Can you Imagine a World Without Integers.....

Can you Imagine a World Without Integers.....

So this was back in 2012, as I started interacting with the students I was irked to look into student psychology towards mathematics.

Frequently forgetting tables or basic concepts that were taught in junior classes, were quite common among them. The root problem lies in the way they internalize learning. When the concepts are hammered into their system, the learners don’t create any relation with them. They simply let it inside their system for the sake of examinations. In contrast, if a student tries to immediately weave a memory or relate the study in the practical world, it makes it engaging learning.

Often the same student who cannot recollect mathematical tables ends up memorising several song lyrics of movies. How is it possible? The trick lies in making the content flexibly engaging so that when anyone is memorising the lyrics or tables, make sure they enjoy the process. Otherwise, its existence fades away with time or stays with us only until our examination hall. 

I came across a sixth-standard kid, who persistently tried to convince me that he was unaware of the concept of integers. That’s when I realised, it was not that he never heard the term, but maybe he never experienced it. The moment called for a strong reconsideration of how understanding a concept should not only be limited to the present but also be crafted in such a pattern that it can be applied to future learning. 

Experiencing mathematics in our daily lives is the only way children will understand the relevance of concepts they learn around them. Students need to first question the gravity of this subject’s existence. They must understand that without maths, none of the technological innovations would have been possible over the years. Similarly, when the kid was trapped in a web of confusion, I first tried to make him explore the impact of integers in his life... by talking to him about his building lift, which had underground parking (Floors like -2,-1, 0 and then we went on to 1st Floor, 2nd floor and so on) This builds relevance for the learner rather than just a number line.

What do you think? Where would we be if integers were not introduced in the first place? Leave a comment below!!!


