Can Your Words Change The World?
Spencer B. Hodgetts
Driving Social Change in the Pet Space as an Event Host & Super Connector | Disrupting Norms & Shaping Future Business Cultures
Where do you source the latest information & knowledge that will help you solve the wicked problem that you're battling with?
Where do your readers go?
Photo Credit: Ron Lach Pexels
Too often that information & knowledge is hidden, especially if it originates in academia.
Or on some social media platforms it's unsubstantiated & too individually opinionated. We've all seen those group posts on subjects such as raw meat, shock collars & training methods. Where I won't call it a conversation, where it becomes vitriolic to the point of virtual fist fights & character assassinations!
If we are to solve a 200 year old system of animal welfare that is broken then we need an alternative. One that provides information that is credible as in peer reviewed articles & from other reliable sources. One that is easily accessible to a wider audience than just academia. One that enables those practitioners working on the ground to digest that knowledge and create practical examples. One that becomes the trusted global source of knowledge for both existing & more importantly for the next generation of pet advocates. One that is both easily accessible on your favourite device & delivered regularly to your email inbox. One that enables a movement of pet advocates to change the world.
That alternative solution is launching September 12th & it's called Reboundog News
The categories & content you see are drafts to test out site....
We are now pro-actively sourcing additional content based on our 5 categories of :
- Animal has Adequate Nutrition
- ?Animal has Proper Shelter
- ?Animal is Kept in Proper Health
- Animal's Natural Behaviour is Allowed
- ?Animal's Emotional Needs are Met
Can Your Words Change The World? This is your opportunity for them to do so!
Do you have content that explores our 5 categories? Are you seeking a wider audience for your work, one where it will inspire social-impact globally? One where as a result of your words the world really did change for marginalised dogs & people.
NB: We are not paying for articles to be submitted.
If you are interested in submitting content then please message me on LinkedIn or email me at or book a 30 min call