Can you move out of anger and move into peace? If yes – how?
Sunil Kaura
Wellness Facilitator l Eco-Entrepreneur l ex - Investment Banker l ISB I CA (#???????????????? #???????????????????? #???????????????????????? #?????????????????????? #???????????????????????????? )
traA.??? Introduction
Many times - we get angry.
Sometimes - it is just slight irritation.
While at other times - this is a full-blown storm.
What is the impact of this?
- Our blood boils
- Our blood pressure rises
- We lose our balance
- Our emotions run high
- We can't think clearly
- We say things that we don't even mean and later regret
- We end up hurting our loved ones (close friends & family)
- We feel drained - emotionally, physically & mentally
- Sometimes - we regret losing our cool ?
B.??? Why do we get angry – in the first place?
We get angry because:
- The other person has done something that we don’t like, or
- We feel that the other person has done something wrong, or
- Life is so hard, or
- God is unfair
Sometimes - we are angry with our ownself for not doing the right thing
?C.??? But – there is a deeper understanding to this.
The actual reason for getting angry is as follows:
?1) The trait in others that makes us angry is within us as well.
?2) We have a judgement or inner belief that a trait is bad / wrong
?3) Hence - we dislike the trait
?4) When we see that trait in others - our subconscious mind is reminded of that trait within us
5) This results in a subconscious (almost automated) response of anger
In other words - we get angry when we see a trait that we consider as bad - because it subconsciously reminds us that the same trait is within us. And we dislike that part of us.
D.??? Now that we know this – can we make a different choice?
Step I - Awareness
First and foremost – when we get angry we need to become aware that there is some trait within us that we strongly dislike.
The other person is merely reflecting that trait.
Step II- Explore
Once - we know that there is something within our inner space that is making us angry - we can choose to go within and explore.
We can do this in multiple ways - meditation, pranayama, yogic breathing etc
You can try 'Yogic Breathing' to calm your mind.
Sit or lie down in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.
Close your eyes and take 10 long and slow breaths into your stomach.
(Your stomach (lower part of lungs) expands when you breathe in and your stomach goes in when you breathe out.)
Once you feel relaxed – ask yourself inner self:
Why am I angry? What is that trait the other person that is making me angry?
Step III – Courage
Many times - we lack the courage to accept a trait within us, which we consider as bad.
Our ego / conscious mind comes in the way of accepting anything that we consider as bad or wrong.
This is core of the problem that needs a resolution.
Step IV – Let go of Judgement
When we let go of judgement of badness/wrongness with respect to the trait - we can truly accept the trait as an integral part of us.
But how do we let go of the judgement of good or bad / right or wrong.
1) First - we need to become aware that nothing in this world is good or bad / right or wrong.
Every thought, emotion & action has a natural outcome.
Some traits create ease & harmony in our lives and some others create dis-ease and disharmony.
For example – if we are disrespectful to others – then the natural outcome of the trait is that our relationships with others will be strained.
You see there is nothing good or bad about being disrespectful.
It's just that - if a person is generally disrepectful - the natural outcomes that she / he experiences are as follows:
- her / his relationships suffer
- he / she finds it difficult to experience deep, meaningful, caring & mutually contributive relationships
- he / she feels lonely
- he / she feels sad and could move into depression
- he / she finds it difficult to be in romantic relationships for long
- he / she finds it difficult to form collaborative relationships at work and so his / her growth and career prospects get affected
Now - if a person is comfortable with this natural outcome of being disrespectful - then he / she can continue to be direspectful.
However - if someone is not comfortable with this and wants to experience a new reality - then he / she needs to make a different choice.
Thus, there is nothing inherently good or bad in any trait, emotion, thought or action.
It's just that some traits like 'collaborating with others' creates ease while some other traits like 'deceiving others' creates disease in our lives.
If you wish to experience a new reality of ease & abundance – you need to go inside and then release the trait that is creating dis-ease in your life.
You can use any of the good meditation techniques such as Vipassana, Alpha Healing Meditations etc to go inside and release.
Once you are able to let go of judgement and are able to look at the trait with neutrality – the trait begins to dissolve.
Step V – Embrace the Trait
When there is no judgement inside you that a particular trait is bad - then you are in a neutral inner space.
In this space - it is very comfortable for your ego / conscious mind to accept that the trait exists within you.
This is the moment of transformation.
The moment you accept the trait & embrace it an integral part of you - it begins to dissolve. It releases from your inner space completely.
The trait will then no longer be part of your personality.
Step VI – Release of Trait
With the release of that trait - the following happens:
- you are no longer the same person and a new version of your Avatar is created
- you begin to experience a new inner and outer reality.
- you feel more calm and peaceful and your life becomes more ease, joy and abundant
?Step VII – Free from Anger
Now - when you see that trait in others - you don't feel angry because:
- there is no jugement within you that the trait is bad and
- the trait does not exist within you and
now, subconsciously, you don't feel bad about your own self.
This is how you can be free of anger and move into peace.
E.??Does this technique work?
In my experience - it works 100% of the times.
However - the challenging part is being in awareness when one is angry.
In the heat of the moment - when we are angry - it is difficult to be in awareness.
We find ourselves emotionally charged and not in balance.
So - once the anger settles down - you could take a pen and paper and start journalling and go through the above mentioned process.
F. Alpha Healing Meditiations from Spoorthi Wellness
I have found Alpha Healing Meditation from Spoorthi Wellness to be very helpful in:
- releasing the judgement of good and bad from my inner space
- embracing the trait within me that I judge
- and dissolving the trait
You can now access the Alpha Healing Meditations by clicking on the link below:
G. Choose Wisely
Even after becoming aware of the above reality - many a times - I find myself reacting in the normal way.
Our subconsious reaction is to look outside and blame someone or a situation for our anger.
It takes a lot of wisdom to remind ourselves of the reality that:
Our anger is just a messenger that conveys to us that there is something within us that needs a release.
However - when we choose wisely and follow the above process - the reward is very rich and deeply gratifying.
You move away from anger permanently (in that aspect) and feel free and light.
Your relationships with others improve. You feel more connected with your own inner self and others.
H. Continuing Journey
Please note that this is not a one-time journey but a continuing one.
There are a lot of traits within us that we consider bad. These create dis-ease in our lives.
Many a times - we are not aware of these traits as our conscious mind is not aware of their existence.
Anger is Universe / God's / One Energy's way of bringing our attention to these non-contributive traits - so that we can make a wise aware choice.
All the Best on this deeply gratifying journey.
To watch the full video – you can click on the link below:
?Spoorthi Wellness