Revised article!
We are in the midst of a barrage of cancelations of our liberty and the ring of truth. It has been given a name, “Cancel Culture”. However, there is nothing cultural about cancelling anything at all.
Cancelling is a choice we as individuals make in deciding what we want that fits our own taste or need. It is not anything others decide for us unless they are parents and we are their children in their care.
When I was a boy in the 9th grade of school, I had an English teacher who stressed, "always check the bibliography in the back of books and the background of the author before reading and absorbing the content they propose or state". He would say… "you must learn the source and its motivation before you proceed to absorb its message".
Today, most people accept the status quo of trends and viewed expressed on news channels and those from gossip. They do not take the time to filter what they hear. Consequently they fall victim to distortions, lies, and innuendos that do them no good what so ever. This divides a society and blinds their thinking and quickens the stampede of society to the edge of the cliff and disaster.
Each of us face a variety unanticipated challenges, interruptions, stresses and worries each day. This all presents a challenge as we go about our normal obligations of parenting, earning a living, paying a mortgage, paying taxes and more. With all this combined, we cannot see the forest through the trees so to speak. We are so occupied that we cannot trace the source of our dilemma of unexpected problems. We need a strategy. We need to take a time out and review all issues facing us. We need to identify the source. This is what is needed, to identify all problems and devise a plan to deal with them. Some times that means turning off the TV, the Internet, the constant reliance on our smart phone and idle gossip so we can begin to think for ourselves. If we do this, we will find that we have the means to figure out what really needs to be cancelled rather than listening to others telling us what should be cancelled!
Evil is real. It does not like or love us. In fact it hates us because we are the children of God who evil hates with a passion. Evil wants to cancel us and our pursuit of happiness. Evil wants us to doubt God and trust in it. Evil is secular and divisive. This is what we will find when we search out the motive of those who are hell bent on cancelling all they can, depriving us, Gods’ Children, from living in harmony and peace with ourselves and each other. We find evil at the core of this!
We are all brothers and sister in Christ Jesus. We all came from Noah’s Ark. We all came from Adam and Eve. We all came from God Almighty. We are one from many…. E pluribus unum! We are one for all and all for one! We are God’s children, all! The differences we see are a uniqueness that compliments the whole of all. We are like the hues of color making the spectrum. We are the graduations on a ruler. We are the notes of sound of a musical scale. We are unique and vital, each of us!
In God We Trust!