireless networks will require adding millions of antennas worldwide in most developed countries. They are being rolled out without any real biological study researching and confirming that this is safe. More to follow on 5G!
If you have missed any of the short videos in the article, please find the time to watch as some are just around a minute long and the longest is only 6 minutes.
Most people are suffering from chronic health through lack of knowledge & are living in poverty - this does not have to be if folks work together with purpose. Collaboration can change the paradigm shift in the way that we work our own health in the future. Self-care is better than health care. ??but we have to go beyond the self!
Yours sincerely.
PS pm me or email me at [email protected] if you have any questions or want more information.
P.S. This article is natural and organic. What may be considered by some as typos, spelling, repetitive and grammar are deliberate and enhance its individual character and beauty and in no way are to be considered flaws or defects.
Statements and references from the scientific community.
- In 2015, Dr. Claude B?rtels (Science4Life Lab) completed a study titled The influence of electromagnetic radiation on human tissue with special consideration of the effect of magnetic field gradients https://www.symbio-harmonizer.com/en/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/151109_study-en_printversion.pdf
- Biochemistry professor and internationally known scientist on the subject of EMF health effects (Dr. Martin Pall), discusses the dangers of 5G. Among the major ill-effects, we will likely see some time after the introduction of 5G, according to Dr. Pall, include increases in blindness, hearing loss, male infertility, skin cancers, thyroid issues, and nervous system dysfunction. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBsUWbUB6PE
- MOST 5G STUDIES ARE MIS-LEADING AS 5G will use pulsed millimeter waves to carry information. But as Dr. Joel Moskowitz points out, most 5G studies are misleading because they do not pulse the waves. This is important because research on microwaves already tells us how pulsed waves have more profound biological effects on our bodies compared to non-pulsed waves. Previous studies, for instance, show how pulse rates of the frequencies led to gene toxicity and DNA strand breaks.
- “The new 5G wireless technology involves millimeter waves (extremely high frequencies) producing photons of much greater energy than even 4G and Wi-Fi. Allowing this technology to be used without proving its safety is reckless in the extreme, as the millimeter waves are known to have a profound effect on all parts of the human body.” -Prof. Trevor Marshall, Director Autoimmunity Research Foundation, California
- The EU are concerned about the effects of Electric radiation which has led to the EMF Directive 2013/35/EU. This has been put in place because this is of serious concern and impacts all businesses. This was derived from the Physical Agents Directive and the ‘The Control of Electromagnetic Fields at Work Regulations 2016’ -This means that all EUROPEAN businesses have got to ensure they are not putting their staff at risk with EMF. What organisations are compliant with the requirements to protect employees and others from exposure to electromagnetic fields in the workplace. Most businesses are not even aware that this directive exists - yet.
- “It would irradiate everyone, including the most vulnerable to harm from radiofrequency radiation: pregnant women, unborn children, young children, teenagers, men of reproductive age, the elderly, the disabled, and the chronically ill.” —Ronald Powell, Ph.D., Letter to FCC on 5G expansion
- You must draw your own conclusion - However, there are a growing number of scientists and experts around the world who have realised these EMF exposures pose a major threat to our health and are ringing the alarm bell. We can sit and wait as these industries and governments were in denial as they were with Asbestos, Lead in petrol/gasoline, Trans Fats, and smoking or we can err on the side of caution.
- “Based on the existing science many public health experts believe it is possible we will face an epidemic of cancers in the future resulting from the uncontrolled use of cell phones and increased population exposure to WiFi and other wireless devices.”David Carpenter, MD, Professor, Environmental Health Sciences, and Director of the Institute for Health and the Environment, School of Public Health, University of Albany, SUNY, Co-Editor, The BioInitiative Report
- Prof.Hugh Taylor, MD, Ph.D., Chief of Obstetrics/Gynecology at Yale University Medical School, 2013 as a research scientist and physician who studies how microwave radiation affects the outcomes of pregnancy, I am deeply concerned about growing exposures to cell phone and other wireless radiation ."
