Robert Dean Steel
Minister at Cornerstone Community Church and Radio Personality at AM 930 the Light in Edmonton. Author & Musician
Robert Dean Steel
Cornerstone Community Church
????Recently we celebrated Canada Day.?It is the official celebration of our country which began in 1867 when in a peaceful transition from the rule of Great Britain began.?As a country we have made mistakes and had our dark times.?The one enduring symbol of our godly heritage is found in an inscription found on the Peace Tower in Ottawa.?It is a public declaration found in Psalm 72:8, which states, “He shall have dominion from sea to sea.”?Our country started with a Christian heritage and even though it is being eroded and bombarded these days because of this heritage our nation has been blessed.
????Canada has 25% of all the fresh water in the world.?We have some of the largest oil reserves in the world.?Recently diamonds have been found throughout Canada and we have become a major diamond supplier.?Canada has the largest boreal forest area in the world.?We are the second-largest country in the world in fact we are only smaller by 5000 square miles than all of Europe.?We have represented in our country every nationality on the earth.?Canada has been rated as the best country to live in for the past five years.?There is a long list of immigrants who want to come to this country.?My own daughter in law and granddaughter are recent arrivals in this country and both consider this the best place to live except when it gets super cold.?
????As I reflect on my country of birth I remember the many opportunities God gave me to live some where else but at the last minute closed the door so I could continually tell others of His grace, mercy and love here in my home and native land.?As I reflect on how we can improve our nation I am reminded of Proverbs 14:34 which says, “Righteousness exalts a nation and sin is a reproach to any land.”?It was righteousness and freedom that drove our early settlers to this land.?They wanted to carve out a nation that was free and open.?They believed in strong work and toil.?
????My mother’s family was a metis family in Northern Saskatchewan.?There were fourteen children who worked hard to with my grandparents to eek a living on a homestead.?My grandmother was war bride whose family were aristocrats.?She left England to start a new life in Canada.?Life was hard but when I was young I asked my grandmother if she regretted coming to Canada.?She said without hesitation her life had been hard but she never regretted coming because God had given her a wonderful husband and children.?
????To the early settlers of this land, God was a real part of their lives.?They believed that God had given them this land to build a new world and many did.?Were their injustices along the way of course??Any new nation will have its number of mistakes and growing pains.?Recent events in the news have shown this.?The secret of success and continued blessing is found in the two scriptures I have already mentioned.?God must have dominion from seas to sea.?Righteousness must continue to be lifted up in this land.?I close with one last exhortation.?The Christian community has one important responsibility.?We must humble ourselves, pray, seek the face of God and turn from our wicked ways.?God promises when?His people do that, He will hear from heaven, forgive our sin, and heal our land.?Today I encourage the people of God to pray for our national, provincial, and municipal leaders.?Pray for them to walk in wisdom, integrity, honesty, truthfulness, and accountability.?We do our part and God will do His.?