Can you repeat that?
My team is building a new program, and one thing that was abundantly clear to everyone going into our discussions about our communications strategy is that very few things, including what we say about what we’re building, stick after one exposure.?
To that end, much of our strategy is centered around repetition:?
Say something once, maybe 10% of your audience will remember. Say it again, maybe it jumps to 15%. Repeat an idea dozens upon dozens of times and, eventually, you’ll get something close to (but never quite) 100% retention.?
The same principle applies to us as consumers of information:?
I can’t recall the contents of most of the books I’ve read over the last few years. The books that I do remember, I remember because I’ve revisited them multiple times and as a result have given my brain a chance to really digest and internalized their ideas.?
If you need to get an idea across, say it 100 times?—?maybe more. If you you come across a valuable idea that you know will benefit you, revisit it 100 times?—?maybe more.?
The Daily Spark exists for two reasons:
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About me:
I'm a second-generation Taiwanese American trying to find life’s greatest sources of meaning and make the most out of it