Can you spot all my random 80's movies references???
Briar Harvey
Neurodiversity Media Network | Tech Founder | Creating exceptional content for relationship-driven businesses poised for growth
Are you spinning your wheels in your business?
Are you doing all the things, with not nearly enough to show for it?
Are you secretly convinced that a 6-figure business is out of the question, and those 7-figure idiots are all lying about what they've got here in their garage?
Honestly, most of them aren't lying. (Most of them.)
But they aren't *really* pulling back the curtain, either.
Because in almost every case, what they have behind that curtain is someone like me.
Someone managing all the details of their business, and prioritizing the best ways to create new sources of income.
Someone listening to what their clients are saying, and turning those conversations into new products and services.
Someone who looks beyond what you can see, without attachment, and who is totally willing to call out bullshit when they see it.
Now, let's get one thing crystal clear: I am not an OBM or a VA. And I'm not your integrator, either. (You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.)
This relationship is functionally much different than any of those things.
I'm not interested in the minutiae that your long-term integrator would be. I like to work myself out of a job, in roughly six months to a year, maximum.
I'm definitely not a VA. I don't punch a clock, and you aren't assigning me tasks. And I'm not cheap.
Some of my clients have called me their boss. A few have called me mom. (I don't encourage this. It's weird, plus I yell at my actual kids a lot. You probably wouldn't like it.) I've also been called the systems witch, a swiss army knife, and a force of nature.
I have to admit, I like that last one.
But what I do is actually pretty simple.
Mostly, I point out all the money you're leaving on the table.
That podcast you haven't monetized? Money on the table.
The website you don't have ads on? Money on the table.
Your terrible SEO and utter lack of Pinterest worthy imagery? Money on the table.
Where's your services page??? Money on the table.
Let's not even talk about that signature talk, regular public relations, live events, courses, high-end offerings...because it's all money on the table, baby.
But here's the thing:
YOU can't do all of those things at once. There's only one of you. You need someone to help you make some sense out of ALL THE THINGS, and then, help you to execute.
I'd call myself your executor,'re not dead, and I'm not Miracle Max.
And it's not really coaching, either, because I'm actually in the trenches with you, grinding out the stuff that feels impossible. Sales pages, copy, emails, tech, all of it.
Online business management is closest, but even that's not quite right, because I expect to hire and train an OBM when we're done, one who can manage the structure that we've created.
And structure is a good way to look at it.
Most of my clients don't start their businesses the "right" way.
They start in the kitchen, after the kids have gone to bed. They start in the margins, turning a side gig into a real live business. They start because they accidentally turn a hobby into something much bigger.
And when you start that way, you tend to overlook the foundations.
You stack technology in precarious ways, using whatever's cheapest, not necessarily what's best for the job.
You do things yourself, because you haven't bothered to figure out a way to outsource, and/or you know that no one would do it to your standards.
You have either completely ignored the mindset and personal development work you need to do, OR you have purchased so many courses and coaches and mastermind programs that you are hemorrhaging money, even if you are actually making something.
You haven't created the systems that would allow you to hire employees, or pay yourself a decent salary, or actually, you know, turn a profit. And I'm quite certain your accountant secretly hates you.
In short, you are the gatekeeper to your own business, and YOU are holding you back.
(I'd call myself the Keymaster, but that would be by far the most dubious of the 80's movie references that I have sprinkled in here.)
But...if you HAD a Keymaster, well, that'd be something, wouldn't it?
Someone to show you all the shit you're missing, and help you to figure out how to create momentum?
Someone to help your business...find a way? (Wild gesticulation totally optional.)
Someone to collect all those dolla dolla bills you're leaving on the table?
If you think that might be you, then I have one more retainer space available for the remainder of this year.
So if you're ready to take your business to the next level, feel free to slide on up into my DMs, and we'll take that shit to the sky!
For the rest of you who have read this far, there are a BUNCH of terrible movie references, plus a good-sized handful of random pop culture references. The first person to name at least seven of them gets a digital cookie or a free hour of my time, whichever you prefer.