Can You Keep A Secret?
Cybill (Manager): Does anybody have anything to say about this (issue/problem)?
Artemis(Team Lead): If we are going to maximize concept innovation, then we need to focus on strategic competencies.
Harper(CEO/Top Guy): Could you say that again?
Artemis: Absolutely, sir.
Harper: Not like a Harvard professor.
(everyone in the room chuckles. )
Artemis: From a strategic...
Harper: Without using the word "strategic".
Artemis: We should focus on ... what we do good. Well. Great.
Harper: Yes. Perfect!
The above conversation is from the movie, "Can you Keep a secret?" which I watched recently. This scene was very similar to the 1000s of meetings that I had been to, in my 16 years of IT experience. And I continue to get a sense of Deja-Vu! Meetings where bombastic words and boisterous personalities hijack/set the agenda and run the show, instead of plain old simple and effective common sense!IT which was once considered the intellectual introvert/ nerd's fort has already been breached!!!
I was impressed with the scene, not because it was great but because it was simple and effective ; showcases that solutions could be conveyed in simple words without using "grandiloquent" words like "strategic", "cloud", "Agile", "big data" , "machine learning", "AI" or whatever jargon that they use in their workplace to sound cool and brilliant.
#CanYouKeepASecret #AlexandraDaddario #CommonSenseWithCommonWords #KISS #KeepItShort&Simple #agile #cloud #strategy #service #messaging #AI #machinelearning #EQ #IQ #commonsense