Can you imagine?
Can you imagine the power of one elephant who can lift three or four full grown men at once and carry them for miles?
Can you imagine the power of one tractor trailer that transports 6 or more 10,000 Lb coils of cold rolled steel?
Can you imagine the power of one diesel locomotive train that can haul over 100 box cars or tank cars of product and materials?
Can you image the power of one Aircraft Carrier that is the home to a minimum of 4,500 people and a complement of helicopters, super sonic fighter jets, bombers and can travel over 40 knots when at full capacity?
Can you imagine the demonic destructive power of one Hydrogen Bomb?
Can you imaging the demonic destructive power of one?F5 or greater Tornado?
Can you imagine the demonic destructive power of a Category 6 or greater Hurricane?
Can you imagine the demonic destructive power of magnitude 8 or greater earthquake??
Can you imagine the demonic destructive power of an astroid or comet the size of Chicago or larger hitting Earth?
All the afore mentioned collectively is but a particle of power that is the collective power of focused prayer. Prayer opens a channel of Divine Light to those who pray.?
When prayer is evoked for healing, it excites the core of each atom in the area of concern and jump starts the immune system. Focused prayer works to overtake the problem of concern by reaching back to its origin or source. I floods the cause with Divine Light. As this Divine Light compounds from others focusing their prayers on the same problem and floods that cause with intense heat and illumination, it ultimately vaporizes the cause and thereby removes the effect from that cause! The more prayer we apply, the brighter the light. The brighter the light, the more heat and consumption of the cause. It as simple as… power in numbers!
For every effect there is a cause. Today,?Medicine and Politics are in the same malaise. They chase the effect or symptom rather than the cause.?For example… All sickness, trauma, allergies, disease, insanity and birth defects are from evil or the forces of darkness. These forces are attacking us daily by following their agenda. That agenda is to destroy mankind by preventing man from realizing his or her destiny, a destiny which is spiritual development leading to the reunification with God, from which we came. The same for shootings, knifings, abortions, murders, rapes, thefts, muggings etc., which all come from evil that originates when removing God from homes, schools and daily lives. This evil breaks up marriages and families leaving children fatherless and over burdens many women to struggle on their own.
Humble Prayer is our access to power like no other. It is God’s favor given to us to use. It opens unlimited possibilities for each of us. It is the answer and solution to all that is wrong with the world today. Prayer is never wasted, especially, Prayer when focused, structured and repeated with dedication and regiment. This form of Prayer will prove to you as it has to me, to be the most powerful thing one can imagine.?