Cancel Culture: A Horrifying Affront to our Human Rights and Liberty

Cancel Culture: A Horrifying Affront to our Human Rights and Liberty

Cancel culture is the name given to the current trend of boycotting individuals or groups that have expressed opinions or behaved in ways that others find offensive. The practice has gained traction over the past 5-10 years, particularly on social media platforms, where people gather to denounce individuals who've violated a perceived norm.

While the goal of cancel culture is seemingly admirable - to create a safer, more tolerant society - the methods involved are oppressive and tribal. The most concerning aspect of cancel culture is its penchant for “guilty until proven innocent” attitudes. The problem with this mentality is that it violates basic human rights and liberties, without batting an eye. In this blog post, I'll touch on specific reasons why cancel culture and its mantra are a horrifying affront to human rights and liberty and why young people especially should be concerned.

Free speech: Firstly, cancel culture infringes on our right to free speech. Traditional liberal societies have always placed a great emphasis on free speech, and cancel culture threatens the very foundation of liberal democracies. By censoring and silencing all dissent, cancel culture stifles dissenting voices and undermines the critical-thinking skills essential for democracy to thrive.

Bullying: Secondly, cancel culture represents a new form of bullying. People who have been caught up in cancel culture have found themselves the target of both online rage and real-world threats. These attacks are particularly egregious because they seek to silence people and strip them of their dignity and their right to peaceful expression.

Fear: Thirdly, cancel culture encourages an atmosphere of fear within society. Cancel culture’s “guilty until proven innocent” approach means that everyone is vulnerable to being targeted, regardless of what they say or do. This fear can be incredibly damaging and can lead to a chilling effect on free speech and free expression.

Anti-diplomacy: Fourthly, cancel culture discourages open dialogue. Once people are aware of the consequences of expressing their views, they are more likely to keep their opinions to themselves, thus putting a damper on free speech. This can increase misunderstandings, escalate conflict, and result in the inability to resolve disputes through dialogue.

Hipocracy: Finally, cancel culture is often used to target people for past mistakes, even if those mistakes occurred years before. This “canceling” of people for past errors has led to the creation of a culture of hypocrisy, in which individuals are held to higher standards than those who seek to hold them accountable.

In summary, while cancelling someone for their thoughts, actions or beliefs may feel gratifying, cancel culture is a form of oppression that strips people of their right to free speech. It makes everyone vulnerable to being targeted, regardless of what they say or do, and discourages open dialogue. The chilling effect created by cancel culture not only infringes on our right to free speech but also our ability to learn from others and develop healthy relationships. Therefore, young people should be wary of cancel culture and ensure that their right to free speech, liberty, and justice is protected and preserved.


