Can you put 2020 behind you and embrace 2021?
2020 is now behind us. Good Riddance!
It wasn’t the year any of us had hoped for given the Pandemic and all.
Now, I’m not one to spend too much time looking backwards. However, if we do look back for just a moment, I’m the first to admit there were some positives from last year.
Spending time with close family and friends. Connecting on Zoom and social media with people you may have lost touch with. Feeling resourceful about how to keep your bathroom stocked with toilet paper!
And if you weren't able to achieve your top goals in 2020, especially in the relationship department, you get to start over! A reboot, as we say!
So, I'm waving my magic wand "Abracadabra" and you get to start anew in 2021.
Now's the time to look at what you truly want in your life and make plans for how you intend to achieve your goals.
And given we may have at least 6 more months of social distancing, how can you use this time to move your goals forward?
Afterall, the efforts you put in now will pay off in 6 to 9 months.
Your past is your past. There's not much you, or anyone else, can do about it. So, it's time to focus your attention on the future.
What does the future look like to you?
Let me help you imagine it...
Imagine it's December 2021 and we've all been vaccinated!
How do you envision this time for you?
Where are you?
Who's in your life?
What are you doing?
Now's the time to put the wheels in motion to help make this your vision for your life come true.
Your life can change on a dime! And I've seen it happen for many of my clients.
Ken, a divorce dad in his 40's, met Jessica online last March. They are madly in love and now planning their future together.
She lives in Australia and he lives in DC. So, they just met in-person for the first time during the Christmas holidays after nurturing a virtual relationship for nine months!
Ken chose to work with me as his coach last February. Previously, he had been trying to meet the one for 9 years with no luck. Fortunately, he put is faith in my coaching program and it worked out wonderfully for him!
Lisa, a retired executive in her sixties, began coaching with me last summer even though part of her was doubtful that coaching could serve her.
After she learned and implemented my methodology for asking your social network for help, one of her friends introduced her to a widower.
Lisa and her new love are now planning their future together!
This month I'm celebrating 16 years in business as a life and relationship coach. I've empowered hundreds of singles to find true love. In a nutshell, what I offer you is hope for a better future -- a future filled with love.
If you're tired of the status quo and want to live the life you've been dreaming of, then let's talk! I'll take you by the hand and lead you through my process step by step. We will get you there.
And, you don't have to go through this alone! I'm here as well as my Motivated to Marry Community of men and women who are dedicated to the personal growth necessary to find true love.
I'd love to help you meet that special person in this New Year!
All you need to do is sign up for your complimentary Meet Your Mate Strategy session at by visiting the link in the comments so I can learn more about you and share with you my proven step-by-step coaching process. We can talk about whether this is the right next step for you.
I'll show you how you can meet your true love partner within 6 months (or less) as I've done for many of my clients who are now in true love or marriage partnerships.
Wouldn't it be great to celebrate the December 2021 holidays with your true love?
Wishing you a love-filled, Happy New Year.
Here's to a fresh start for us all!
I only have 3 more slots available in January for a Meet Your Mate Strategy session. Grab your session today! Go to: