Canadian Veterans and Heroes
Please send this to all of your friends and family.
To family and friends,
In the wake of a new season beginning why not come together to make a difference? Let's support our Canadian Vets and Heroes!
I, Ashley Cyr, owner of Private Eye Investigations, have organized a month long fundraiser campaign in hopes of raising money to support our Canadian Veterans and Heroes, as well as provide awareness to those who underestimate the hardship our veterans suffer on a daily basis. From depression to suicide, substance abuse to homelessness, post-traumatic stress disorder to lack of health care, jobless to hopeless, lack of pension to panic disorder, physical injuries to mental trauma, and the list goes on.
From October 11th to November 11th 2016, I will be accepting donations of all kinds via my business website. Any contribution of over 20$ will be sent a tax receipt from VETS Canada, a charitable organization that aims to provide aid and comfort to our veterans that are in-crisis. Please provide your full mailing address when submitting a donation in order to get a receipt. Receipts will be mailed by the organization at the end of this calendar year.
How can you make a difference? Go to Private Eye Investigations' website and click on "Donate" today.
Or you can visit our Go Fund Me page at:
PS: Are you a business owner and want extra exposure? A 250$ donation will not only get your logo, including a link to your website, on our fundraiser page, it will also get your business advertised on all of our social networking pages. As a Thank You from me, you will also receive a 15% off voucher for any services offered by Private Eye Investigations.
Thank you for your support!
Ashley Cyr