Can you imagine living without gadgets? High time to think about harmful Radiations emitting from them and adversely affecting your health?
Something surrounds you, bothers you, something that you cannot see, touch or feel. But surely can experience every day, everywhere you go. It is odorless and tasteless, yet you use it and depend on it every hour of every day. Without it, you know that the world cannot exist. What is it? “Electromagnetic Radiation”. The waves that crosses spectrum from very short gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet rays, infrared waves, visible white waves, and microwaves to radio waves that can measured longer than a mountain range. EMS is the foundation of the information of the modern world. Your radio, text messages, mobile phones, television, microwave oven, even the doctor’s x-rays, all depends on the waves depending on the electromagnetic spectrum.
Electromagnetic waves or EM Waves are similar to ocean waves and both are energy waves. They transmit energy. EM waves are produced by the vibration of charged particles and have electrical and magnetic properties. But unlike ocean waves, that requires water, vacuum of the space and at the constant speed of light, EM waves travel through the vacuum of the space at the constant speed of light. EM waves has crest, and trough. The distance between the crests is called as the wavelength. Some wavelengths are long some are tiny. These are measured in billions of a meters, and nanometres. The number of these crests that has a given point in one second is described as the frequency. EM waves has the lowest energy and are low. Adding energy increases the frequency of the waves and makes the frequency of the waves length shorter. So as you sit watching TV, not only are the visible lights tracking your eyes but also radio waves transmitting form nearby station and microwaves carrying cell phone calls and text messages and waves from your neighbour’s WIFI and GPS units in the cars driving by there are some waves from all across the spectrum passing through your room right now. With all these waves around you, how can you possibly watch your TV show similar to tuning radio to a specific radio station, our eyes tune in to specific region of EM spectrum and can detect energy from 400 -700 nano meters. The visible white regions, of the spectrum. Objects appear to have colour because EM waves interacts through their molecules. Some wavelengths in the visible spectrum from our reflected and other waves lengths are observed. Scientists and engineers have defined waves to enable us to see the real EM spectrum of the visible light. Data from multiple waves helps scientists to study all kinds of the amazing phenomenon on earth. From seasonal change to specific habitat, everything around us EMITS, REFELECT, and ABSORBS EM radiations in differently base on its composition.
Characteristic patterns like finger prints in the spectra, allow us to identify object’s chemical composition, and to the term such physical properties as temperature, and density. Healing our sun in multiple wavelengths so hold satellite allow scientists to study and understand sun’s parts that are associated with solar flyers. We are constantly learning about our world and taking advantage of the unique information contained in different waves across the EM Spectrum.
There are enormous amount of scientific evidence showing and authenticating EMR is harmful to health. It is a paradigm. While talking about radiations and cancer, many people think of specific kinds of radiation that act differently. Radiofrequency, RF which includes radio waves and microwaves is at low energy end of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is a type of non-ionizing radiation. Non ionizing radiation has enough energy to move atoms in a molecule around or cause them to vibrate, but not enough to ionize remove charged particles from To recognize the evidence that really have to undergo a transformation of belief some will accept this much easier than others. X rays are an example of radiation, but the light that comes from sun and heat that is constantly coming off from our bodies. While talking about radiation and cancer, many people think of specific kind of radiations that they might get from various source. We all are subject to natural radiation all day long, whether we are indoors or outdoors. We are exposed to so many types of radiations like cosmic radiation, radioactive gas found in some areas with natural occurrences of Radium, Radon. And then there is Sun, a natural and most important source of radiation. i.e. sunlight. We all are used to it, most of the times it is harmful but we still have to be dependent on same.
Some common facts about the radiations in people’s lives-
1) Common day-to-day headaches are not related to mobile phone use as there are no scientific evidence to it.
2) There is no scientific evidence that mobile phone can cause the cancer.
3) It is the antenna from which we should keep the distance not from the mobile tower. At the ground level, the intensity of RF radiation from base station is much less.
4) Radiations emitting from various electronic gadgets that we use in our day-to-day life can be a cause of cancer in long run.
5) Generally perceived harmless to human it can cause negative biological effects.
6) Bluetooth and WIFI technology is a warning for all of us.
7) ELF, Extremely Low Frequency radiation, which is generated by a computer and laptop can be hazardous to health.
8) Radio Frequency, RF occurs when wireless technologies such as WIFI and Bluetooth are in transmission mode.
9) Heat Radiation which is evidenced by the rise in temperature that is felt, when a device is powered on for a longer period of time. Eg. One can sense small amount of heat emanating from the refrigerators at our home.
Affirming research conducted back in the 1970’s that bought in the light some dangers associated with EMFs, scientists from the Environment protection Agency most recently warned that the ELF radiations alter calcium ion activity in cells that regulates energy production, membrane function integrity, and both central and peripheral nervous system health.
So, its always recommended to keep the laptop and computers off when not in use and away from body as much as it can.