- “Sensitivity to electromagnetic radiation is the emerging health problem of the 21st century.” William Rea, MD Director of the Environmental Health Center, Dallas, Past President of American Academy of Environmental Medicine
- “There is every indication that cell phones cause brain tumors, salivary gland tumors, and eye cancer. It is time that fully independent studies be funded by those governmental agencies whose charter is to protect its citizens so that the truth about the very damaging health hazards of microwave radiation becomes clear and well known.” Lloyd Morgan, BS Electronic Engineering, Senior Research Fellow with the Environmental Health Trust
- “The greatest polluting element in the earth’s environment is the proliferation of electromagnetic fields.” EMF pioneer and Nobel prize nominee Dr. Robert Becker'
- “A disservice has been done in inaccurately depicting the body of science, which in fact indicates that there are biological effects from the radiation emitted by wireless devices, including damage to DNA, and evidence for increased risk of cancer and other substantial health consequences…The public the world over have been misled by this reporting.”Ronald B. Herberman, MD, Director of University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, 2008
- Dr. Havas has labeled this 'Rapid Ageing Syndrome' ??Dr. Havas is considered to be one of the world’s experts on EMR. A scientist, a professor at Trent University, and an environmental toxicologist. Dr. Havas states that the electric radiation activates the outer cell membrane, which triggers a chain reaction of devastating events that, ultimately, decimates and causes severe damage to your cellular proteins, and then DNA breaks.
- Confirmation that this is starting to hit the courts. A salesman from the UK who suffered a brain tumour is suing Nokia for “significant” compensation which could hit £1million – in a case that could cost mobile phone firms a fortune. Father-of-six Neil Whitfield, 60, claims heavy mobile phone use in the late 1990s caused a deadly growth. There are other cases that have been proven in Italy and other cases tied up in red tape. It only takes one big case to set a precedent and it will implode. EMF has an accumulative effect like smoking. Children now are exposed more than ever! ??
- Environmental exposures to artificial EMFs can interact with fundamental biological processes in the human body” states the Bio Initiative Report, which reviewed several thousand scientific studies over the last four decades
- There is some folk so sensitive to EMF they literally go off the grid and live in the wilds literally. There are thousands of them around the world that live as EMF refuges https://www.emfanalysis.com/emf-refugee/
- Schools, teachers, and parents are taking action to ensure a healthy school environment for students and a healthy work environment for students and staff. See below a list of schools worldwide that have removed wireless networks or taken action to reduce exposure to children. There is also a list of Teacher Unions and Parent Teacher Organisations that have issued statements, enacted policy and are calling for safe technology in schools. .https://ehtrust.org/policy/schools-unions-and-pta-actions/
DID YOU KNOW - In 1993, Dr. Carlo an epidemiologist and pathologist were hired by the Cellular Telephone Industry Association (CTIA) to research—and hopefully forever silence—claims that cell phones cause cancer. Later on, he disbanded his company Wireless Technology Research (WTR), he was paid $25 million over five years to carry out the task.
HOWEVER, AFTER HIS RESEARCH TO COUNTER THE CLAIMS OF CANCER - NO ONE expected the industry mouthpiece to come to the opposite conclusion. In October of 1999, he sent an open letter to 30 chief executives of telecommunications companies, urging them to launch a public awareness campaign to warn about the potential dangers of wireless telephone technology. This would be especially relevant and true for children, who will be exposed to a lifetime of potentially DNA-altering or life-threatening radiation.
Carlo, emphasised in his most chilling finding—that the cancer risk doubled for a certain subgroup that had neuroepithelial tumours near the side of the head, close to the location of cell phone antennas. Other findings link cell phones to cancer by showing that human blood cells exposed to cell phone radiation suffered the kind of genetic damage experts consider “high risk” markers for developing tumours. And yet, these findings were merely glossed over in a report in the final analysis. People should “read the fine print of any new studies that come in,” Dr. Carlo warned Your Cell Phone Should Bear a Strong Warning That It Is Dangerous to Your Health!
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Attorney at Law
3 年There is more evidence all the time that RFR/EMF is not good for people and it's up to each individual to educate themselves because big media won't. Kudos https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/making-case-against-wireless-claude-greenfield
The Learning Difficulty Expert - helping bright sensitive kids rediscover a love of learning, Speaker
6 年Nice article - thanks for sharing.
Transitional Wellness Provider: Spiritual life Mind Body Soul with Wings of Wisdom Arnold Properties LLC
7 年Does this sticker act as a conduit ? Energy can be Beautiful or Not Beautiful This is great information which is correct! There Needs to be Much more Awareness! I'm an Energy worker it never ceases to amaze me! Educating Ones Self is the Key!!! A'ho Mitakie Oyasin
Herbalife Nutrition Independent Distributor. Personal Wellness and Weight Loss Coach
7 年Very interesting.
Senior Marketing Manager | B2B Tech | Account Based Marketing | Demand Generation | Growth Marketing | T-Shaped Marketer
7 年Thank you for raising the awareness.