Can You Teach an Old Dog New Tricks?
Michael Podolinsky CSP, Global Speaking Fellow, Speaker Hall of Fame
Exponential Growth in Productivity, People & Profits - Managerial Productivity and Time Maximization
Joel Weldon taught me TWO salient lessons in 1982 which address the MYTH, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks." : 1) We aren't dogs. 2) Learning isn't a trick.
In psychology, 'learning' is defined as, "Creating a permanent change in behaviour."
Most of what we think is 'learning' is nothing close to a 'permanent change in behaviour' and hence, not learning at all; merely 'presenting'. We wedge human backsides into classroom or auditorium chairs and talk at them. It can be fun and entertaining or boring and tangential to their lives. Either way, if they do not change any behaviours, no real 'learning' has taken place. Often, 'bad training' will even have a detritus impact on their productivity and only satisfies a KPI.
I have addressed hundreds of thousands of 'audience members' since 1982. A mere 5% tell me they credited major change in their lives and lifestyles due to something I shared with them. Most of these 5% have enjoyed wildly successful careers and lives. Some even claimed the concepts I shared are now the cornerstone of their success in life. While these plaudits of approbation are indeed gratifying if not humbling, what about the other 95% who parked their carcasses in the same sessions? What transpired within THEM?
- Approximately 25% experienced multiple learnings and some have written me they received promotions as a result.
- Another 10-20% enjoyed a modicum of improvement which is obvious from the 90% repeat clientele I've enjoyed over the years.
- But all this means a full 50% (my closest estimate) do not even remember my name or programme topic they attended! HA!
I am certainly not alone. Pop quiz: If you attended multiple trainings in the last 10 or more years, name each instructor you sat in front of and / or the course title. If you cannot, you prove my point. Are you fresh out of uni or poly? Quickly name all your teachers / professors. A few stand out but usually, precious FEW make a lasting impression. My non-scientific personal study of this indicates we only remember about 6% of our education in TOTAL. Professors remember about 10% because they remember what they are currently teaching. Only 'memory masters' retain over 50% of what they have been exposed to through formal 'teaching'.
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I am embarking on a new track in my career. After 35 years of traditional 'education', starting in 2018, ALL of my programmes will be Blended Learning & fully supported by E-Learning.
Blended Learning: "Self discovery & participant interactive learning via online digital media WITHIN the programme itself. "
E-Learning: "Delivering education, training or learnings via electronic means, usually over the Internet."
The shift is from instructor based to learner based. Participants learning through discovery of online information as well as my case studies and live examples garnered from over 700 clients. Those motivated to go beyond the classroom may continue at their own pace in their own way through online courses and curated searches. Everyone receive immediate feedback on their learnings and put them into practice as soon as they receive the information... ideally the same day but next day at the latest. We strive to beat the 'Curve of Forgetting' and build in reinforcement and feedback into the material.
This process weans them away from instructor based 'learning' and into Lifelong Learning. Lifelong learners usually get promoted faster, are more likely to be hired by another firm and generally earn more money than those 'done' with their learning. A 'learner centric focus' continually renews the zest, zeal and enthusiasm for learning; igniting & fanning flames of growth, productivity and increased satisfaction in life.
Lifelong learners also acquire the skills to accept risks, do away with worry, banish fears, boost physical energy to become ‘track stars’ in life’s race to the top of their career path.
Balance is key and my new focus, helping participants maintain and nurture a high level of peace and contentment in their hearts. How? Just as distractions, ‘noise’, time wasters kill our personal productivity, digging into and unearthing methodologies to control these distractions and making them a priority to eliminate, empowers people to reclaim time stolen by worldly intrusions. Leaving fears, doubts and the ‘old self’ behind while emerging into a happier and more successful life. Self-discovery tends to restore balance and the 'peace' gone missing from many people's lives. Put simply... it's fun to learn again!
Forgive this long article. It's a 'manifesto' of sorts for me. My future commentaries will be terse by comparison and both content laden and 'blended learning' to be sure.
Thank you for reading and please share your comments and critiques. Particularly:
- What do you like in E-Learning?
- What do you dislike about E-Learning?
- What pros or cons have you experienced with Blended Learning?
- Any suggestions for me?
I will send you my complimentary e-book, 'Smart Leadership' to all who feedback to me any information.