Can You Use Self-Assessments as a TPA/CB Revenue Source?
Matt Regusci
Husband & Father of 11 - Entrepreneur & Business professional in the Food/Cannabis/Consumable TIC (Testing, Inspection & Certification) Industry.
The COVID-19 pandemic has been highly disruptive for many companies, and third-party auditors (TPAs) and certification bodies (CBs) are no exception. Staffing issues, budget cuts, client visitor restrictions, and more have all made an impact on the bottom line of CBs and TPAs.
You can wait it out or you can adapt, overcome, and come out stronger on the other side. I see a big opportunity for third-party auditors and certifying bodies to modernize the way they serve clients, drive better safety, and improve profits. How? Embrace self-assessments.
I see a big opportunity for third-party auditors and certifying bodies to modernize the way they serve clients, drive better safety, and improve profits. How? Embrace self-assessments.
Self-assessments have been an overlooked opportunity of quality management, but they have gained new acceptance in the pandemic when auditors were not able to travel. I’ve seen first-hand how beneficial they can be, so here are three reasons self-assessments should be part of your auditing package.
1. Improve Client’s Day-to-Day Culture
Providing self-assessments to clients as part of your service offerings helps the client create consistency and reinforce knowledge. Their employees aren’t scrambling to prepare for a test that comes once a year because the fundamentals of safe, ethical operation will be baked into their culture.
At the location level, self-assessments reinforce employee training by ensuring they are adhering to required standards. Your clients will get better visibility into the day-to-day operations at every location. Employees will not only better understand the standards they must meet, but this also gives them a new avenue to give feedback on areas of their jobs that have opportunities for improvement.
2. Better Prepare Clients for Annual Audits
Some people see self-assessments that mirror annual audits like “cheating,” but I think it’s more like developing good study habits or taking a practice test. Clients who can use self-assessments in preparation for a third-party audit or certification audit are the ones who are prepared to receive their certifications with no or minimal correction required, which is a recipe for higher client satisfaction.
For example, a client looking to meet GLOBALG.A.P.’s certification requirements can use self-assessments and access the exact standards they will be audited on, fill out forms in the same way, and understand what their auditor is looking for and why. If you use RizePoint, you can even provide the audits in the same platform the auditor would use for the new Audit Online Hub submission requirements from GLOBALG.A.P.
Not only is this a better outcome for the client, but it’s a better outcome for every consumer who buys their product. Consistent, well-run environments lead to safer products and increased consumer trust. Additionally, customer retention is higher because you are adding more and regular value to clients, pulling them out of the “choose who is cheapest” cycle for a yearly audit.
3. Increase Revenue by Reselling Self-Assessments
When you make self-assessments part of your service offerings, you open a new revenue stream. You can purchase ready-made auditing capabilities from RizePoint, white-label them, and sell them to clients with a service charge built-in. Clients win via better, safer workplaces; you win by finding ways to stay profitable in a changing world.
Wondering whether you can make this work? Let's connect (or email me at [email protected]). I love helping people find solutions that work for them. If you are a TPA or CB and have any questions, comments, or want more information, let’s figure out a way to make you more profitable.