Can You Really Beat the Algorithm?
Rachel Wilson Thibodeaux - Digital Brand Strategist
Award-Winning Speaker | Service providers, reluctant content creators & thought leaders come here to monetize their brands & imperfection with EFFECTIVE digital strategies | Generative AI champion
If you’re an expert, service provider, small business owner (and perhaps in big business as well), in direct sales or anyone else who is familiar with the digital space, you know about the infamous algorithm. You’ve probably also heard about ways to beat said algorithm.
Whether it was a webinar, blog post, seminar or something else, you’ve been informed of ways/hacks to get around the algorithm. For those of you who may not be in the know, let’s make sure you’re aware of what exactly the algorithm is.
Essentially, an algorithm is a set of calculations, a formula or system typically used to manage data. I suppose there are relatively simple algorithms as well as complicated ones. As more and more people jump online and share more and more content, it becomes more important that algorithms are effective. These days it’s hard to discuss social media and certain other digital platforms for any length of time without also referencing the algorithm.
If you are into computer science, IT, STEM, or other things that tend to make the rest of our brains hurt, algorithms probably gets you excited.
So the algorithm has a lot to do with who sees our content and when. Not getting much organic reach on Facebook? It could be the algorithm. Not only are your comments way down, but far less people are grabbing your free video or report. The algorithm is not cooperating.
Now to be fair, it could also be that your content sucks (at least a little bit), your images are bad, your message doesn’t resonate, or that you’re posting at the wrong times. However, barring all that, it is absolutely possible (ok it’s pretty much a given) the algorithm on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn plays a role in the amount of exposure your content gets. Because ultimately, we don’t control these platforms.
Here’s a question for you. Can we really beat something we cannot control? Go ahead and marinate on that a little.
Rather than spending time finding ways to beat the algorithm (I know I know...posting every hour is the key *insert distinct side-eye*), I suggest leveraging other proven digital marketing strategies to get great results. My upcoming Dominate Digital 2020 Masterclass can help. This is your chance to maximize and monetize the digital space without time-consuming, stress-inducing tactics, some of which are downright ineffective. I’m covering 12 strategies - not a couple or three or five - 12 strategies to help you dominate digital that don’t require:
?? Post 3-5 times a day on social media
?? Constantly create content that’s compelling and inspires action (does your brain hurt? creativity tapped out?)
?? Show up in at least seven #Facebookgroups each week or perhaps you’ve even been told to do this every day.
?? Blog every week, making sure that it's "long-form content."
Nope! I’m not saying these strategies don’t work at all, but they tend to take more time, both in terms of DOING and getting results. Some of what you’ll come away with is:
?? How to use a relatively new feature of Facebook and Instagram that’s pretty under-utilized, but can 5x engagement, provide critical information about your target market, and can also be fun.
?? Discover TWO resources you can use to connect with media who are LOOKING for experts, business owners, and other leaders like you to feature in their stories. And these resources are FREE.
?? Something you can do with video or audio (that does not involve posting on social media) that can take your follow-up to another level, get you meetings with key decision makers and more. Doing this got me a PAID speaking engagement I’d pursued for over six months.
?? A way to monetize Facebook groups that more marketers are starting to use (but that the masses are essentially unaware of) that doesn’t involve posting in various groups. And more!
This power-packed online workshop is happening Jan. 26. If you read this after that date, you’ll be able to grab the recording. The same applies if you cannot show up live (although of course that is ideal). Registrants will receive a recording. You will not believe what I’m offering this masterclass for. You can thank me later:) Trust me; you want to reserve your seat now before my good sense returns. Seriously, I want to give more people a chance to benefit from these proven strategies that tend to fly under the radar. I want you to WIN!
If you found value in this article, someone in your network probably will as well. Don't keep it to yourself. Share, share, share! I also invite you to connect with me if you haven't already done so. Want more help connecting the dots between creating an unforgettable brand and a solid bottom line? Are you looking for BREAKTHROUGH in your brand and/or business? At SWAG Strategy Solutions, we help our clients breakthrough to more clarity, more visibility, and more profitability. Shoot me a message here on LinkedIn or an email to [email protected]