Can You Vacuum Algae Out of a Pool?
There are many jobs involved in maintaining a swimming pool, but among the most common challenges for pool owners is something that they feel terrible about: green slime. Algae can change a clear pool into green, or turn an unattractive and untidy which no one wants to swim in black swamp of water. The best way to stop algae from taking over your pool is to vacuum it out. However, this is not as simple as it sounds. You'll need specifics about the various types of algae and what type of equipment is appropriate, how to go about efficiently removing it from the pool. In this comprehensive guide we will take you ever step of the way through vacuuming an algae-filled pool.
Understanding Algae in Pools
Algae are tiny plants which can multiply rapidly in a pool if given the chance. They enjoy warm weather and light conditions and multiply with amazing speed, particularly in poorly circulated, unfiltered chemically unbalanced pools. Four kinds of algae are common in pools:
Before starting up the process of cleaning the pool, a good preparation is necessary. It's essential to ensure that the pool cleaning process is efficient, and no algae will be missed.
With the pool all set, go at once and begin getting the algae out of the water. There are several pieces of work to do here so that you can be sure you get all the algae and they do not return.
Additional Steps That Need to Be Taken
After vacuuming the algae out of your pool other steps are required to keep your pool clean and algae-free.
Taking algae from a pool of green colors is a big project to say the least. First it takes proper preparation and the necessary tools, then one must be very careful. I shouldn't really see yellow algae use the same method? (See more on yellow-be dealing with it, page 16) Knowing the types of algae that flourish and their environments in your pool is essential if you are to remove them successfully. There is no substitute for thoroughness, patience and care whether algae are being removed manually or by machine, so that all foreign matters must be eliminated and your water properly maintained afterwards. Carrying out these steps and periodically examining your pool's chemical performance and circulation schedule will keep your pool algae-free and give you clear water throughout the season.