Can you Lead Yourself Better?
Steve Perkins MA CDir FIoD FInstP AFOH
Managing Director of Steve Perkins Associates | Founder of Healthier Highways | Worker Health Protection Advocate
Running on empty...
Running a small business or leading in a larger organisation can be a lonely place. The demands of work can be both stimulating and draining. Driving vision, a strong work ethic and thick skin, whilst all assets at one time, can rapidly become liabilities if you have passed your safety limit and don't realise it. Often by the time executives are ready to acknowledge they need help it can be too late.
So how do you recognise the danger signs that you may be running on empty and ensure you don't sleep walk over the edge?
And what practical tools are available to help improve your resilience and well being?
Lead Yourself Better
These are some of the questions I'll be looking at in my new seminar entitled 'Lead Yourself Better', running as part of this year's Leicester Business Festival. The seminar is free to attend and will be held on Monday 30 October from 4:00 - 5:30 pm at Leicester University's prestigious College Court venue.
Seminar Contents
The seminar will provide opportunity for learning, interaction and Q&A in a relaxed, but professional setting. Topics covered will include,
- You are the project - understanding self-leadership
- Controlling anxiety - what do you believe about worry?
- The lost art of reflection - writing at the speed of life
- Your virtual board - how accountability can keep you safe
- Necessary endings - knowing when to move on
Entry is free of charge, but tickets must be booked via the Leicester Business Festival ticketing site here. Light refreshments will be provided. The event is kindly supported by Nelson's Solicitors Limited.
Steve Perkins MA Oxf CDir FIoD FInstP
I'm an experienced executive coach and Chartered Director. I serve/have served in a range of senior leadership roles in both the commercial and charitable sectors as a manager, CEO and Executive and Non-Executive Director. I will be speaking from personal experience on the highs and lows of senior leadership and how to be successful over the long haul.