Can You Be Too Nice at the Office?
There is a humorous skit performed by Key & Peele by this title. It’s less than 3 minutes and is worth the trip to YouTube. Comedy aside, being ‘nice’ at the office is not an option. No one wants to work in a space where it’s dog-eat-dog or worse where basic manners are ignored. Being polite – asking permission – saying please and thank you are sometimes kicked to the curb in the name of being more efficient and more productive.
Efficiency and productivity should never be an excuse for poor behavior. Top producers should want to set an example of courtesy and respect within the workplace. Over-all morale depends on it. If the top producers are jack nuts when it comes to interpersonal skills then how will aspiring associates learn to be the so-called total package?
It doesn’t take any longer to be polite, be complimentary (without harassing) or to demonstrate a servant’s heart. Being humble is one of the greatest traits one can possess. Exercise humility liberally and you will wear the mantle of success within the office walls with trappings beyond financial reward. You will have earned everyone’s respect.