Cancellation of Exams
As an upcoming future generation lawyer, I am really intrigued and fascinated to see the proceedings of the case at Sindh high Court against Cambridge university board, proceedings against them to stop conducting O/A levels exams during amid deadliest COVID-19 attack,
I always hated the fact when a majority group of people ends up on roads to get their rights, which by the way causes problems to the general public, traffic jams, ambulances can’t find a way to move, people's right to free movement just gets restrict completely.
Since a young age, I have been a promoter of basic Human Rights and Rights that are given by the constitution of Pakistan. I had an interesting conversation with a friend last year when Cambridge released the School assessed grades. He was shocked to see his results and he was like “I never got below A in this subject how can they give me C for it?”. Calling his fellow classmates and students he knows all over Lahore, calling them out to protest at Mall Road, making plans to block Chairing cross.
I was like wait a minute, what exactly will you get from it “Bhai tum khud bhi khuwar ho jao ge, or dusron ko bhi karvao ge, all for nothing, why don’t you find a suitable lawyer who understands your rights and constitution of Pakistan and if you have a good arguable case then get him to file your problem to Court, to the authority that can really help you and the students that are really suffering with you”.
See the problem is that a major chunk of people and more importantly youth of Pakistan do not believe and understand their rights and the Constitution of this Country, they exactly don’t know to solve their own problems like modern civilized citizen instead they always prefer the rockier path that leads them to absolutely nothing, of course I can’t expect them to be aware of all that, where even the leaders of the political parties, their inspirations do the same thing.
Jibran Nasir was at his best today where he completely shattered all of the baseless arguments of the defense. Today after 2.5 hours of continuous hearing at Sindh High Court, where the defendants could not present one single credible argument in their favor, I am quite hopeful the Court adjourned till tomorrow at 10 am to complete arguments. #Cambridge is basing its case solely on the deadline of
17th April passing for Pakistan whereas with India Cambridge was flexible moving
deadline to 19th of April.
A similar case was also appealed in Lahore whereas of now Hon. Justice Jawad Hasan has heard all of the arguments and expected to announce his decision by tomorrow.
My Post is not about whether students should take their exams or not, but it's about that everyone in this country should fight for their rights and take them in a righteous way and how will they do that, only by understanding their legal rights and the Constitution of Pakistan