Cancer - Another Life Gone
Creator: ADAM OSWELL Copyright: Adam Oswell

Cancer - Another Life Gone


Young or old, rich or poor, wherever you leave in the World, it does not discriminate

Yet another human being in my life lost to Cancer, a good friend informed me whilst in transit from Australia to be with his sister (who died at a very young age)

Earlier this year a good friend at my local coffee haunt died of Cancer, another is battling it and yet another very good friend from the USA died a year ago

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My Coffee friends, less one

One Christmas I tried to "Join the Dots" by LinkedIn msg to 130 organisations associated with Cancer in one shape or form across the World seeking "Expressions of Interest" about creating an International Data Analytics Platform where everyone can use common datasets, such as census, social determinants of health

They can use their own private patient data as the data NEVER LEAVES YOUR PC, YOU DON'T HAVE TO LOAD INTO THE CLOUD, so is fully Privacy Compliant - see the video, thus gain valuable data insights

NHS, UK Cancer Data, 2016 here - Drive Detection Rates

WHO Global Observatory Data - Cancer here

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4th February 2022 - Today, 4th February is World Cancer Day. How many 1,000's projects are happening across the World when if they collaborated, we can accelerate health outcomes using a Single Global Data Analytics Platform?


