Can you name the woman who has had the greatest impact on Klal Yisroel over the last 40 years?
Nachum Kligman
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The answer may shock you, not because you won’t agree with me, but because this Rebbetzin is such an anav that she never wanted to be in the spotlight and so you may have never heard of her. But you most likely have felt her impact.
Now what if I told you that this Rebbetzin does not have a cellphone or email address and works primarily with a corded phone and a fax machine? Now what if I told you she has directly impacted millions of Jewish people without ever raising a dollar? She has never directly asked for a donation from anyone. No fancy dinners. No meetings with wealthy donors. No foundations supporting her efforts. Everything she has accomplished has been solely done for Hashem with great love and the responsibility to transmit the mesorah as placed on her shoulders by the gedolim of the last 40 years.
This woman is Rebbetzin Tehilla Abramov, founder along with her husband Rav Yirmiyohu Abramov Shli’ta, of JME (Jewish Marriage Education) back in the early 80’s.
The Rebbetzin has taught her 48-hour Kallah Teachers course to well over 5000 women over the last 40+ years. Those 5000+ Kallah Teachers has taught hundreds of thousands kallas from all over the world impacting their husbands and children. Along with publishing 6 books including “The Secret of Jewish Femininity” and “Our Family, Our Strength”, the Rebbetzin has positively impacted and brought the beauty and kedusha of the mitzva of Taharas Mishpacha to millions of Jews around the world.
The Rebbetzin said over every minute of the 48-hour course directly to Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach ZT’L who approved every word. When Rav Elyashiv ZT’L was asked who the course is for, the Rav answered “Shaveh LiKol Nefesh”, it is for everyone. Rav Ovadia Yosef ZT’L glowingly supported this organization.
This is for Ashkenazim & Sefardim, Chassidish & Litvish, Modern Orthodox and the not yet orthodox. Hundreds of secular Jews who are not Shomer Shabbos has taken the classes from kallah teachers trained by JME, and many of them through this mitzvah has become shomeret Torah & Mitzvhos.
Now I can tell you many stories about the Rebbetzin that would have appeared in any book on Hashgacha Protis, but this campaign is not about her, the Rebbetzin doesn’t want it about her. It’s about transmitting the mesorah for the next generation.
The Kallah Teachers Course given over by the Rebbetzin and the Chassan Teachers course given over by Rav Abramov needs to be online in multiple languages. The lectures on Chinuch, Shalom Bayis, & what it means to be a Jewish Family are needed now more than ever around the world. Hundreds of thousands of women around the world who are thirsty for this knowledge don’t know this organization exists. There are families in Russia, China, South America and Thailand who’s lives would be transformed with this education as long as it was made available to them.
But here is the bold truth.
There is no budget for ads in Mishpacha, Ami, or Bina magazines. There are no funds for banner ads and email lists. The Rebbetzin was only focused on spreading the Torah and an updated list of kallah teachers was never maintained. The only way this campaign will succeed is if you can give a donation (of any size), and more importantly share this campaign with at least 3 other people. The course was given over for free to these 5000+ kallah teachers and the kallah teachers themselves were taught to never charge for giving it over to a kallah. So many people would lovingly give to this cause, but it is up to you to send it out. Please, please forward on Whatsapp, social media, your email lists etc.
I personally have pushed them to do this. We do not have 40 more years to teach another 5000 kallah Teachers. We need to teach and train another 5000 teachers over the next 3 years and together I know we can, we must succeed as millions of our fellow Jews around the world are depending on us.
Please join us and make a pledge here and share this link:
Thank you,
Nachum Kligman
Business Marketing and Sales manager
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