Canadian Educators, Need More PBL PD?

Canadian Educators, Need More PBL PD?

First, congratulations to Canadian educators for creating a world class system. From my own experience, especially in Alberta, British Columbia, and New Brunswick, I have found the Canadian system to be a creative blend of great teaching practices that blend content knowledge with care for individual students and an exceptional focus on equity.

I've also had the pleasure of helping Canadian teachers master project based learning and I have observed the increasing build out of PBL practices in Canadian schools. At least partly, I attribute the rise in the status of Canadian education to a deep commitment to inquiry-based practices that encourage student engagement and motivation.

At PBL Global, I've taken some of this influence and incorporated it into online PBL courses for professional learning for teachers. It's always been my contention that the Canadian version of PBL is closer to the true path for PBL, as opposed to the strict 'standards-focused' mentality of many U.S. districts and schools. In both courses in the PBL Global online Library, 'Introduction to PBL & Best Practices', and 'Build Your PBL Skill Set', this flexible orientation is obvious.

I feel these courses are extremely useful for Canadian teachers who seek to master more PBL skills. If you're a Canadian administrator and are looking for professional support for PBL for your teachers, please get in touch with me. The online solution is effective and affordable. It also provides a social learning experience by allowing staff in a school or district to share ideas, questions, and projects with each other. This builds sustainability for PBL over time.

Contact me through the website at or email [email protected]. In any case, have a great 2017 - 2018 school year! Best, Thom Markham


